Summary of popular violations of regulations social order and the corresponding fines in Vietnam

LawNet would like to give Customers and Members a summary of popular violations of regulations on security, order and social order in Vietnam nowadays.

 lỗi vi phạm trật tự xã hội, Nghị định 167/2013/NĐ-CP

Specifically, the Decree No. 167/2013/NĐ-CP of the Government of Vietnam, violations of regulations social order that people are susceptible to and the corresponding fines as follows:




Legal basis


Having gestures and words which are rude, provocative, teasing or insulting to the honor and dignity of others

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Point a Clause 1 Article 5


Fighting or instigating others to fight

VND 500,000 - VND 1,000,000

Point a Clause 2 Article 5


Getting drunk causing public disorder

VND 500,000 - VND 1,000,000

Point c Clause 2 Article 5


Grouping at public places causing disorder

VND 500,000 - VND 1,000,000

Point dd Clause 2 Article 5


Enticing or provoking others to cause perturbation and loss of public order

VND 2,000,000 - VND 3,000,000

Point b Clause 3 Article 5


Causing loud noise, making noise or boisterousness in residential area or public places during the time from 22 o’clock of the previous day to 6 o’clock of the following day

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Point a Clause 1 Article 6


Urinating or defecating in the streets, on the common walkways in public areas and residential areas

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Point c Clause 1 Article 7


Disposing garbage and waste or anything into the manhole and public water drainage system, on pavement and roadway

VND 1,000,000 - VND 2,000,000

Point c Clause 2 Article 7


Individuals or house holders do not comply with the regulations on registration of permanent or temporary residence or adjust the changes in the family register or temporary residence book

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Point a Clause 1 Article 8


Permitting the others to register residence at their shelter for profit or in fact the persons registering residence do not live at that place

VND 2,000,000 - VND 4,000,000

Point d Clause 3 Article 8


Failing to present identity card upon the examination requirement of the competent person

VND 100,000 - VND 200,000

Point a Clause 1 Article 9


Stealing assets

VND 1,000,000 - VND 2,000,000

Point a Clause 1 Article 15


Using deceitful tricks or running away to appropriate the others’ assets

VND 1,000,000 - VND 2,000,000

Point c Clause 1 Article 15


Destroying and intentionally damaging the others

VND 2,000,000 - VND 5,000,000

Point a Clause 2 Article 15


Illegally seizing the others’ assets

VND 2,000,000 - VND 5,000,000

Point e Clause 2 Article 15


Obstructing or failing to comply with the inspection, examination or control of officials on duty

VND 2,000,000 - VND 3,000,000

Point a Clause 2 Article 20


Giving money, assets or other material benefits to the officials on duty to evade the sanction of administrative violation

VND 3,000,000 - VND 5,000,000

Point c Clause 3 Article 20


Illegally using narcotic drug

VND 500,000 - VND 1,000,000

Clause 1 Article 21


Storing, transporting or appropriating narcotic drug illegally

VND 1,000,000 - VND 2,000,000

Point a Clause 2 Article 21


Sex purchase

VND 500,000 - VND 1,000,000

Clause 1 Article 22


Purchasing sex from many persons at the same time

VND 2,000,000 - VND 5,000,000

Clause 2 Article 22


Enticing or coercing others to purchase sex together

VND 5,000,000 - VND 10,000,000

Clause 3 Article 22


Sex selling

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Clause 1 Article 23


Selling sex to many persons at the same time

VND 300,000 - VND 500,000

Clause 2 Article 23


Introducing or seducing the sex selling and purchase

VND 2,000,000 - VND 5,000,000

Point a Clause 2 Article 24


Buying illegal lottery number

VND 200,000 - VND 500,000

Clause 1 Article 26


Illegally gambling with one of the forms such as xoc dia, ta la, to tom, tu lo kho, tam cuc, 3 cay, tu sac or other forms which are lost or won in cash or in kind

VND 1,000,000 - VND 2,000,000

Point a Clause 2 Article 26


Betting in cash or in other forms in sports competition, entertainment or other activities

VND 1,000,000 - VND 2,000,000

Point c Clause 2 Article 26


Enticing, inciting or gathering people for illegal gambling

VND 5,000,000 - VND 10,000,000

Point a Clause 4 Article 26


As a banker

VND 10,000,000 - VND 20,000,000

Point a Clause 5 Article 26


Using matches, lighters, cell phones in areas where there are prohibition regulations

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Point 1 Article 33


Acts of beat causing injury to family members

VND 1,000,000 - VND 1,500,000

Point 1 Article 49


Mistreating the family members, such as forcing them to abstain from eating and drinking, suffer from coldness, wear torn clothes, prohibit or restrict personal hygiene

VND 1,500,000 - VND 2,000,000

Point a Clause 1 Article 50


Neglecting without care for family members as elderly, disabled, pregnant woman or nursing woman

VND 1,500,000 - VND 2,000,000

Point b Clause 1 Article 50


Insulting, nagging or hurting the honor and dignity of family members

VND 500,000 - VND 1,000,000

Clause 1 Article 51


Prohibiting family members from going out of their house, preventing family members from meeting with their relatives, friends or having legitimate and healthy social relations aimed at isolating or psychologically putting pressure on those members

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Point a Clause 1 Article 52


Denying or evading support obligations between husband and wife after divorce, refusing or evading the nurturing obligations between sisters and brothers, between paternal grandparents, maternal grandparents and grandchildren under the regulations of law

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Clause 1 Article 54


Forcing marriage, divorce or child marriage by torture, abuse or mental intimidation or by other practices

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Clause 1 Article 55


Preventing others from marriage, divorce, voluntary and progressive marriage by torture, abuse, mental intimidation, property claims or other practices

VND 100,000 - VND 300,000

Clause 2 Article 55


Seizing private property of family member

VND 500,000 - VND 1,000,000

Point a Clause 2 Article 56

Ty Na



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    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
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