10 contents of national land use planning in Vietnam

What are the regulations on the contents of national land use planning in Vietnam? - Hong Phuong (Da Nang, Vietnam)

10 nội dung quy hoạch sử dụng đất quốc gia

10 contents of national land use planning in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. What is the national land use planning?

According to Clause 4, Article 3 of the Law on Planning 2017, national land use planning means the national planning that is aimed at realizing the national comprehensive planning for allocation and zoning of land used by fields, sectors and areas on the basis of land potential.

2. 10 contents of national land use planning in Vietnam

Specifically, in Article 22 of Decree 37/2019/ND-CP, the national land use planning shall contain at least::

(1) Analysis and assessment of factors, natural conditions, resources and context that have direct effects and current use of land by sectors and fields:

- Natural conditions, resources and environment;

- Socio - economic development; field and sector development; population, employment, income and customs related to land use; urban and rural development;

- Effects of climate change on land use;

- State management of land related to the implementation of land use planning, including current use of land by each type of land, land use change by each type of land during the previous planning, economic, social and environmental effectiveness in using land;

- Results of implementation of land use planning during the previous period according to planning norms;

- Potential of land used in agricultural and non-agricultural fields and potential of unused land.

(2) Forecasting of trends in land use change:

- Agricultural land use change;

- Non-agricultural land use change;

- Unused land use change.

(3) Viewpoints and objectives for land use during the planning period:

- Viewpoints on use of agricultural land and non-agricultural land appropriate to the socio - economic development strategy and national comprehensive planning;

- Objectives for use of agricultural and non-agricultural land satisfying requirements for socio - economic development, national defense and security assurance, environmental protection, natural disaster management and resilience to climate change.

(4) Orientations for use of land for the planning that covers a period of 10 years with 30 - 50 year orientations.

(5) Plan for use of land achieving national objectives for socio - economic development, national defense and security assurance, environmental protection, natural disaster management and resilience to climate change.

(6) Area of national land used for specific purposes:

- Paddy land (including wet rice agricultural land that needs strict protection); protection forest land; special-use forest land; production forest land (including land for production forests that are natural forests);

- Land used by industrial parks; land used by economic zones; land used by hi-tech zones; urban land; national defense land; security land; land for development of national infrastructure, including land for transport, land for construction of cultural facilities, land for construction of health facilities, land for construction of educational and training institutions, land for construction of physical training and sports facilities, land for construction of energy facilities, land for construction of post and telecommunications facilities; land for construction of national reserve warehouses, land where historical and cultural sites/monuments exist; land for waste dumping and treatment;

- Unused land, including unused land that has been used during the planning period and remaining unused land.

(7) National and regional land use planning maps.

(8) Effects of the plan for spatial distribution and arrangement for land use on economy, society, environment, national defense and security.

(9) Solutions and resources for planning implementation:

- Solutions for land protection and improvement and environmental protection;

- Resources for land use planning implementation;

- Solutions for organizing and supervising planning implementation

(10) Planning reports, including consolidated report and brief reports, national land use planning diagrams, maps and database.

A list and scale of national land use planning maps specified in Section III Appendix I of Decree 37/2019/ND-CP.

Thanh Rin


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