Vietnam: 03 steps for educational operations of a kindergarten, preschool or nursery school

Preschool education is a sensitive activity because it concerns the development of a whole future generation of children. Therefore, the law also places strict requirements on this activity. The permission or not to allow establishments to conduct preschool education activities in Vietnam must also be considered according to the order and procedures prescribed by law.

3 buoc co so giao duc mam non duoc phep hoat dong

Specifically, according to Article 6 of Decree No. 46/2017/NĐ-CP and Clause 3 Article 1 of Decree No. 135/2018/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, procedures and documentation requirements for educational operations of a kindergarten, preschool or nursery school are prescribed as follows:

Step 1: Submitting dossier

Kindergarten, preschool or nursery school shall send dossier to the Sub-department of Education and Training to apply for grant of license to carry out educational operations.

Forms: Directly or by post

Quantity of dossier: 01 set

Step 2: Receipt and evaluation of documents

The Sub-department of Education and Training shall receive and arrange to assess the submitted set of documents.

- If the submitted set of documents is invalid, a written notification of contents that require modification must be sent to the kindergarten, preschool or nursery school within the duration of 05 business days of receipt of these documents;

- If such submitted documents are valid, the plan to carry out the field inspection at the office of kindergarten, preschool or nursery school must be given.

Within the duration of 15 business days from the date of notice of the plan to carry out the field inspection, the Sub-department of Education and Training shall play the leading role and cooperate with other relevant specialized sub-departments in organizing field inspection activities.

Step 3: Making a decision to allow educational activities

Within the duration of 05 business days, if all regulatory requirements have been met, the Head of the Sub-department of Education and Training shall issue a decision on permission for educational operations.

In case of failure to meet stipulated requirements, the written notification must be sent to the kindergarten, preschool or nursery school and clearly define reasons for refusal to give approval.

Notably, documentation must be submitted to apply for such license, including:

- The request form for the license to carry out educational operations;

- The duplicate copy derived from the original register, the certified duplicate copy derived from the original copy or the duplicate copy with the original copy for verification purposes of the decision on establishment or the decision on approval for the establishment of the kindergarten, preschool or nursery school;

- The list of officers holding important positions, such as the rector, vice rectors, heads of specialized groups, with their professional qualifications; the list of teachers with their professional qualifications; employment contracts signed between a kindergarten, preschool or nursery school and each managerial officer or each teacher;

- Early childhood education curriculum and syllabus for offer of early childhood education program;

- The inventory of classrooms, working rooms, facilities and equipment items meeting stipulated requirements;

- The legal confirmation document on the title to land or the agreement on rental of a kindergarten, preschool or nursery school of which the minimum term is 05 years; legal confirmation document on the available amount of money currently managed by a kindergarten, preschool or nursery school to ensure legitimacy and compliance with the commitment that such amount is only used for paying construction and other recurrent costs incurred by the kindergarten, preschool or nursery school upon receipt of permission for educational operations; the plan for capital mobilization and allocation which assures stable operations of the kindergarten, preschool or nursery school for the next period of 05 years that starts from the date of receipt of permission for enrolment;

- The statutes of organization and operation of the kindergarten, preschool or nursery school.

Nguyen Trinh


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