Set of indicators for assessing the level of digital transformation in schools in Vietnam

What are the regulations on the set of indicators for assessing the level of digital transformation in schools in Vietnam? - Kieu Tien (Long An, Vietnam)

Bộ chỉ số đánh giá mức độ chuyển đổi số trường học

Set of indicators for assessing the level of digital transformation in schools in Vietnam (Internet image)

Set of indicators for assessing the level of digital transformation in schools in Vietnam 

Decision 4725/QD-BGDĐT on the set of indicators for assessing the level of digital transformation of general and continuing education institutions issued by the Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam on 30/12/2022.

Accordingly, the structure of the Index includes 02 groups of component criteria as follows:

- Group of criteria "Digital transformation in teaching and learning".

- Group of criteria "Digital transformation in educational institution management".

Specifically, the set of indicators for assessing the level of digital transformation in schools in Vietnam as follows:



Maximum score

Success Points


Notesand demonstrations


Digital transformation in teaching and learning






Promulgate a plan to organize online teaching (combined with face-to-face teaching; promulgate separately or integrate in the annual teaching organization plan)




Mandatory conditions


Promulgate regulations on organizing online teaching




Mandatory conditions


Deploy online teaching software:

- Deploy live online teaching software (registered)


Up to 6 points

Level 1: less than 10 points

Level 2: from 10 - 20 points

Level 3: above 20 points

External links

- Implement online learning management system (LMS)/online learning content management system (LCMS) (provide information: Solution name, build/rent/buy).

- LMS / LCMS system has the following functions:

(1) Teachers assign lessons to students to self-study;

(2) The teacher answers (answers) the students' questions;

(3) Conduct regular inspections and evaluations;

(4) The student's parents participate in the student's learning activities.

Up to 24 points, each function implements 6 points.


The number of learning materials is digitized (approved by the professional team and approved by the head of the educational institution).


- Morethan 20 materials: 3points.

- Morethan 40 materials: maximum 6 points.

- More than 40 materials: maximum 10 points

Level 1: less than 4 points

Level 2: from 4 - 6 points

Level 3: above 7 points

Links and number of materials


Organize the implementation of examinations, examinations and evaluation of learning results on computer labs; have software, computers connected to LAN (provide information: name of software solution)


Up to 15 points

Level 1: less than 8 points

Level 2: from 8 - 14 points

Level 3: above 14 points

Regulations /Plans /Implementation Documents

Computer-based exam organization software with connection, exchange results with the school administration system

Up to 5 points


Digital transformation human resource development:

- The proportion of teachers who have accounts on the Online Teacher Training System for online self-training proactively and regularly according to their needs


< 30%: up to 2 points;

30%-60%: up to 4 points;

> 60%: up to 7 points

Level 1: less than 8 points

Level 2: from 8 - 14 points

Level 3: above 14 points


- The percentage of teachers who can exploit and use software and toolstoinnovate teaching methods

< 30%: up to 2 points;

30%-60%: up to 4 points;

> 60%: up to 7 points

- The percentage of teachers who can build digital learning materials and electronic lectures

< 30%: up to 2 points;

30%-60%: up to 4 points;

> 60%: maximum 6 points


Infrastructure and equipment using digital transformation for teaching and learning:

- The proportion of classrooms with projection equipment, auxiliary equipment using teaching-learning and Internet connection to the total number of classrooms


< 20%: up to 2 points;

20%-60%: maximum 5 points;

> 60%: maximum 8 points

Level 1: less than 8 points

Level 2: from 8 - 14 points

Level 3: above 14 points


- Level of satisfyance of computer science teaching requirements[1]

Level 1: timaximum 2 points;

Level 2: maximum 5 points;

Level 3: maximumscore of 7 points

- There is a studio (including computers, equipment to support the construction of digital learning materials, electronic lessons)

Up to 5 points


Digital transformation in educational institution governance






The educational institution establishes a department to direct, take charge of, deploy IT applications, digital transformation (information: Full name, position, email, phone)




Mandatory conditions


Promulgate plans for IT application and digital transformation




Mandatory conditions


Deploy school management software (provide information: solution name, build / buy / rent yourself):

- Promulgate regulations on the use of the school governance system


Up to 6 points

Level 1: less than 20 points

Level 2: from 20-50 points

Level 3: above 50 points

Links/ Regulations/ Guidance documents

- Implement student management module (record management, learning outcomes)

Up to 6 points

- Deploy electronic report books and electronic transcripts

PDF file: up to 3 points; Application of digital certificate: maximum 10 points

- Deploy employee management module

Up to 6 points

- Implement facilities management module

Up to 10 points

- Deploy school health information management module, manage student health information

Up to 10 points

- Implement accounting management module

Up to 6 points

- Software to connect and exchangefull data with industry databases (managed by the Ministry)

Up to 6 points


Level of online service deployment:

- Deploy an application to connect between families and schools (information: Through OTT (Over The Top) or via web application)


Up to 8 points

Level 1: less than 10 points

Level 2: from 10-18 points

Level 3: above 18 points

Links/ Statutes/ Documents

- Deploy online enrollment service:

Up to 12 points

- Deploy non-cash educational service fee collection service

Up to 10 points








 Level 1 (not meeting the requirements for teaching computer science): For primary schools, there are more than 3 students who must learn 1 computer together; Secondary schools with more than 2 students must learn 1 computer together; High school with more than 1 student must learn 1 computer. Level 2 (meeting the basic requirements of teaching computer science): For primary school, there are 2-3 students who must study 1 computer together; Secondary school has 2 students who must learn 1 computer together; In high school, each student can learn 1 computer. Level 3 (satisfying the requirements of teaching tin study): With eachstudent learning on 1 computer; Secondary school accommodates each student learning on 1 computer; High school meets each student learning on 1 computer.


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