Benefits for Vietnamese citizens participating in people's public security service in 2021

Vietnamese citizens perform military service or people's public security service to show patriotism and national pride. Here are the benefits when participating in people's public security service in 2021.

Nghĩa vụ công an 2023: 10 thông tin quan trọng cần biết

According to Article 8 of Decree No. 70/2019/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government regulating the performance of people's public security service, during active service and upon discharge, non-commissioned officers and soldiers on duty are entitled to benefits and policies prescribed for non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the people's armed forces stipulated in Article 50 of the Law on Military Service of Vietnam and documents detailing its implementation.

Specifically, according to Article 50 of the Law on Military Service 2015 of Vietnam guided by Decree No. 27/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government on policies for active duty non-commissioned officers/enlisted soldiers, demobilized non-commissioned officers/enlisted soldiers and their family, benefits for Vietnamese citizens participating in people's public security service are as follows:

1. Allowances according to rank, additional allowances, extra allowances and other allowances and policies

Rank allowance regime for People's Public Security service soldiers is entitled to the corresponding rank allowance level. Specifically, table of allowances for non-commissioned officers and soldiers on duty in the People's Public Security issued together with Decree No. 204/2004/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government on salary regime for officials, public employees and armed force personnel is as follows:

Note: Due to the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, the National Assembly of Vietnam agreed not to increase the base salary in 2021, accordingly the base salary in 2021 continues to remain unchanged at VND 1,490,000.




Allowance in 2021


Master Sergeant












Private first class







In particular, according to Article 4 of Circular No. 95/2016/TT-BQP of the Ministry of National Defense of Vietnam, active non-commissioned officers/soldiers who have their duration of service extended as regulated by the Law on Military Service shall receive 250% of the current monthly rank allowances from the 25th month onwards.

To determine the allowances: Allowances from the 25th month onwards = Current monthly rank allowances + Allowance on service period extension

(In which: Allowance on service period extension = Current monthly rank allowances x 250%)

2. 10 days leave and and allowances for travel cost

According to Article 3 of Decree No. 27/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, from the 13th month on service, an active non-commissioned officer or soldier has an annual leave of 10 days (exclusive of the travel time) and receive allowances for travel cost under current regulations.

Besides, for non-commissioned officers/soldiers who have used up their annual leave, if their family suffer from natural disaster or a serious fire or their parents, parents-in-law; lawful fosterer; spouse; children or legally-adopted children pass away or they gain remarkable achievements during duty performance, they will be given a special leave of a period of no more than 5 days (exclusive of the travel time) and receive an allowance for travel.

3. Exempt from postage when sending money, mailers or parcels

According to Clause 1 Article 5 of Decree No. 27/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, active non-commissioned officers and soldiers shall be exempt from postage when sending money, mailers or parcels and provided with 4 letter stamps/month (current price is VND 4,000/stamp) and monthly rank allowances in the same period.

4. Interest-free deferral of loan repayment of loans from Vietnam Bank for Social Policies during the service period 

According to Clause 2 Article 5 of Decree No. 27/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who are members of poor household or students who have taken loans from Vietnam Bank for Social Policies shall be eligible for an interest-free deferral of loan repayment during the service period under current regulations.

5. The family of an active non-commissioned officer/soldier shall receive an irregular allowance

According to Article 6 of Decree No. 27/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, in any of the following cases, the family of an active non-commissioned officer/soldier shall receive an irregular allowance of:z

- VND 3,000,000/time if the house of the active non-commissioned officer/soldier collapses due to a fire or natural disaster or the incident results in relocation or causes severe financial damage; provided no more than two times a year for each active non-commissioned officer/soldier;

- VND 500,000 for each family member who has suffered from illness for at least 1 month or has undergone one-time treatment in the hospital for at least 7 days; provided no more than two times a year for each member of family of an active non-commissioned officer/soldier;

- VND 2,000,000 for each family member of an active non-commissioned officer/soldier who is killed in combat or dies or is missing.

Moreover, children and legally-adopted children of an active non-commissioned officer/soldier shall be entitled to remission of tuition fees in public or private general education institutions.

6. One-off discharge allowances

According to Article 7 of Decree No. 27/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, the allowances for one year serving in the military force shall be equal to the amount of 2 month’s statutory pay as regulated by the Government at the time of discharge. To be specific: One-off discharge allowances = Number of years serving in the military force x 2 month’s statutory pay.

Note: Allowance for an incomplete year shall be determined as follows:

- Less than 1 month: no allowance; 

- 1 – 6 months: 1 month’s statutory pay;

- From more than 6 months to 12 months: 2 month’s statutory pay. 

Moreover, in the case of non-commissioned officers and soldiers with a long period of active service according to regulations, upon demobilization they will receive additional allowances as follows:

- Non-commissioned officers/soldiers who have served in military force for 30 months inclusive shall receive an additional allowance equal to 2 month’s current monthly rank allowances when discharged;

- If discharged prior to the time mentioned above, an additional allowance of 1 month’s current monthly rank allowances shall be paid for the period from the 25th month to the 30th month.

7. Academic records retained and plus points in recruitment of officials and public employees

According to Article 8 of Decree No. 27/2016/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, non-commissioned officers/soldiers who are studying in or receive an acceptance letter from vocational training institutions or tertiary education institutions before enlistment shall have their academic records retained and may be admitted by these institutions after discharge.

When discharged, if the non-commissioned officer/enlisted soldier who has fulfilled his/her duty of military service desires to enroll in vocational training courses and is eligible for vocational training, he/she shall be provided with vocational training as specified in Decree No. 61/2015/ND-CP of Vietnam’s Government on job creation policies and national employment fund.

Moreover, Article 8 of Decree No. 27/2016/NĐ-CP also stipulates that discharged non-commissioned officers/soldiers shall be given priority in job provision and plus points in school recruitment or recruitment of officials and public employees; and shall receive 100% of salary and allowances suitable for their knowledge and skills during probation.

8. Other benefits

In addition to the above-mentioned benefits, discharged non-commissioned officers and soldiers are also eligible for other benefits, specifically as follows:

- Discharged non-commissioned officers/soldiers will have a farewell meeting before discharge held by their supervisory authority and taken back to their residence place as regulated or provided with an allowance for travel.

- Discharged non-commissioned officers/soldiers shall take entrance exams to universities inside and outside the Public Security sector and receive priority points according to regulations.

- The study period of soldiers and conscripts is counted into the time limit for consideration for rank promotion and continues to enjoy the rank-and-file allowances as if they were in active service.

- The time to participate in the people's police service is counted into the working time and enjoy the regimes and policies according to current regulations.

>>> View more: Citizens are not required to take medical examination for military service as ordered if they fall into the following 5 reasons

Le Vy


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