Compilation of Resolutions and Joint Circulars Guiding the Application of the Latest Criminal Code in Vietnam

As of the present time, the Criminal Code in Vietnam being applied is the Criminal Code 2015 and the Law Amending the Criminal Code 2017. Although the Criminal Code 1999 is no longer in effect, certain guiding documents are still applicable because they remain in force.

Compilation  of  Resolutions,  Joint  Circulars  providing  guidance  on  applying  the  newest  Criminal  Code,  Criminal  Code  2015

Compilation of Resolutions and Joint Circulars Guiding the Application of the Latest Criminal Code in Vietnam​ (Illustrated Image)

Based on Criminal Code 2015, Law amending Criminal Code 2017, and Criminal Code 1999, the Resolutions, Decrees, Joint Circulars providing guidance for the Criminal Code that are still in effect in Vietnam are compiled in the following table:

 Compilation of Resolutions and Joint Circulars Guiding the Application of the Latest Criminal Code in Vietnam​


  1. Resolution 07/2019/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of provisions in Article 299 and Article 300 of the Criminal Code

  2. Resolution 06/2019/NQ-HDTP on guiding the application of provisions in Articles 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147 of the Criminal Code and the trial of cases of sexual abuse of people under 18 year old

  3. Resolution 05/2019/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of Article 214 on social insurance and unemployment insurance fraud, Article 215 on health insurance fraud and Article 216 on social insurance evasion , health insurance, unemployment insurance for employees of the Criminal Code

  4. Resolution 03/2019/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of Article 324 of the Criminal Code on money laundering

  5. Resolution 02/2019/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of Article 150 on human trafficking and Article 151 on trafficking in people under 16 years old

  6. Resolution 05/2018/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of Article 234 on crimes of violating regulations on protecting wild animals and Article 244 on crimes of violating regulations on protecting endangered, precious and rare animals

  7. Resolution 02/2018/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of Article 65 of the Criminal Code on suspended sentences

  8. Resolution 01/2018/NQ-HDTP on guidelines for applying Articles 66 and 106 of the Criminal Code on conditional release from prison

  9. Resolution 01/2016/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of provisions in Clause 3, Article 7 of the Criminal Code

  10. Resolution 41/2017/QH14 implementing Criminal Code 100/2015/QH13, which has been amended and supplemented with a number of articles according to Law 12/2017/QH14 and on the effectiveness of Criminal Procedure Code 101/ 2015/QH13, Law on Organization of Criminal Investigation Agencies 99/2015/QH13, Law on Enforcement of Custody and Detention 94/2015/QH13

  11. Resolution 01/2010/NQ-HDTP guiding the application of provisions in Articles 248 and 249 of the Criminal Code

  12. Resolution 02/2010/NQ-HDTP supplements the guidance of Resolution 01/2007/NQ-HDTP and Resolution 02/2007/NQ-HDTP

  13. Resolution 01/2007/NQ-HDTP on guiding the application of a number of provisions of the Criminal Code on the statute of limitations for executing judgments, exemption from serving penalties, and reducing the time limit for serving penalties

  14. Resolution 01/2006/NQ-HDTP on guiding the application of a number of provisions of the Criminal Code

  15. Resolution 02/2003/NQ-HDTP on guiding the application of a number of provisions of the Criminal Code

  16. Resolution 01/2001/NQ-HDTP on guiding the application of a number of provisions of Articles 139, 193, 194, 278, 279 and 289 of the 1999 Criminal Code

  17. Resolution 01/2000/NQ-HDTP on guidelines for application of a number of provisions in the general part of the 1999 Criminal Code

  18. Resolution 32/1999/NQ-QH10 on the implementation of the Criminal Code issued by the National Assembly


  1. Decree 37/2018/ND-CP on guiding measures to monitor and educate people under 18 years old who commit crimes and are exempt from criminal liability

  2. Decree 19/2018/ND-CP regulating the calculation of total mass or volume of narcotics in a number of articles of the 2015 Criminal Code

