What are the regulations on owner of daycare group of up to 07 children in Vietnam? - The Son (Can Tho, Vietnam)
Regulations on owner of daycare group of up to 07 children in Vietnam (Internet image)
Regarding this issue, LawNet responded as follows:
1. Regulations on organization of daycare group of up to 07 children in Vietnam
According to Article 8 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 49/2021/TT-BGDDT, stipulating the organization of daycare group of up to 07 children in Vietnam as follows:
- The age of children in an independent daycare group up to 7 children ranges from 3 months old to 36 months old.
- A childcare worker may directly take care of and educate up to 2 children of 3 to 12 months old or up to 3 children of 12 to 36 months old.
- Each daycare group has no more than 01 child with disabilities.
2. Regulations on childcare workers of daycare group of up to 07 children in Vietnam
Regulations on childcare workers of daycare group of up to 07 children in Vietnam according to Article 7 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 49/2021/TT-BGDDT are as follows:
* Childcare worker is a person who directly take care of and educate children in an independent daycare group up to 7 children as agreed with or assigned by the owner of daycare group.
* Qualifications for a childcare worker in an independent daycare group up to 7 children are governed by the Government in regulations on conditions for investment and operation in education sector.
* Duties and entitlements
** Duties
- Ensure that children are physically and mentally safe during their stay in an independent daycare group up to 7 children;
- Take care of and educate children in conformity with the nursery education program;
- Give fair treatment and respect personality of children; protect legitimate rights and interests of children;
- Help parents and guardians build their scientific knowledge of parenting practices; actively coordinate with families of children to take care of and educate children;
- Self-learn and improve professional practices in children’s care and education;
- Comply with regulations pertaining to independent daycare groups up to 7 children and other regulations of law.
** Entitlements
- Receive respect and protection of dignity and honor and bodies; receive physical and mental benefits as prescribed;
- Exercise autonomy in taking care of and educating children; receive facilitation to take care of and educate children;
- Receive wages, salaries and participate in social insurance and receive other benefits as prescribed by law;
- Receive facilitation to attend refresher courses in children’s care and education; attend refresher courses in mainstream education for children with disabilities (if children with disabilities are admitted).
- Receive commendation, emulation titles and other titles as prescribed;
- Other rights in compliance with prevailing laws.
3. Regulations on owner of daycare group of up to 07 children in Vietnam
Owner of daycare group of up to 07 children according to Article 6 of the Regulation promulgated together with Circular 49/2021/TT-BGDDT is as follows:
* Owner of daycare group is a person who establishes an independent daycare group up to 7 children in his/her name.
* Qualifications
- Be a citizen of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
- Have good moral qualities;
- Under 65 years old;
- Fit for work;
- Have a high school diploma or higher.
* Duties and entitlements
** Duties
- Direct and administer the children’s care and education;
- Give fairness and respect to children and childcare workers;
- Give guidelines and build an educational environment that is safe and free from accidents and injuries;
- Purchase and manage facilities, equipment, utensils, toys, learning materials and documents catering for the children’s care and education;
- Ensure benefits and policies for children and childcare workers as per regulations;
- Comply with regulations on disclosure.
** Entitlements
- Sign employment contracts with childcare workers as prescribed;
- Play as a childcare worker if fully qualified as prescribed;
- Agree a given tuition fee with children’s parents or guardians;
- Attend refresher courses in politics, professional practices, administration;
- Receive benefits as prescribed.
Quoc Dat
- Key word:
- daycare group in Vietnam