07 notes for F0 self-isolating at home in Ho Chi Minh City

The Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City has issued Official Letter 151/SYT-NVY dated January 6, 2022, updating the instructions for the drug package “Home health care for F0 people” (version 1.7). Accordingly, there are 07 notes for F0 to self-isolate and monitor their health at home in Ho Chi Minh City as follows:

07 notes for F0 self-isolating at home in Ho Chi Minh City

07 notes for F0 self-isolating at home in Ho Chi Minh City (Artwork)

1. Conditions for isolation at home

- F0 self-isolate at home must meet 02 clinical criteria:

(1) No symptoms or mild clinical symptoms (no respiratory failure: SpO2 ≥ 97% when breathing air, respiratory rate ≤ 20 breaths/min).

(2) Age from 3 months to 64 years old, no underlying disease, not pregnant, not obese, have had the full dose of vaccine. For those who do not meet these conditions, they can be considered for isolation at home if they have stable underlying diseases, have no signs of abnormal health, ensure that they receive the full dose of the vaccine or after 14 days from the date of vaccination. The first vaccine against COVID-19 and F0 has a desire to isolate at home.

- At the same time, have the ability to take care of themselves: F0 people can take care of themselves (such as eating, bathing, washing clothes, cleaning...); know how to measure body temperature; the ability to self-medicate according to a doctor's prescription; have the ability to contact medical staff to be monitored, monitored and when there is an emergency.

In case F0 is a child or a person who cannot take care of himself, someone needs to take care of him.

Note: If F0 meets the above 2 criteria, but if there are people in the household at risk (people with high-risk underlying diseases according to the list of underlying diseases of the Ministry of Health, people over 50 years of age, pregnant women) , people over 18 years old who have not received the full dose of COVID-19 vaccine), encourage F0 to isolate elsewhere (no people in the risk group or isolated) to reduce the risk of spreading to other members of the family. households, especially those in at-risk groups.

2. What do F0 need to prepare for self-care and health monitoring at home?

In case F0 is eligible for home isolation, it is necessary to comply, self-care and monitor health at home, specifically as follows:

- Prepare necessary items when isolated at home, including : Thermometer; SpO2 measuring device, blood pressure monitor (if any); medical masks; means of hand hygiene; physiological saline solution to gargle, rinse the nose; personal item; Infectious waste containers with lids.

- Prepare home treatment drugs, including : Dispensed COVID-19 treatment drugs; Medicines being treated for underlying diseases (hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, bronchial asthma...) are enough to be used for 1 month.

3. Things F0 needs to do while isolating at home

- Don't be pessimistic, keep your mind at ease. When facing difficulties, contact medical staff for remote consultation.

Self-monitoring health: Measure body temperature, count breathing rates, measure SpO2 (if you have a device) at least twice a day, or when you feel tired or short of breath.

- Continue to take the medications prescribed by the doctor to treat the underlying condition.

- Wear a mask continuously, wash your hands or disinfect your hands often.

- Wash your nose, gargle daily with physiological saline.

- Regularly practice breathing, exercise to improve health.

Drink enough water or more if you have fever or diarrhea. Do not skip meals, increase nutrition, eat enough nutrients, increase fresh fruits and vegetables.

- Make a medical declaration at least once a day or when you have unusual symptoms via the "HCM Health" application or through a health self-monitoring card.

- The isolation place must be well ventilated, not using central air conditioning; Regularly clean surfaces, utensils and toilets.

- Disinfect objects and contact surfaces such as countertops, doorknobs, toilets, lavabo... Sort and collect infectious waste according to regulations.

- Have the phone number of the medical staff of the facility who are managing people infected with COVID-19 at home to contact them when they need advice and support; switchboard “1022”, “Network of companion doctors” or Quick response teams of wards, communes, townships, districts.

4. Things F0 should not do while isolating at home

- Do not arbitrarily leave the isolation room during the isolation period.

- Do not share items with others.

- Do not eat or drink with other people.

- Do not come into close contact with other people or pets.

In case a caregiver is required, the caregiver must wear a mask, a drop-proof goggles, and wash their hands before and after taking care of them.

5. In case of F0, it must be immediately reported to the Management Authority

Person F0 or caregiver should immediately notify the Facility that is managing a person with COVID-19 at home if person F0 has ONE of the following signs:

- Shortness of breath, shortness of breath or increased breathing rate (>21 times/minute for adults; ≥ 40 times/minute for children from 01 to under 05 years old; ≥ 30 times/minute for children from 05 to under 12 years old) year old).

- Peripheral blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) < 97% (if measured).

- Fast pulse > 120 beats/min or less than 50 beats/min. systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure < 60 mmHg (if equipment is available).

- Frequent chest pain, feeling of tightness in the chest, pain increases when taking a deep breath.

- Changes in consciousness: Confusion, drowsy, lethargy, very tired/tired, fussy child, lethargy difficult to wake, convulsions.

- Purple lips, purple fingernails, toenails, blue skin, pale lips, cold fingertips and toes.

- Can't drink.

- Children have the following symptoms: Fever over 38°C, sore throat, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, refusal to play, chest tightness, feeling short of breath, SpO2 < 97% (if equipment is available), eating/feeding poor...

6. Medical examination and treatment at home

- Home remedies for COVID-19 include 03 packages (A, B, C):

+ Drug package A is commonly used drugs including antipyretics and health enhancing drugs;

+ Drug package B is anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant;

+ Package C is an antiviral drug used under the Ministry of Health's Program on the controlled use of molnupiravir in the community for people with mild symptoms of COVID-19.

In which, oral anticoagulants (Rivaroxaban, Apixaban, Dabigatran) and antiviral drugs (Molnupiravir, Favipiravir) have been included in the latest COVID-19 diagnosis and treatment guidelines, version 7 issued by the Ministry of Health. promulgated on October 6, 2021.

7. Home quarantine period

F0 quarantine, home treatment will be lifted isolation, home treatment when: isolation, full 10 days of treatment and negative antigen test result for SARS-CoV-2 virus caused by staff performed by medical staff or by patients themselves under the supervision of medical staff by at least one of direct or indirect methods via remote means (quick test licensed by the Ministry of Health).

See more at Official Letter 151/SYT-NVY issued on January 6, 2022.



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