Who are Vietnam Peoples Army officers? Things must not be done by Vietnam Peoples Army officers

What are the things that must not be done by Vietnam Peoples Army officers? - Ngoc An (Tien Giang, Vietnam)

Who are Vietnam Peoples Army officers? Things must not be done by Vietnam Peoples Army officers (Internet image)

1. Who are Vietnam Peoples Army officers?

According to Article 1 of the Law on Vietnam Peoples Army Officers 1999 (amended in 2008), Vietnam Peoples Army officers (below referred to as officers) are cadres of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam State, who operate in the military field and are bestowed by the State the rank of company officer, field officer or general officer.

2. Position, function of Vietnam Peoples Army officers

According to Article 2 of the Law on Vietnam Peoples Army Officers 1999, the officers constitute the core of the army and the principal element of the contingent of military officials, who undertake the leading, commanding or managing posts or directly perform a number of other tasks, ensuring that the army is ready for combat and the fulfillment of any assigned tasks.

3. Things must not be done by Vietnam Peoples Army officers

According to Article 28 of the Law on Vietnam Peoples Army Officers 1999, officers must not do things contrary to laws and/or the army disciplines and things not to be done by State officials and employees as prescribed by law.

4. Obligations of Vietnam Peoples Army officers

According to Article 26 of the Law on Vietnam Peoples Army Officers 1999, the officers shall have the following obligations:

- To be ready to fight and sacrifice for the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Fatherland, to protect the Communist Party of Vietnam and the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam; to take part in national construction, to protect the property and interests of the State, agencies and organizations; to protect the life, property, legitimate rights and interests of individuals;

- To regularly preserve and foster the revolutionary virtues, study and train themselves in order to raise their professional levels, knowledge, political, military, cultural and professional capabilities as well as their physical strength to fulfill their tasks.

- To absolutely submit to their organizations and commanders; to strictly abide by the army rules, statutes, regimes and regulations; to keep the military and State secrets;

- To constantly care for the material and spiritual interests of the army men;

- To exemplarily observe and mobilize people to observe the Party’s lines and undertakings and the State’s policies and laws; to respect and maintain close contact with people.

5. Responsibilities of Vietnam Peoples Army officers

According to Article 27 of the Law on Vietnam Peoples Army Officers 1999, the officers shall have the following responsibilities:

- To take responsibility before law and their superiors for the orders they issue, for the obedience to the superiors’ orders and the task performance by their subordinates.

- To lead, command, manage and organize the implementation of all tasks of their units according to their assigned responsibilities; to ensure that their units strictly adhere to the Party’s lines and undertakings, abide by the State’s laws and policies, the army’s rules, statutes, regimes and regulations and are ready to fight and well fulfill all tasks in any circumstance and under any condition;

- Upon receipt of orders from their commanders, if officers have grounds to believe that such orders contravene laws, they shall have to immediately report such to the persons who have issued such orders; in cases where they still have to obey the orders, they shall have to promptly report to the immediate superiors of the persons who have issued such orders and shall not have to bear responsibility for the consequences arising from the implementation of such orders.

6. Statuses, branch groups of officers and officers’ ranks and grades system in Vietnam

Statuses, branch groups of officers and officers’ ranks and grades system according to Articles 8, Articles 9 and 10 of the Law on Vietnam Peoples Army Officers 1999:

* Statuses of officers:

The officers are divided into two statuses: The active officers and the reserve officers.

* Branch groups of officers:

The officers cover the following branch groups:

- The commanding, staff officers;

- The political officers;

- The logistic officers;

- The technical officers;

- Other specialized officers.

* Officers’ ranks and grades system:

The officers’ ranks and grades system comprises three ranks and twelve grades:

** The company officer’s rank includes four grades

- Second lieutenant;

- Lieutenant;

- Senior lieutenant;

- Captain.

** The field officer’s rank includes four grades:

- Major;

- Lieutenant colonel;

- Senior lieutenant colonel;

- Colonel.

** The general rank include four grades:

- Major general, naval rear-admiral;

- Lieutenant general, naval vice-admiral;

- Senior lieutenant general, naval admiral;

- General.

Quoc Dat


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