10:11, 11/07/2024
Below, Thu Ky Luat respectfully introduces to our esteemed members the professional guideline documents for Prosecutors aimed at practicing prosecutorial authority and supervision in all stages of a criminal case, from the receipt of crime reports to detention, custody, and execution of the sentence.
Article table of contents
1. Decision 169/QD-VKSTC in 2018 on the Provisional Regulation on the exercise of the right to prosecution, supervision of the receipt, settlement of crime allegations, crime reports, and recommendations for prosecution, effective from May 2, 2018;
2. Decision 170/QD-VKSTC in 2018 on the Provisional Regulation on the exercise of the right to prosecution, supervision of crime scene examination, autopsy, investigation experiments, and assessment; effective from May 2, 2018;
3. Decision 03/QD-VKSTC in 2017 on the Provisional Regulation on the exercise of the right to prosecution, supervision of prosecution, investigation, and indictment; effective from January 2, 2018.
4. Decision 505/QD-VKSTC in 2017 on the Regulation on the exercise of the right to prosecution, supervision of criminal trial proceedings; effective from January 1, 2018.
5. Decision 501/QD-VKSTC in 2017 on the Regulation on the supervision of detention, custody, and execution of criminal sentences; effective from January 1, 2018.
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