13 benefits for participating in military service in Vietnam in 2020

As we know, annually citizens are drafted for military service once in February or March; in cases necessary for national defense and security reasons, citizens may be drafted for a second time. The issue here is what benefits will those who perform military service receive during their time in service and upon discharge?

Rights  When  Participating  in  Military  Service

Illustrative image

Regarding this matter, LAWNET provides the following explanation:

According to Clause 1 Article 21 of the Military Service Law 2015, the service period in peacetime for non-commissioned officers and soldiers is 24 months. After 24 months of military service, non-commissioned officers and soldiers will receive allowances and subsidies as follows:

1. Enjoying allowances based on the current military rank

Specifically, according to current regulations, the military rank allowance of non-commissioned officers and soldiers is calculated based on the current military rank allowance coefficient multiplied by the statutory pay rate. Currently, the statutory pay rate is 1.49 million VND/month. However, according to Resolution 86/2019/QH14, from July 1, 2020, the statutory pay rate will be adjusted to 1.6 million VND/month.

Thus, the military rank allowance from July 1, 2020, is as follows:

- Private: Coefficient 0.4 - Allowance: 1,600,000 VND x 0.4 = 640,000 VND/month;- Private First Class: Coefficient 0.45 - Allowance: 1,600,000 VND x 0.45 = 720,000 VND/month;- Corporal: Coefficient 0.5 - Allowance: 1,600,000 VND x 0.5 = 800,000 VND/month;- Sergeant: Coefficient 0.6 - Allowance: 1,600,000 VND x 0.6 = 960,000 VND/month;- Staff Sergeant: Coefficient 0.7 - Allowance: 1,600,000 VND x 0.7 = 1,120,000 VND/month.

2. Receiving additional allowance if the service period is extended

Besides the military rank allowance policies mentioned above, non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the military who are decided to extend their service period by the Minister of National Defense as per Military Service Law 2015 will receive an additional 250% of the current military rank allowance from the 25th month onwards. The calculation method is as follows:

Allowance from the 25th month onwards = Current military rank allowance + Extended service time allowance


Extended service time allowance = Current military rank allowance x 250%

Note: This allowance does not apply to non-commissioned officers and soldiers waiting to transfer to professional soldiers, workers, national defense public employees; waiting to go to school, taking entrance exams; studying at academies, schools inside and outside the army and other cases.

3. One-time allowance upon discharge

- If serving 24 months in the army: Non-commissioned officers and soldiers discharged from the army will receive a one-time allowance equal to 2 months' statutory pay rate for each year of service in the army (full 12 months).

In case of odd months, the calculation is as follows:

- Less than 01 month: no allowance;- From 01 month to 06 months: 01 month's statutory pay rate;- From over 06 months to 12 months: 02 months' statutory pay rate.

- Additional allowance for extended service period: Non-commissioned officers and soldiers whose service period was extended as stipulated, upon discharge will receive additional allowances as follows:

- Service period from the 25th month to less than 30 months: additional 01 month's current military rank allowance;- Service period of 30 months: additional 02 months' current military rank allowance.

The statutory pay rate from July 1, 2020, is 1.6 million VND/month. (Currently, the statutory pay rate is only 1.49 million VND/month)

4. Job creation allowance

According to current regulations, non-commissioned officers and soldiers who complete their mandatory service under the Military Service Law 2015, upon discharge, will receive a job creation allowance equal to 06 months' statutory pay rate according to the regulations of the Government of Vietnam at the time of discharge.

Currently, the job creation allowance is 1.49 million VND x 6 = 8.94 million VND, but from July 1, 2020, this allowance will increase to: 1.6 million VND x 6 = 9.6 million VND.

5. Returning to work at the previous workplace

- For those who worked in state agencies, political organizations, or socio-political organizations before enlisting, they will be re-employed, assigned suitable jobs, and assured income not lower than before enlistment.

If this agency dissolves, the superior agency or organization must arrange suitable jobs.

- For those who worked in economic organizations before enlisting, they will be re-employed, assigned suitable jobs, and assured salary and wages commensurate with their job position, salary, and wages before enlistment.

If the economic organization has ceased operations, dissolved, or gone bankrupt, policies for workers of that economic organization will be applied.

6. Employment placement priority by local authorities and organizations

Specifically, non-commissioned officers and soldiers discharged and returning to their local areas will be given employment priority by local authorities and awarded points during recruitment of officials and public employees.

