Additional 21 hazardous and dangerous occupations and works in the field of tobacco production in Vietnam

This is one of many fields with hazardous and dangerous occupations as specified in Circular 11/2020/TT-BLDTBXH promulgating the list of arduous, hazardous and dangerous occupations and works, and extremely arduous, hazardous and dangerous occupations and works in Vietnam.

Additional 21 hazardous and dangerous occupations and works in the field of tobacco production in Vietnam

Additional 21 hazardous and dangerous occupations and works in the field of tobacco production in Vietnam (Internet image)

Specifically, in Chapter XII of Circular 11/2020/TT-BLDTBXH, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs has listed 32 arduous, hazardous and dangerous occupations and works in the field of tobacco production in Vietnam.

Decision 1629/LDTBXH-QD, Circular 36/2012/TT-BLDTBXH, and Decision 1152/2003/QD-BLDTBXH only stated a total of 11 hazardous and dangerous occupations and works in this field. However, by the time Circular 11/2020/TT-BLDTBXH officially takes effect (March 1, 2021), this number had increased by 21 hazardous and dangerous occupations and works. Specifically, the 21 occupations and works added to this circular are listed below:


Name of profession or job

Characteristics of working conditions of occupations and jobs

Type V working conditions


Transporting and loading cigarettes manually.

Manual, very arduous work, restrictive working posture, often exposed to nicotine, dust, and mold.


Fragrance Spray (mentol).

Working in a closed, narrow room, in direct contact with high concentrations of menthol and nicotine.


Manually transporting and loading tobacco ingredients.

Manual, very heavy work, restrictive working posture, frequent contact with nicotine, dust, and disease-causing mold.


Chemical analysis and quality assessment of raw materials and tobacco products.

Regularly being exposed to chemicals, nicotine, tar, and cigarette smoke through the respiratory tract.


Operating fermentation furnaces and cigarette drying furnaces.

Regularly being exposed to nicotine, tobacco vapor and dust, and disease-causing fungi. Working under the impact of high temperatures.

Type IV working conditions


Checking the quality of tobacco leaves.

Frequent exposure to nicotine, fungi, disease-causing bacteria, and restrictive working postures.


Storekeeper and preservation of tobacco leaves.

Working in a closed room, lacking oxygen, exposed to very high concentrations of nicotine, and restrictive working posture.


Drying, vacuum steaming, cutting tobacco stems and tops.

Regularly being exposed to nicotine, mold, and disease-causing bacteria.


Operating tobacco processing line.

Working under the impact of dust, noise, and nicotine.


Collecting fibers, baling, and transporting tobacco fibers and accessories in the factory.

Manual and arduous work, exposure to nicotine and tobacco dust.


Operating cigarette rolling and cigarette packaging machines.

Exposure to noise, dust and nicotine.


Industrial hygiene at tobacco production workshops and treatment of scrap and waste tobacco.

Regularly being exposed to tobacco dust and high concentrations of nicotine.


Operating tobacco roaster.

Arduous work, restrictive working posture, affected by heat, tobacco dust and high concentrations of nicotine.


Classifying and processing medicinal leaves; Handling moldy tobacco leaves.

Restrictive working posture, exposure to molds, bacteria and high concentrations of nicotine.


Operating a machine to tear and sieve broken cigarettes.

The workplace is cramped, the working posture is restrictive, and under the impact of tobacco dust and nicotine.


Sieving, roasting, grinding tobacco dust.

Working under the impact of very high concentrations of tobacco dust and nicotine that exceeds the allowable standards many times.


Mixing and rolling tobacco sheets.

Arduous work, under the influence of highly toxic nicotine and drug dust


Cleaning, tearing, and sifting scrap cigarette paper.

Arduous work, under the influence of nicotine and dust.


Operating printing machines for cigarette packaging and accessories.

Frequently being exposed to noise and toluene.


Manually making tobacco paste.

Arduous work, contact with dust and chemicals: HCl, distrin, CO.


Operating air conditioning system.

Traveling a lot, being affected by noise, dust and nicotine.


Striping and moistening the tobacco leaves manually.

Heavy work, restrictive working posture, exposure to dust, mold and very high concentrations of nicotine.


Operating cigarette dust remover.

Working in a closed room, being affected by high noise and nicotine dust many times exceeding permissible standards.


Allocating supplies and raw materials to factories producing yarn, packing bags, and rolling cigarettes.

Walking a lot; Working under the impact of noise, dust, and nicotine.


Repairing equipment in fiber production, bagging, and cigarette rolling workshops.

Heavy work, restrictive working posture; Working under the impact of noise, dust, and nicotine.


Mixing flavorings for tobacco production.

Regularly being exposed to chemicals, nicotine, and substances that irritate mucous membranes, eyes, ears, nose, and throat.


Checking the quality of cigarettes on the technological line.

Frequent exposure to nicotine, fungi, tar, and pathogenic bacteria; restrictive working posture.


Smoking pots for quality raw tobacco and cigarettes.

Tasting the sensory quality of tobacco. Regularly being exposed to chemicals, nicotine, tar (tobacco tar) and cigarette smoke through the respiratory tract.


Tobacco tissue culture.

Frequent contact with cleaning chemicals, sample and instrument disinfection chemicals, growth stimulants and mutagens; exposure to alcohol lamp under high temperature conditions.


Operating tobacco processing line equipment

Uncomfortable working posture, affected by noise, dust, mold, and nicotine.


Mechanical and electrical repair and maintenance of equipment in tobacco processing lines

Heavy work, restrictive working posture. Working under the impact of noise, dust, industrial grease, and nicotine.


Operating boilers in tobacco processing lines

Heavy work, under the impact of noise, dust, and nicotine.

Le Thanh


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