The process of evaluating training results with formal university students in Vietnam

What are the regulations on the process of evaluating training results with formal university students in Vietnam? - Ngoc Huyen (Binh Duong)

Quy trình đánh giá kết quả rèn luyện với sinh viên hệ đại học chính quy
The process of evaluating training results with formal university students in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

1. Classification of training results with formal university students in Vietnam

Classification of results of training results for formal university students according to Article 9 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 16/2015/TT-BGDDT as follows:

- Training results are classified into categories: excellent, great, good, average, weak and poor.

- Classification of training results:

+ From 90 to 100 points: excellent;

+ From 80 to less than 90 points: great;

+ From 65 to less than 80 points: good;

+ From 50 to under 65 points: average;

+ From 35 to less than 50 points: weak;

+ Below 35 points: poor.

2. Classification for assessment with formal university students in Vietnam

The classification for assessment with formal university students according to Article 10 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 16/2015/TT-BGDDT is as follows:

- During the time the learner is disciplined, the level of reprimand, when assessing the training results, must not exceed the "good" grade.

- During the time the learner is disciplined with a warning level, the training results must not exceed the average level when assessing the training results.

- Learners who are disciplined at the level of suspension are not assessed for training during the period of suspension.

- Learners who are disciplined at the level of expulsion are not allowed to evaluate training results.

- Learners who complete the study program and graduate late compared to the course's regulations will continue to be evaluated for training results while completing additional study programs and graduating, depending on the reason to determine the level of training evaluation at the supplementary period.

- Learners with disabilities, handicaps, orphans of both parents, or parents, with extremely difficult family circumstances, certified by the local authority for training activities, are unable to participate. or meet the general requirements, then:

Priority, encouragement, and plus points when evaluating training results depend on the efforts and progress of learners depending on specific objects and circumstances.

- Learners who are temporarily absent from school and have their training results reserved will be assessed on their training results when they resume studying as prescribed.

- Learners who study two training programs at the same time will be assessed on the training results at the first program management unit and get comments from the second program management unit as a basis.
for further evaluation.

In the event that the first program has been completed, the second program management unit will continue to evaluate the training results of the learners.

- Transfer students, with the consent of the principals of the two higher education institutions, may reserve the training results of the old higher education institutions while studying at a new higher education institution and continue to be assessed for training results in the following semesters.

3. The process of evaluating training results with formal university students in Vietnam

The process of evaluating training results with formal university students according to Article 11 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 16/2015/TT-BGDDT is as follows:

- Learners based on their own training results, self-assess according to the detailed score level set by the higher education institution.

- Organizing class meetings with the participation of the homeroom teacher/learning advisor, review and approve each student's self-assessment score on the basis of proofs to confirm the results, which must be approved by more than half of the class unit's collective opinion and be accompanied by a minute.

The homeroom teacher/academic advisor confirms the results of the class meeting and transfers the results to the Faculty-level Student Training Evaluation Council (hereinafter referred to as the Faculty-level Council for short).

- Faculty-level Evaluation Council meets to review, agree, report to the Dean for approval, and submit the results to the School-Level Board of Education Evaluation Council (hereinafter referred to as the School-Level Council for short).

- The school-level council shall consider it and agree to submit it to the rector for consideration and a decision to recognize the results.

- Results of assessment and classification of training of learners must be publicly announced and notified to learners 20 days in advance before the official decision is issued.

Quoc Dat


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