Instructions for evaluating the training and learning outcomes of high school students in Vietnam

What are the instructions for evaluating the training and learning outcomes of high school students in Vietnam?

Currently, regulations on evaluating training and learning outcomes of high school students are mentioned in Circular 22/2021/TT-BGDDT.

Instructions for evaluating the training and learning outcomes of high school students in Vietnam

Instructions for evaluating the training and learning outcomes of high school students in Vietnam(Internet image)

Instructions for evaluating the training results of high school students in Vietnam

(1) Basis and organization of assessment of students' training results

- Evaluating students' training results based on the requirements to achieve key qualities and general abilities at levels appropriate to the subject and grade level.
regulations in the Overall Program and requirements to achieve specific competencies specified in the Subject Program in the General Education Program.

- Subject teachers, based on the provisions in Point a of this Clause, comment and evaluate the training results, progress, outstanding advantages, and main limitations of students in the process of training and studying the subject. .

- The homeroom teacher, based on the provisions in Point a of this Clause, monitors the students' training and learning process; Refer to the comments and assessments of subject teachers, feedback from parents, relevant agencies, organizations, and individuals in the student education process; Guide students to self-comment; On that basis, comment and evaluate students' training results according to the levels specified in clause (2).

(2) Students' training results in each semester and the entire school year

Students' training results in each semester and the entire school year are evaluated according to 01 (one) of 04 (four) levels: Great, Good, Pass, Unsatisfactory.

- Students' training results in each semester

+ Good Level: Satisfies the quality requirements specified in the General Education Program and has many outstanding performances.

+ Good level: meets the quality requirements specified in the General Education Program and has outstanding performance but has not yet reached the Good level.

+ Pass Level: Meets the quality requirements specified in the General Education Program.

+ Unsatisfactory Level: Does not meet the quality requirements specified in the General Education Program.

- Students' training results throughout the school year

+ Great level: Semester II is rated as Great, semester I is rated as Good or higher.

+ Good level: the second semester is rated at the Good level, and the first semester is rated at the Pass level or higher; Semester II is rated as Satisfactory, semester I is rated as Great; Semester II is rated as Great, semester I is rated as Pass or Unsatisfactory.

+ Pass level: the second semester is assessed as Pass, the first semester is assessed as Good, Pass or Unsatisfactory; Semester II is rated as Good, semester I is rated as Unsatisfactory.

+ Unsatisfactory level: remaining cases.

Instructions for evaluating the learning outcomes of high school students in Vietnam

(1) Instructions for evaluating student learning outcomes by subject

**For subjects assessed by comments

- During a semester, the student's learning results for each subject are evaluated according to 01 (one) of 02 (two) levels: Pass, Unsatisfactory.

+ Pass level: There are enough inspection and evaluation times as prescribed in this Circular and all times are assessed at Pass level.

+ Unsatisfactory level: remaining cases.

- Throughout the school year, the student's learning results in each subject are evaluated according to 01 (one) of 02 (two) levels: Pass, Not pass.

+ Pass Level: Semester II learning results are assessed at Pass level.

+ Unsatisfactory level: The learning results of the second semester are assessed at Unsatisfactory level.

**For subjects evaluated by comments combined with evaluation by scores

- The average score for the semester (hereinafter abbreviated as DTBmhk) for each subject is calculated as follows:

TĐĐGtx: Total score for regular assessment.

- The average score for the whole year (abbreviated as DTBmcn) is calculated as follows:

DTBmhkI: Average score of the first semester.

DTBmhkII: Average score of the second semester.

(2) Instructions for evaluating learning outcomes in each semester and the entire school year

For subjects evaluated by comments combined with evaluation by scores, DTBmhk is used to evaluate students' learning outcomes in each semester; The GPA is used to evaluate student learning outcomes throughout the school year.

Students' academic results in each semester and the entire school year are evaluated according to 01 (one) out of 04 (four) levels: Great, Good, Pass, Unsatisfactory.

**Great Level:

- All subjects evaluated by comments are rated Pass.

- All subjects evaluated by comments combined with scores have a score of 6.5 points or more, including at least 06 subjects with a score of 8.0 points or more.

**Good level:

- All subjects evaluated by comments are rated Pass.

- All subjects evaluated by comments combined with scores have a score of 5.0 points or more, including at least 06 subjects with a score of 6.5 points or more.

**Passed Level:

- There is at most 01 (one) subject evaluated by comments that is rated as Unsatisfactory.

- Have at least 06 (six) subjects evaluated by comments combined with evaluation by scores with an average score of 5.0 points or higher; there is no subject with an average score of less than 3.5 points.

**Level of Unsatisfactory: Remaining cases.

Chau Thanh


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