Summary of policy on learners under Education Law in Vietnam

What are the policies on learners under Education Law in Vietnam? - Xuan Hinh (Thai Nguyen, Vietnam)

Tổng hợp chính sách về người học
Summary of policy on learners under Education Law in Vietnam (Internet image)

1. Who are learners?

Pursuant to Article 80 of the Education Law 2019 stipulates that learners are persons currently learning at educational institutions of the national educational system. Learners include:

- Children at preschool education institutions;

- Students at general education institutions, vocational training classes, vocational - continuing education centers, vocational education centers, vocational secondary schools and pre-university schools;

- Students at colleges and universities;

- Students at institutions providing master education;

- Doctoral candidates at institutions providing doctoral education;

- Learners of continuing educational programmes.

2. Policies for learners in Vietnam

2.1. Educational credits in Vietnam

Article 84 of the Education Law 2019 stipulates educational credits as follows:

The State shall issue preferential credit policies concerning interest rates, credit's conditions and duration to enable learners to study. Encourage private sector involvement in educational credits.

2.2. Scholarships, social subsidies, tuition exemption/reduction, subsidies on tuition and living costs in Vietnam

Article 85 of the Education Law 2019 stipulates scholarships, social subsidies, tuition exemption/reduction, subsidies on tuition and living costs as follows:

- The State shall issue policies on granting academic scholarships to students with excellent scholastic achievements at specialized schools, schools for gifted students as stipulated in Article 62 of the Education Law 2019 and to learners with good academic and training results or higher at institutions of vocational education and higher education;

On granting policy scholarships to students enrolled by form of nomination, students at pre-university schools, boarding general education schools for ethnic minorities, learners at vocational education institutions for war invalids, disabled and handicapped persons.

- The State shall elaborate policies on subsidies and exemption/reduction of tuition for learners from social policy targeted groups, ethnic minorities in areas with exceptional socio-economic difficulties, homeless orphans, disabled and handicapped persons, persons of poor and near-poor households.

- The State shall encourage organisations and individuals to grant scholarships or subsidies to learners as prescribed by law.

- Students at pedagogical institutions will receive subsidies on tuition and living costs throughout the entirety of the course.

02 years after graduation, if persons that receive the subsidies do not work in the field of education or fail to work in education for a sufficient duration, they will have to reimburse the State for the subsidies. The maximum time limit for reimbursement is equal to the training duration.

Students at pedagogical institutions are entitled to academic incentive scholarships, social subsidies, tuition exemption/reduction as prescribed in clause 1 and clause 2 of Article 85 of the Education Law 2019.

2.3. Exemption, reduction of public service fees for students in Vietnam

Article 86 of the Education Law 2019 stipulates the exemption, reduction of public service fees for students as follows:

Students and students are entitled to fee exemption or reduction when using public services in transportation, entertainment, and visits to museums, historical relics and cultural attractions as stipulated by the Government.

2.4. Admission by form of nomination in Vietnam

Article 87 of the Education Law 2019 provides for the election regime as follows:

- The State shall grant admission into vocational secondary schools, colleges and universities by means of nomination for students from ethnic minorities with sparse population; students from ethnic minorities living in areas with exceptional socio-economic difficulties and have no or few officials/public employees who are of ethnic minorities;

Issue policies on formation of nominated admission source, enabling the regulated entities to enter boarding general education schools for ethnic minorities and increasing pre-university learning time.

- People's Committees at provincial level, based on the needs of their localities, shall propose and allocate nomination quotas; selecting persons according to approved criteria and quotas; recruiting and assigning jobs for learners after graduation.

Educational institutions shall be responsible for assisting learners admitted by form of nomination so as to ensure outcome quality.

- Students of this nomination mode shall be responsible for returning to work for the locality sending them to study; be recruited and assigned jobs.

- The Government shall regulate criteria and beneficiaries of the nomination mode; organize the implementation of the nomination mode and employment of learners of nomination mode after graduation.

2.5. Awards for learners in Vietnam

Awards for learners is specified in Article 88 of the Education Law 2019 as follows:

Learners with excellent achievements in learning and training shall be awarded by educational institutions or education authorities; in case of exceptional achievements, the awards shall be issued as regulated by law.

Ngoc Nhi


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