  3. Decree 10/2012/ND-CP guiding educational judicial measures in communes, wards and towns for juvenile offenders

  4. Decree 64/2011/ND-CP regulates the implementation of compulsory medical treatment measures

  5. Decree 52/2001/ND-CP guiding the implementation of judicial measures of sending to reformatories

  6. Decree 60/2000/ND-CP regulates the implementation of non-custodial reform penalties

  7. Decree 61/2000/ND-CP implementing suspended prison sentences


  1. Joint Circular 08/2015/TTLT-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC-BTP amending Joint Circular 17/2007/TTLT-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC-BTP guiding the application of regulations in Chapter drug"

  2. Joint Circular 09/2013/TTLT-BCA-BQP-BTP-VKSNDTC-TANDTC guiding the application of provisions in Chapter XIX of the Criminal Code on crimes of violating traffic order and safety

  3. Joint Circular 01/2013/TTLT-TANDTC-VKSNDTC-BCA-BQP-BTP guides the criminal prosecution of people who commit acts of human trafficking; buying, selling, exchanging or appropriating children

  4. Joint Circular 10/2013/TTLT-BTP-BCA-TANDTC-VKSNDTC-BTC guiding the application of a number of articles of the Criminal Code on crimes in the fields of tax, finance - accounting and securities

  5. Joint Circular 02/2013/TTLT-BCA-BQP-TANDTC-VKSNDTC guiding the implementation of regulations on reducing the length of prison sentences for prisoners

  6. Joint Circular 10/2012/TTLT-BCA-BQP-BTP-BTTTT-VKSNDTC-TANDTC guiding the application of provisions of the Criminal Code on crimes in the field of information technology and telecommunications

  7. Joint Circular 06/2012/TTLT/BCA-BQP-BTP-NHNNVN-VKSNDTC-TANDTC guiding the application of the Criminal Code on terrorism and terrorist financing

  8. Joint Circular 06/2008/TTLT-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC guiding the prosecution of criminal liability for acts of producing, trading, transporting, storing and illegally using firecrackers and firecrackers

  9. Joint Circular 01/2008/TTLT-TANDTC-VKSNDTC-BCA-BTP guiding the prosecution of criminal liability for acts of infringement of intellectual property rights

  10. Joint Circular 17/2007/TTLT-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC-BTP guiding the application of Chapter XVIII "Drug-related crimes"

  11. Joint Circular 19/2007/TTLT-BNN-BTP-BCA-VKSNDTC-TANDTC guiding the application of the Criminal Code on crimes in the fields of forest management, forest protection and forest product management

  12. Joint Circular 01/2003/TTLT-TANDTC-VKSNDTC-BCA-BTP-BQP guiding the application of Chapter XXII "Crimes infringing on the duties and responsibilities of military personnel"

  13. Joint Circular 02/2001/TTLT-TANDTC-VKSNDTC-BCA-BTP guiding the application of chapter XIV "Crimes infringing upon property"

  14. Joint Circular 01/2001/TTLT-BTP-BCA-TANDTC-VKSNDTC guiding the application of Chapter XV "Crimes infringing on marriage and family regimes"

  15. Joint Circular 02/2000/TTLT-TANDTC-VKSNDTC-BTP-BCA guiding Article 7 of the 1999 Criminal Code and Section 2 of Resolution 32/1999/QH10

  16. Joint Circular 09/2011/TTLT-BCA-BQP-BTP-NHNNVN-VKSNDTC-TANDTC guiding the application of provisions of the Criminal Code on the crime of harboring or consuming property obtained by another person who committed a crime and the crime of money laundering


  1. Official dispatch 9827/VPCP-CN of 2019 guiding the provisions of the Criminal Code on violations of traffic order and safety

  2. Official Dispatch 196/TANDTC-PC of 2018 on applying Point c, Clause 2, Article 321 and Point c, Clause 2, Article 322 of the Criminal Code

  3. Official Dispatch 301/TANDTC-PC of 2016 applying regulations favorable to offenders of the 2015 Criminal Code

  4. Official Dispatch 276/TANDTC-PC of 2016 guiding the application of regulations beneficial to offenders of the 2015 Criminal Code


Le Hai


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