Vietnam: How are regulations on adoption registration providing that household registration books are removed?

Currently, household registration books are mandatory for people to register to actually adopt a child in Vietnam. So, how are the procedures for adoption registration carried out when household registration books are removed?

Đăng ký nuôi con nuôi

According to Article 24 of Decree No. 19/2011/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, dossiers for adoption in reality include:

- Original adoption registration declaration according to the prescribed form;

- A copy of identity card and inhabitant book of adopting person;

- A copy of identity card and birth certificate of adopted child;

- A copy of marriage certificate of adopting person, if any;

- The other papers, documents evidencing about adoption, if any. (depending on the nature of each specific case, there are corresponding documents)

However, according to the Draft Law on Residence 2020, it is expected that household registration books and temporary residence registers shall be removed and replaced with the form of management based on personal identification number, updating information on the National Population Database and Residence Database. Specifically, according to Clause 6 Article 2 of the Draft Law on Residence 2020 and Article 18 of the Law on Residence 2006 of Vietnam:

Article 18. Permanent residence registration (Law on Residence 2006)

Permanent residence registration means that citizens register their places of permanent residence with competent state agencies which carry out the procedures for permanent residence registration and grant household registration books to them.

Article 2. Definitions (Draft Law on Residence 2020)

Permanent residence registration is when a citizen registers his or her permanent residence with a competent state agency and this agency will carry out procedures for permanent residence registration and update information about permanent residence in the National Population Database and Residence Database.

Thus, when the Draft Law on Residence 2020 is approved by the National Assembly, completely ending the existence of paper household registration books, how must adoption registration be done? This is a question many people ask when they need to register to adopt a child.

Currently, there is no document mentioning the adjustment of procedures related to the use of household registration books. However, the Draft Law on Residence 2020 stipulates that the information contained in the current paper household registration book will be digitized, using personal identification numbers to access, update, and adjust the National Population Database running on the internet. Specifically, information about the permanent and temporary residence of each citizen is a digital data information field that is updated and adjusted on the National Population Database and Residence Database.

It can be seen that if the Draft Law on Residence 2020 is approved by the National Assembly of Vietnam, household registration books and temporary residence registers will not be valid for use in newly established transactions and legal relationships from July 01, 2021. Therefore, people should pay attention to updating the latest information from relevant ministries and branches for more detailed information as well as specific instructions in the near future to avoid wasting time when carrying out actual adoption registration procedures.

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