Exam schedule in Vietnam for the general vocational exam for the school year 2021-2022 in Ho Chi Minh City

Ho Chi Minh City Department of Education and Training issued Dispatch 1497/SGDĐT-GDTrH in 2022 on organization of Vocational Exam school year 2021-2022, in which specific regulations on this year's vocational exam schedule

How is the organization of the General Vocational Examination regulated?

Pursuant to Section II of Official Letter 10945/BGDĐT-GDTrH dated November 27, 2008, the organization of the General Vocational Examination is regulated as follows:

(1) Candidates and conditions for taking the exam

- Subjects of the test: Students who are studying at junior high schools and high schools who have completed the NPT program and voluntarily registered to take the NPT exam.

- Conditions of competition:

+ Having completed the NPT program as prescribed (middle school level: 70 periods, high school level: 105 hours) and have an average NPT summary score (5.0 points) or higher;

+ Do not miss school more than 10% of the total number of lessons of the NPT program (no more than 7 periods at middle school, no more than 11 periods at high school).

(2) List of contestants

The list of candidates for the exam is made by the NPT teaching institution, clearly stating the final score of the NPT, made according to each NPT, each middle school, and high school with the form issued by the Department of Education and Training. If a student takes NPT at TTKTTH-HN or a vocational training institution, it must be certified by the leader of the NPT teaching institution and certified by the Principal of the Middle School and High School at the same time. The list must be signed, stamped and sent to the Department of Education and Training before organizing the exam according to the time limit prescribed by the Department of Education and Training.

(3) Exam content and tests

- The content of the exam is within the scope of one of the NPT programs issued or permitted by the Ministry of Education and Training.

Students must complete 2 exams:

+ Theory test is based on an essay or multiple choice or with an essay and multiple choice test, the test time is 45 minutes, the score is coefficient 1;

+ Practical exam: The time to take the test is prescribed by the Department of Education and Training for each candidate (duration: 60; 90; 120; 150 or 180 minutes), score coefficient 3.

- The NPT test score is the average of the theoretical test scores and the practical test scores, after calculating the corresponding coefficients. If the tests are scored on a different scale, when calculating the NPT score, it must be converted to a 10-point scale.

Exam schedule in Vietnam for the general vocational exam for the school year 2021-2022 in Ho Chi Minh City

How is the classification of exam results and issuance of the General Vocational Certificate regulated?

After the end of the General Vocational Examination, according to Section II of Official Letter 10945/BGDĐT-GDTrH dated November 27, 2008, the classification of exam results and the issuance of the General Vocational Certificate is as follows:

- Students with average scores of 2 tests of 5.0 or higher, no test scores below 3.0 will be recognized and graded according to the following criteria:

+ Excellent: The average score of 2 exams is from 9.0 to 10;

+ Good: The average score of 2 exams is from 7.0 to less than 9.0; theory test score of 5.0 or higher;

+ Moderate type: The remaining cases of NPT results are recognized.

- Students who are recognized for their NPT test results will be granted an NPT Certificate, clearly stating that the results are classified as Excellent, Fair or Average. NPT certificate signed by the Director or Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training (according to the current form).

Exam schedule for the general vocational exam for the school year 2021-2022 in Ho Chi Minh City

Pursuant to Section 1 of Official Letter 1497/SGDĐT-GDTrH dated May 13, 2022 of the People's Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, according to which the exam schedule for the General Vocational Examination is held according to the following time.

Khanh Linh


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