Forms and logs serving criminal investigations in 2018 in Vietnam (Document No. 284)

Circular 61/2017/TT-BCA stipulates the forms, papers, and books on criminal investigation, issued by the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam on December 14, 2017. Notably, the list includes 284 forms, papers, and books on criminal investigation, which are to be used starting from January 1, 2018.

Members may download the file via the link below:


No. Form name
(1) (2)
  1. Forms used for receiving and handling crime reports, denunciations, and petitions for prosecution
1 Decision to assign Deputy Head of Investigation Agency to handle crime information
2 Decision to assign Investigator, Investigation Officer to handle crime information
3 Decision to change Deputy Head of Investigation Agency handling crime information
4 Decision to change Investigator, Investigation Officer handling crime information
5 Decision to assign deputy to handle crime reports (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
6 Decision to assign Investigation Officer to handle crime reports (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
7 Decision to change deputy handling crime reports (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
8 Decision to change Investigation Officer handling crime reports (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
9 Report on receiving crime reports
10 Notice of receipt of crime information
11 Referral slip for crime reports, denunciations, and petitions for prosecution
12 Request for extension to verify crime information
13 Decision to temporarily suspend handling crime information
14 Decision to resume handling crime information
15 Notice of results of handling crime information
16 Report on receiving self-surrendering criminals
17 Notice on criminals surrendering or turning themselves in
  2. Forms used for applying preventive measures, coercive measures
  2.1. Preventive measures
1 Order to detain in emergency cases
2 Order to arrest the detained in emergency cases
3 Request for approval of Order to arrest the detained in emergency cases
4 Report on detention in emergency cases
5 Report on arrest of the detained in emergency cases
6 Order to arrest the accused for detention
7 Request for approval of Order to arrest the accused for detention
8 Report on arrest of the accused for detention
9 Decision on temporary detention
10 Decision on extension of temporary detention
11 Request for approval of Decision on extension of temporary detention
12 Detention order
13 Request for approval of Detention order
14 Request for extension of detention
15 Guarantee statement when applying preventive measures (Bail, pledge money to ensure, prohibition from leaving the place of residence)
16 Decision on bail
17 Request for approval of Decision on bail
18 Decision on pledge money to ensure
19 Request for approval of Decision on pledge money to ensure
20 Report on pledge money to ensure
21 Request for a decision to return the pledged money
22 Order to prohibit from leaving the place of residence
23 Notice on application of restriction from leaving residence
24 Temporary permit to leave the place of residence
25 Decision on temporary exit suspension
26 Notice on application of temporary exit suspension
27 Decision to replace preventive measures
28 Decision to cancel preventive measures
29 Request to cancel preventive measures
30 Request to replace preventive measures
31 Decision to release
32 Decision to issue a wanted notice for the accused (Used during the investigation stage of the criminal case)
33 Decision to issue a wanted notice (Used during the prosecution or trial stage at the request of the Procuracy or Court)
34 Decision to issue a wanted notice (Used during the enforcement stage by the Head of the provincial criminal enforcement agency)
35 Decision to issue a wanted notice (Used for those escaping from prison or detention)
36 Decision to cancel the wanted notice
37 Report on catching criminals in flagrante delicto
38 Report on receiving detained persons in flagrante delicto
39 Record of the crime committed in flagrante delicto (Used for those detained or serving prison sentences who commit crimes in detention)
40 Report on arrest of wanted persons
41 Report on receiving arrested wanted persons
42 Report on transferring arrested individuals
43 Notice on... (detaining in emergency; arresting the detained in emergency; catching in flagrante delicto; arresting the wanted)
44 Decision to transfer relatives of detained persons to other relatives or local government for care
45 Report on transferring relatives of detained persons to local government for care (Article 120 of CPC)
46 Report on transferring relatives of detained persons to other relatives for care
47 Notice on transferring relatives of detained persons to other relatives or local government for care
48 Decision to apply asset protection measures for detained persons
49 Report on applying asset protection measures for detained persons
50 Notice on applying asset protection measures for detained persons