7. Enjoying 100% of salary and allowances during internship periods

Specifically, during the internship period, discharged non-commissioned officers and soldiers will receive 100% of the salary and allowances of the recruited grade corresponding to their training level.

8. Returning to education institutions or schools

Non-commissioned officers and soldiers who were studying or had admission letters to vocational education institutions or higher education institutions before enlisting will have their results preserved and continue their studies at those institutions.

In case non-commissioned officers and soldiers who complete their service upon discharge wish to receive vocational training and meet the requirements for training support, they will be supported according to Decree 61/2015/ND-CP.

9. Extra points in public employee recruitment exams

Specifically, according to Decree 161/2018/ND-CP, those who complete their military service or short-term service in the People's Public Security forces, youth volunteers, and young intellectuals volunteering to develop rural and mountainous areas for 24 months or more and have completed their tasks: receive an additional 2.5 points in the results of round 2 exams.

10. Extra points in official exams or selections

According to Clause 2 Article 1 Decree 161/2018/ND-CP, those who complete their military service or short-term service in the People's Public Security forces, youth volunteers, and young intellectuals volunteering to develop rural and mountainous areas for 24 months or more and have completed their tasks: receive an additional 2.5 points in the results of round 2 exams.

11. Service time counted towards social insurance contribution

According to current regulations, the service period of non-commissioned officers and soldiers is considered as the social insurance contribution period for the purpose of calculating social insurance policies as stipulated.

If, prior to enlisting, there was a period of work with mandatory social insurance contributions in state agencies, organizations, or economic establishments of all economic sectors, upon discharge, the previous work period with social insurance contributions is added to the service period to determine social insurance benefits as stipulated and will be settled by the Ministry of National Defense's Social Insurance.

If, prior to enlisting, there was a period of work with mandatory social insurance contributions in state agencies, organizations, or economic establishments of all economic sectors, upon return to the old agency or state agencies, organizations, economic establishments of all economic sectors, and continuation of social insurance contributions, the previous work period is added to the service period and the subsequent work period with social insurance contributions to determine social insurance benefits as stipulated.

12. Travel allowance and subsistence when returning home

Non-commissioned officers and soldiers upon discharge are organized a farewell meeting by the direct management unit before discharge, with an expense of 50,000 VND/person; they are seen off and taken back to their local residence as stipulated or provided with travel expenses (economy class) and subsistence from the unit to their home.

13. Additional encouragement allowance for female non-commissioned officers and soldiers

According to Article 6 of the Military Service Law 2015, aside from men, women can also voluntarily perform military service when the military needs. In this case, every month, female non-commissioned officers and soldiers receive an additional encouragement allowance equivalent to 0.2 times the statutory pay rate.

With the statutory pay rate of 1.6 million VND/month from July 1, 2020, the encouragement allowance for female non-commissioned officers and soldiers will be 320,000 VND/month.

According to Resolution 01/NQ-CP, a new Decree on salary policies for officials and public employees and armed forces will be issued in the near future (replacing Decree 204/2004/ND-CP dated December 24, 2004). Furthermore, according to Resolution 27-NQ/TW, from 2021, the statutory pay rate will no longer be applied as is currently, hence the allowances based on the statutory pay rate mentioned above will be adjusted according to new regulations from 2021.

Legal basis:

- Military Service Law 2015;

- Resolution 86/2019/QH14 on the state budget estimate for 2020;

- Decree 161/2018/ND-CP amending and supplementing some regulations on recruitment for officials and public employees, promotion examination for officials and public employees, and implementing contract policies for some jobs in state administrative agencies and public service providers;

- Decree 27/2016/ND-CP stipulating policies for non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the military, discharge, and their relatives;

- Decree 204/2004/ND-CP on salary policies for officials and public employees and armed forces;

- Circular 79/2019/TT-BQP guiding the implementation of the statutory pay rate for those receiving salaries or military rank allowances from the state budget in units under the Ministry of National Defense;

- Circular 95/2016/TT-BQP guiding the implementation of Decree 27/2016/ND-CP stipulating policies for non-commissioned officers and soldiers serving in the military, discharge, and their relatives;

- Decree 61/2015/ND-CP stipulating policies for employment support and the National Employment Fund.

Nguyen Trinh


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