Allowances for Retired Teachers in Vietnam Who Have Not Received Seniority Allowance

From March 15, 2020, retired teachers in Vietnam who have not received seniority allowances in their pensions will be entitled to benefits under Decree 14/2020/ND-CP. Following article includes information about the applicable subjects, conditions, and benefit levels.

retired  teachers  not  yet  entitled  to  seniority  allowance

allowance s for Retired Teachers in Vietnam Who Have Not Received Seniority allowance ​ (Illustrative image)

1. Eligible beneficiaries in Vietnam

According to Article 2 of Decree 14/2020/ND-CP, the eligible beneficiaries include:

- Teachers, lecturers, caregivers, principals, vice principals, nursery leaders, deputy nursery leaders, directors, deputy directors, heads of departments, deputy heads of departments, heads of faculties, deputy heads of faculties, heads of divisions, deputy heads of divisions, heads of offices, and deputy heads of offices who retired while directly teaching, educating, guiding practice, or waiting to reach the retirement age and preserving the period of social insurance contributions to enjoy pensions from January 1, 1994, to May 31, 2011, at public educational institutions.

- Educators who retired while directly teaching, educating, or waiting to reach the retirement age and preserving the period of social insurance contributions to enjoy pensions from January 1, 1994, to May 31, 2011, at semi-public educational institutions but were previously transferred from public educational institutions or at semi-public educational institutions converted from public educational institutions by competent authorities and were ranked according to the salary scale of the public employee workforce in the education sector.

- Educators who were delegated by competent authorities to work as education experts abroad, and upon returning home, retired immediately.

- Educators who participated in teaching in classes organized by young volunteer units but did not benefit from the state's policies for young volunteers; educators who were military personnel, public security officers, or cipher workers who later transferred to teaching and educating at public educational institutions and retired as teachers or lecturers, receiving retirement pensions with military seniority allowance but without educational seniority allowance .

2. Conditions for calculating allowance in Vietnam

The eligible beneficiaries mentioned above receive allowance when they meet the following conditions:

- Directly teaching, educating, guiding practice, and participating in social insurance contributions for 05 years (full 60 months) or more;

- Retiring during the period from January 1, 1994, to May 31, 2011;

- Receiving a pension by January 1, 2012. In case of a temporary suspension of pension benefits under the Social Insurance Law, entitlements are received after pension resumption.

Thus, this allowance only applies to retirees currently receiving pensions, not those waiting to meet conditions for pension eligibility as prescribed.

3. Level of allowance in Vietnam

The one-time allowance amount, paid in cash, is calculated as follows:

Allowance amount = (monthly pension x 10%) x number of years eligible for allowance


- Monthly pension is the pension amount at the time Decree 14/2020/ND-CP comes into force – i.e., March 15, 2020;

- The number of years eligible for allowance is the total time of direct teaching, educating, guiding practice at educational institutions, and teaching in classes organized by young volunteer units, cumulative if not continuous, excluding the time already enjoying military seniority allowance and seniority allowance from other sectors (if any) in the pension.

Procedures for resolving allowance policies are stipulated in Decree 14/2020/ND-CP and guided in Official Dispatch 778/BHXH-CSXH dated March 11, 2020, of Vietnam Social Security.

Hoa Hong


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