  2.2. Coercive measures
1 Restraining order
2 Report on restraining
3 Escort order
4 Report on escorting
5 Report on transferring restrained or escorted persons
6 Asset confiscation order
7 Report on asset confiscation
8 Decision to cancel the Asset confiscation order
9 Report on canceling asset confiscation measures
10 Account freeze order
11 Report on account freezing
12 Decision to cancel the Account freeze order
13 Report on canceling account freeze measures
14 Notice on canceling asset confiscation or account freeze measures
  3. Forms used for investigation assignment, prosecution, prosecution of the accused
1 Decision to assign Deputy Head of Investigation Agency to initiate and investigate a criminal case
2 Decision to change Deputy Head of Investigation Agency investigating a criminal case
3 Decision to cancel the Decision to assign Deputy Head of Investigation Agency to initiate and investigate a criminal case
4 Decision to assign Investigator, Investigation Officer to investigate a criminal case
5 Decision to assign additional Investigator, Investigation Officer to investigate a criminal case
6 Decision to change Investigator, Investigation Officer investigating a criminal case
7 Decision to alter the decision/order of Deputy Head of Investigation Agency/Investigator
8 Decision to cancel the decision/order of Deputy Head of Investigation Agency/Investigator
9 Decision to delegate when the Head of Investigation Agency is absent
10 Decision to assign deputy, investigation officer for prosecuting, investigating a criminal case (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
11 Decision to change deputy in prosecuting, investigating a criminal case (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
12 Decision to change investigation officer investigating a criminal case (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
13 Decision to alter the decision/order of the deputy in prosecuting, investigating a criminal case (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
14 Decision to cancel the decision/order of the deputy in prosecuting, investigating a criminal case (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
15 Decision to delegate to the deputy when the head is absent (Used for agencies assigned to conduct certain investigative activities)
16 Decision to prosecute a criminal case
17 Decision not to prosecute a criminal case
18 Decision to alter the Decision to prosecute a criminal case
19 Decision to supplement the Decision to prosecute a criminal case
20 Decision to cancel the Decision to prosecute a criminal case
21 Notice of not prosecuting a criminal case/cancellation of the decision to prosecute a criminal case
22 Decision to merge criminal cases
23 Decision to separate criminal cases
  Note: Forms from 97 to 104 are used for both individuals and legal entities
24 Decision to commission investigation
25 Decision to prosecute the accused
26 Decision to supplement the Decision to prosecute the accused
27 Decision to alter the Decision to prosecute the accused
28 Request for approval of Decision to prosecute the accused
29 Request for approval of Decision to supplement/alter the Decision to prosecute the accused
30 Petition to temporarily suspend the accused's position (Used for both individuals and legal entities)
31 Decision to withdraw the case for investigation
32 Request to transfer the case (Used for both individuals and legal entities)
  4. Forms used for carrying out investigative measures
1 Urgent search order
2 Notice of urgent search
3 Search order
4 Request for approval of Search order
5 Search report
6 Order to urgently seize mail, telegrams, parcels, packages
7 Notice on seizing mail, telegrams, parcels, packages
8 Seizure order for mail, telegrams, parcels, packages
9 Request for approval of Seizure order for mail, telegrams, parcels, packages
10 Seizure record for mail, telegrams, parcels, packages
11 Record of handover of documents, items, electronic data
12 Decision to temporarily seize items, documents
13 Record of temporary seizure of items, documents (Used when the Investigation Agency temporarily seizes items, documents)
14 Decision on handling items, documents
15 Record of sealing of temporarily seized items, documents
16 Record of unsealing temporarily seized items, documents
17 Inventory of items, documents temporarily seized during search
18 Inventory of items found and handed over to individuals, government, agencies, organizations for safekeeping
19 Report on returning items, documents
20 Report on handover of evidence
21 Request for evidence from agencies, organizations, individuals
22 Decision on handling evidence
23 Evidence storage order
24 Evidence release order
25 Report on crime scene examination
26 Accident scene examination report
27 Vehicle inspection report related to the accident
28 Crime scene sketch
29 Accident scene sketch
30 Crime scene photo report
31 Report on fingerprint evidence collected at the scene
32 Request for fingerprint trace search at the scene
