Regulations that camp inmates must strictly comply with in Vietnam

What are the regulations that camp inmates must strictly comply with in Vietnam? – Thuy An (Nam Dinh)

Regulations that camp inmates must strictly comply with in Vietnam

Regulations that camp inmates must strictly comply with in Vietnam (Internet image)

Rules of compulsory educational establishments in Vietnam: Regulations that camp inmates must strictly comply with

According to Circular 48/2022/TT-BCA on Rules of Compulsory Educational Institutions, camp inmates must strictly comply with the following regulations:

(1) Regarding orders and time

- Strictly and absolutely obey the orders, signals, instructions, and instructions of the staff of the compulsory education facility;

- Comply with regulations on time for studying, working, living, culture, the arts, physical education, sports, recreation, and entertainment;

- When the order to assemble is given, you must quickly line up in teams and groups and not cause disorder.

(2) Regarding rituals

- When communicating, campers must use Vietnamese (except for those who do not know Vietnamese);

- Calling “cán bộ” refers to “tôi” for cadres; calling “quý khách” and saying “tôi” to guests visiting or working at compulsory education establishments; calling “anh” or “chị” and calling “tôi” to other campers; In addition to the above-mentioned ways of addressing each other, depending on age, campers address each other in accordance with Vietnamese customs and cultural traditions;

- Must say “vâng”, “dạ”, “thưa” when talking; know how to say “cám ơn”, “xin lỗi” at the right time. When you hear your name called, you must answer “có”;

- When meeting officials or guests visiting or working at a compulsory education facility, campers must take off their hats, stand strictly at a distance of 03 meters and say “chào cán bộ” or “chào quý khách”. In case a team (group) of campers meets officials or visitors to work, depending on specific cases in the study, labor, vocational training area, etc., then the team (team) leader of the campers calls out to all campers to stand at attention or sit in place. On behalf of the team, the team salutes and reports to the officers or visitors who are standing at attention to take off their hats or hats, holding them in the right hand;

- When entering or exiting the gate, if traveling in groups, walk in double rows, remove hats or hats, hold them in the right hand for rows going to the right, and hold them in the left hand for rows going to the left; The camp leader clearly reports the name of the team (group) and the number of people to the responsible officer.

(3) Regarding order, internal affairs, food, accommodation, medical examination, and treatment

- Eat and sleep on time, in the right place, and do not cause disorder;

- Maintain personal hygiene; maintain cleanliness of rooms and common living areas; bring necessary personal items to the room according to the regulations of the Director of the compulsory educational institution; Personal belongings must be folded neatly and neatly placed in the right place;

- Male campers have short, neat hair and no beards or mustaches. Female campers keep their hair neat;

- Carry out disease prevention, medical examination, and treatment according to the instructions of compulsory education facility staff.

(4) Regarding clothes

- Campers' pants and shirts, when used, must have the educational institution's mandatory stamp "CAMPER" on the front of the pants and back of the shirt;

- Wear neat, neat, clean clothes, and wear shoes or slippers when: participating in study, labor, or vocational classes; participating in cultural, artistic, physical training, sports, and collective activities; exiting, entering the gate, visiting relatives, or coming into contact with outsiders; Other activities of compulsory educational establishments;

- Keep your pants and shirts clean; do not lend them, erase, edit, write, draw, print, or paste anything other than the issued pants or shirts.

(5) Regarding studying, working, vocational training, participating in cultural activities, arts, physical education, sports, recreation, and entertainment

- Actively, self-consciously, hard-working, and seriously participating in studying, working, vocational training, cultural, artistic, physical training, sports, playing, and entertainment activities required by educational institutions organization;

- Strictly comply with discipline, safety, and labor hygiene;

- After use, working and vocational training tools must be stored in the correct place.

(6) Regarding protecting and preserving property

- Protect and preserve the property of compulsory education institutions, collectives, individuals, and others;

- At the end of the term of execution of the decision at the compulsory education facility, the detainee must hand over to the facility the tools and assets assigned to manage it;

- If causing damage to the property of a compulsory education institution or other people, depending on the extent of the damage, it will be handled according to the provisions of the law.

Regulations for agencies, organizations, and individuals when visiting and working at compulsory educational establishments in Vietnam

(1) When visiting a compulsory educational facility

- Have to strictly comply with agency regulations, wear neat, clean, and polite clothing; Present all documents requesting a visit; Strictly comply with the rules of the visiting house and the instructions of responsible officials; strictly comply with the time and location of the visiting organization; and maintain general hygiene. When working hours are over, you are not allowed to arbitrarily stay at the workplace or visiting place of a compulsory educational institution;

- Strictly forbidden the act of recording audio or video in places with signs prohibiting filming or taking photos in compulsory educational establishments; using or arbitrarily giving inmates information, communication, audio and video recording equipment, items on the list of prohibited items, publications, and documents with inflammatory or oppositional content or objects that may cause insecurity or safety of the unit;

- Do not have attitudes, gestures, words, or behaviors that are uncultured, aggressive, or insulting to the reputation or honor of officials or other people; taking advantage of visits to attract, gather, speak, act, or use banners, slogans, or documents with propaganda or inciting content, causing insecurity and disorder;

- In cases of violation of agency rules and regulations on visits, based on the nature of the violation, the Director of the compulsory educational institution must consider and decide to temporarily suspend the visit.

(2) When coming to work, coordinate to organize activities at compulsory educational establishments

- Have to use clothing according to industry regulations or regulations of agencies, units, or businesses; in other cases, must wear neat, clean, polite clothing; Present all required documents to identify the person with authority and responsibility to come to work;

- Comply with the regulations of the compulsory education institution and follow the instructions of the compulsory education institution staff;

- When wanting to provide material support and support to camp inmates, the compulsory educational institution must obtain the consent of the Director of the institution before lending money, property, or objects to inmates banned from being sent to compulsory education establishments;

- Do not arbitrarily come into contact with campers, enter management, study, labor, vocational training areas, or other areas of compulsory education establishments; Receive or transfer money, documents, applications, letters, and other items to campers;

- Do not arbitrarily let campers use information, communication, audio, or video recording devices. The use of communication equipment, filming, photography, audio recording, video recording, and interviews at compulsory educational institutions must be approved by the Director of the institution and implemented according to the provisions of the law and the Ministry of Public Security;

- Cases of violating regulations when coming to work and coordinating to organize activities based on the nature and behavior of the violation, the Director of the compulsory education institution shall consider and decide to temporarily suspend work and coordinate the organization of activities at the compulsory education institution.

Duong Chau Thanh


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