Officially effective from December 1, 2021, Decision 35/2021/QD-TTg abolishing all 27 regulatory documents violations of the Prime Minister's law, including:
Annulling 27 legal documents of the Prime Minister from December 1, 2021 (Illustration image)
1. Decision No. 118-TTg dated March 26, 1993 on the purchase of specialized economic news from foreign news agencies.
2. Decision No. 595/TTg dated December 15, 1993 on the regime for soldiers and people's police upon discharge.
3. Decision No. 113/2004/QD-TTg dated June 23, 2004 on amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decision No. 595/TTg dated December 15, 1993 on regimes for soldiers and public employees people's security when demobilized.
4. Decision No. 70/1998/QD-TTg dated March 31, 1998 on the collection and use of tuition fees at public education and training institutions under the national education system.
5. Decision No. 155/1999/QD-TTg dated 16/7/1999 on promulgating the Regulation on hazardous waste management.
6. Decision No. 219/1999/QD-TTg dated 11/11/1999 on policies to protect the interests of local people where minerals are mined, processed and protected untapped mineral resources .
7. Decision No. 102/2000/QD-TTg dated August 24, 2000 on transferring the National Reserve to the Ministry of Finance.
8. Decision No. 105/2000/QD-TTg dated August 25, 2000 on exemption from payment of agricultural land use tax and house and land tax.
9. Decision No. 990/2002/QD-TTg dated October 30, 2002 on the establishment of the Fund to support and mobilize the Vietnamese/overseas community.
10. Decision No. 195/2003/QD-TTg dated September 18, 2003 on the establishment of the Fund to support diplomatic activities in service of the economy.
11. Decision No. 216/2005/QD-TTg dated August 31, 2005 promulgating the Regulation on auction of land use rights for land allocation with land use levy or land lease.
12. Decision No. 153/2006/QD-TTg dated June 30, 2006 approving the master plan on development of Vietnam's health system for the period up to 2010 and a vision to 2020.
13. Decision No. 169/2006/QD-TTg dated 17/7/2006 regulating the investment and procurement of information technology products by agencies and organizations using state budget capital.
14. Decision No. 223/2006/QD-TTg dated October 4, 2006 amending a number of articles of Decision No. 169/2006/QD-TTg dated July 17, 2006 on investment and procurement of products information technology of agencies and organizations using state budget capital.
15. Decision No. 255/2006/QD-TTg dated November 9, 2006 approving the National Strategy for Preventive Medicine in Vietnam up to 2010 and orientation to 2020.
16. Decision No. 291/2006/QD-TTg dated December 29, 2006 approving the project of non-cash payment for the period 2006-2010 and orientation to 2020 in Vietnam.
17. Decision No. 105/2007/QD-TTg dated 13/7/2007 approving the National Housing Finance Policy Orientation to 2020.
18. Decision No. 116/2007/QD-TTg dated July 23, 2007 approving the master plan on geological baseline survey of mineral resources up to 2015, with orientation to 2020.
19. Decision No. 10/2008/QD-TTg dated January 16, 2008 approving the Strategy for Livestock Development up to 2020.
20. Decision No. 20/2008/QD-TTg dated February 1st, 2008 approving the Project on Solidification of schools, classrooms and public houses for teachers for the period 2008-2012.
21. Decision No. 68/2008/QD-TTg dated May 28, 2008 on the allocation of Government bonds to support localities in implementing the Project on Solidification of Schools, Classes and Teachers' Houses/2008 .
22. Decision No. 96/2009/QD-TTg dated 22/7/2009 amending a number of articles of Decision No. 65/2009/QD-TTg, Decision No. 66/2009/QD-TTg and Decision No. 67 /2009/QD-TTg dated 24/4/2009 of the Prime Minister.
23. Decision No. 32/2010/QD-TTg dated March 25, 2010 approving the Project on development of the social work profession for the period 2010-2020.
24. Decision No. 04/2013/QD-TTg dated January 14, 2013 on the authority to decide on the list and measures to handle establishments causing serious environmental pollution.
25. Decision No. 36/2018/QD-TTg dated August 24, 2018 stipulating procedures for signing and implementing agreements on behalf of the Government and recommending to the President to decide whether to sign agreements on behalf of the State must be an international treaty.
26. Directive No. 297-CT dated November 26, 1986 of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers on spending on welcoming foreign guests.
27. Directive No. 21/2007/CT-TTg dated September 4, 2007 on the implementation of the preferential loan regime for university, college and vocational training.
Bao Ngoc