33 Decision to exhume and examine corpses
34 Report on exhumation and examination of corpses
35 Report on autopsy or partial autopsy
36 Report on body trace examination
37 Decision to conduct investigative experiment
38 Report on investigative experiment
39 Decision to commission expert examination
40 Decision to commission additional expert examination
41 Decision to commission re-examination
42 Notice of rejection of expert examination request
43 Notice of rejection of additional/re-examination request
44 Expert examination photo report
45 Expert examination report
46 Report on gun and bullet trace examination
47 Report on drug trace examination
48 Expert conclusion
49 Panel of Experts conclusion
50 Notice of expert conclusion
51 Record of unsealing and handover of examination objects
52 Record of packaging, sealing, and handover of examination objects
53 Request for asset appraisal
54 Request for re-appraisal of assets
55 Asset appraisal conclusion report
56 Notice on the content of asset appraisal conclusion
57 Notice of rejection of asset re-appraisal request
58 Decision to commission a translator
59 Decision to commission a translator for translation work
60 Decision to replace the commissioned translator or translation worker
61 Extraction and transfer order (pursuant to Article 20 of the Law on temporary detention, temporary imprisonment)
62 Notice on conducting investigative measures
63 Extraction request form
64 Report on interrogation of the accused
65 Report on statement taking
66 Report on confrontation
67 Identification report
68 Report on voice recording
69 Voice identification report
70 Verification report
71 Working report
72 Request to apply compulsory medical treatment measures
73 Registration form
74 Fingerprint card
75 Request for criminal and civil record or extract of criminal judgments
76 Criminal and civil record extract
77 Extract of criminal judgment
78 Personal background record
79 Record of the accused
80 Summons (100g/m^2 cover)
81 Summons for the accused (100g/m^2 cover)
82 Invitation letter (100g/m^2 cover)
83 Receipt
84 Work introduction letter (100g/m^2 cover)
  5. Forms used for conducting special investigative measures
1 Decision to apply special investigative measures
2 Request for approval of Decision to apply special investigative measures (Used for provincial-level investigation agencies, military investigation agencies of division level or higher)
3 Request to apply special investigative measures
4 Request for extension to apply special investigative measures (Used for provincial-level investigation agencies, military investigation agencies of division level or higher)
5 Request to cancel Decision to apply special investigative measures (Used for provincial-level investigation agencies, military investigation agencies of division level or higher)
6 Request to decide to apply special investigative measures (Used for district-level investigation agencies or military investigation agencies of regional level)
7 Request to extend the application of special investigative measures (Used for district-level investigation agencies or military investigation agencies of regional level)
8 Request to cancel the Decision on applying special investigative procedures (For use by the District-level Investigation Agency or Regional Military Investigation Agency)
  6. Forms used in the temporary suspension of investigation and conclusion of investigation
1 Decision on temporary suspension of criminal investigation (For use by individuals or legal entities)
2 Notice of temporary suspension of criminal investigation
3 Decision on termination of criminal investigation (For use by individuals or legal entities)
4 Decision on resumption of criminal investigation (For use by individuals or legal entities)
5 Decision on temporary suspension of the accused’s investigation
6 Decision on termination of the accused’s investigation
7 Decision on resumption of the accused’s investigation
8 Decision on temporary suspension of the criminal investigation against the accused
9 Decision on termination of the criminal investigation against the accused
10 Decision on resumption of the criminal investigation against the accused
11 Conclusion of criminal investigation report recommending prosecution
12 Conclusion of criminal investigation report in case of investigation termination
13 Record of handover and receipt
14 Record of handover and receipt of case files
15 Record of reading, noting, and copying documents or digitized documents in the case file (For use upon request by the accused/legal representative of the legal entity at the end of the investigation)
  7. Forms used for defense attorneys
1 Request for assignment of a defense attorney (In the case of appointing a defense attorney)
2 Notice of defense registration
3 Notice of refusal of defense registration
4 Notice of cancellation of defense registration
5 Notice to the defense attorney about the conduct of investigative activities
6 Record of change or refusal of a defense attorney
