Guidelines for Evaluating Standards for Primary, Lower Secondary, and Upper Secondary School Teachers in 2020

How is the evaluation of preschool, primary, lower secondary, and upper secondary teachers' standards carried out in 2020? What are the regulations regarding the evaluation and classification process? Lately, this has been a frequent question received from our valuable Clients and Members. The Editorial Board of Thu Ky Luat provides an answer in the following article.


Guidelines for evaluating the standards of primary, middle, and high school teachers in 2020 - Illustrative image

Specifically, according to current regulations, the evaluation of standards for primary, middle, and high school teachers can be conducted according to the following cycle:

- Teachers self-evaluate annually at the end of the school year.- The head of the general education institution organizes the evaluation of teachers every two years at the end of the school year.

The process for evaluating and categorizing the results of the standard evaluation for primary, middle, and high school teachers is performed as follows:

Teacher Standard Evaluation Process:

- Teachers self-evaluate according to the professional standards for teachers;- General education institutions collect feedback from colleagues in the professional team for teachers being evaluated according to the professional standards for teachers;- The head of the general education institution conducts the evaluation and announces the evaluation results based on the self-evaluation results of the teachers, colleagues' opinions, and the practical performance of the teachers through authentic and appropriate evidence.

Categorizing Teacher Standard Evaluation Results:

- Meeting professional standards at a good level: All criteria meet at least the fair level, with at least 2/3 of the criteria meeting the good level, including criteria under Standard 2 regarding professional development, reaching the good level;- Meeting professional standards at a fair level: All criteria meet at least the acceptable level, with at least 2/3 of the criteria meeting at least the fair level, including criteria under Standard 2 regarding professional development reaching at least the fair level;- Meeting professional standards at an acceptable level: All criteria meet at least the acceptable level;- Not meeting professional standards: Any criterion evaluated as not meeting the standards (a criterion is evaluated as not meeting the standards if it does not meet the acceptable level of that criterion).

Additionally, to ensure the effective, practical implementation of the evaluation of standards for primary, middle, and high school teachers, on October 01, 2018, the Ministry of Education and Training issued Official Dispatch 4530/BGDDT-NGCBQLGD guiding the implementation of Circular 20/2018/TT-BGDDT issuing regulations on standards for general education teachers. This Official Dispatch guides the following content in the process of evaluating the standards for primary, middle, and high school teachers:

- In special cases (e.g., agencies at various levels select and assign individuals to participate in training courses...), with the consent of the higher management agency, the head of the general education institution may shorten the evaluation cycle and conduct teacher evaluations annually at the end of the school year according to the full evaluation process mentioned above.- The collection of evidence (documents, materials, events, phenomena to objectively validate the degree of achievement in teaching and educating students in general education institutions as stipulated in Circular 20/2018/TT-BGDDT) to facilitate evaluation should be proactively implemented from the beginning of the school year. Teachers should refer to example evidence in Appendix I attached to this official dispatch during the evidence collection process.

See detailed suggestions for evaluating the standards of primary, middle, and high school teachers in 2020 HERE.

- Implement the evaluation process according to Article 10 of the Regulation on professional standards for teachers, referring to the templates in Appendix II attached to this official dispatch.

See detailed templates for evaluating the standards of primary, middle, and high school teachers in 2020 HERE.

Nguyen Trinh


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