7 Record of handover and receipt of evidence, documents, and objects
8 Record of reading, noting, and copying documents in the case file (For the use of defense attorneys, protectors of the rights and legitimate interests of victims, and litigants)
9 Record of a defense attorney violating regulations on meeting detainees, arrestees, accused or defendants in custody
  8. Forms used in proceedings involving persons under 18 years old
1 Decision on exemption from criminal liability for persons under 18 years old
2 Decision on applying reprimand measures
3 Decision on applying community mediation measures
4 Record of community mediation
5 Decision on applying educational measures at commune, ward, commune-level town
6 Decision to assign the accused under 18 years old to the representative for supervision
7 Decision to change the representative supervising the accused under 18 years old
  9. Forms used in summary procedures
1 Decision on applying summary procedures
2 Decision to cancel the Decision on applying summary procedures
3 Decision proposing prosecution under summary procedures
  10. Forms used in resolving complaints and denunciations in criminal proceedings
1 Decision on resolving complaints
2 Decision to terminate the resolution of complaints
3 Decision to assign verification of denunciation contents
4 Decision on resolving denunciations
5 Notice of receipt and resolution of complaints and denunciations
  11. Forms used in protecting crime whistleblowers, witnesses, victims, and other participants in proceedings
1 Request to apply/change/supplement protection measures
2 Decision on applying protection measures
3 Decision on supplementing protection measures
4 Decision on changing protection measures
5 Record of receipt of request or demand to apply protection measures
6 Decision to terminate the application of protection measures
7 Notice of the unnecessary application of protection measures
  12. Forms used in criminal liability prosecution of legal entities
1 Decision to prosecute the accused against a legal entity
2 Request to approve the Decision to prosecute the accused against a legal entity
3 Decision to change the Decision to prosecute the accused against a legal entity
4 Decision to supplement the Decision to prosecute the accused against a legal entity
5 Request to approve the Decision to change/supplement the Decision to prosecute the accused against a legal entity
6 Decision on temporary suspension of the investigation of the accused against a legal entity
7 Decision on termination of the investigation of the accused against a legal entity
8 Decision on resumption of the investigation of the accused against a legal entity
9 Request the legal entity to assign a legal representative to participate in proceedings
10 Decision to appoint a legal representative of the legal entity to participate in proceedings
11 Decision to confiscate the assets of the legal entity
12 Record of the confiscation of the legal entity’s assets
13 Decision to freeze the legal entity’s accounts
14 Record of the freezing of the legal entity’s accounts
15 Decision to cancel the confiscation of assets, freeze the accounts of the legal entity
16 Record of the cancellation of the confiscation of the legal entity’s assets
17 Record of the cancellation of the freezing of the legal entity’s accounts
18 Decision to change coercive measures against the legal entity
19 Decision on temporary suspension of the legal entity’s operations
20 Request to approve the Decision on temporary suspension of the legal entity’s operations
21 Decision to compel the legal entity to pay a sum of money to ensure the execution of the judgment
22 Request to approve the Decision to compel the legal entity to pay a sum of money to ensure the execution of the judgment
23 Conclusion of criminal investigation report against a legal entity recommending prosecution
24 Conclusion of criminal investigation report against a legal entity in case of investigation termination
  13. Criminal case file cover
1 Criminal case file cover

(Size 50 cm x 33 cm; Krapp cardboard 170g/m ^2^)
2 Document inventory in the case file
  14. Criminal investigation register
1 Register of receipt of crime reports
2 Register for monitoring, classifying, and resolving crime reports
3 Register of case acceptance (Decision to prosecute the criminal case; Decision to appoint the Deputy Head of the Investigation Agency, Investigator, Investigation Officer to investigate the criminal case; Decision to prosecute the accused...)
4 Register for monitoring procedural documents (Decisions, orders, investigation conclusions...)
5 Outgoing correspondence register for criminal proceedings (Monitoring correspondence of the proceeding-conducting agency)
6 Incoming correspondence register for criminal proceedings
7 Defense attorney registration register


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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
Parent company: THU VIEN PHAP LUAT Ltd.
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