Download: Latest forms used for business registration in Vietnam

Lawnet would like to send you the downloadable file containing the latest forms used for enterprise registration currently in effect in Vietnam.

Business  Registration,  Decree  122/2020/ND-CP

Download: Latest forms used for business registration in Vietnam

Forms used for business registration in Vietnam 

Decree 122/2020/ND-CP stipulating the coordination and integrated procedures for business registration, branch/representative office registration, reporting the use of labor, issuance of social insurance participation codes, and invoice registration of enterprises effective from October 15, 2020, has changed some document forms according to the regulations in Circular 02/2019/TT-BKHDT amending Circular 20/2015/TT-BKHDT guiding on business registration. Below is the download file of the latest forms used for business registration currently being applied:

No. Forms Name
Forms prescribed for enterprises/business households in Vietnam
I Application for business registration and Accompanying list  
1 Application for private enterprise registration Appendix I-1
2 Application for single-member LLC registration Appendix I-2
3 Application for multi-member LLC registration Appendix I-3
4 Application for joint-stock company registration Appendix I-4
5 Application for partnership registration Appendix I-5
6 List of members of multi-member LLC Appendix I-6
7 List of founding shareholders Appendix I-7
8 List of foreign investors Appendix I-8
9 List of partnership members Appendix I-9
10 List of authorized representatives Appendix I-10
II Notices and other documents issued by enterprises  
11 Notice of change of business registration content Appendix II-1
12 Notice of change of legal representative Appendix II-2
13 Notice of change of private enterprise owner Appendix II-3
14 Notice of change of owner of single-member LLC Appendix II-4
15 Notice of supplement, update of business registration information Appendix II-5
16 Notice of leasing private enterprise Appendix II-6
17 Notice of private placement of shares Appendix II-7
18 Notice of the use of seals of the enterprise/branch/representative office Appendix II-8
19 Notice of change of seal pattern/number of seals of the enterprise/branch/representative office Appendix II-9
20 Notice of cancellation of seal of the enterprise/branch/representative office Appendix II-10
21 Notice of registration of branch/representative office operation/establishment of business location Appendix II-11
22 Notice of establishment of branch/representative office abroad Appendix II-12
23 Notice of change of operating registration content of branch/representative office/business location Appendix II-13
24 Request for correction of information in Business Registration Certificate, Confirmation of changes to business registration information, Branch/Representative Office Registration Certificate, Business Location Registration Certificate Appendix II-14
25 Notice of feedback on business registration information, enterprise operation status Appendix II-15
26 Request for correction of business registration information due to system transition in the National Business Registration Database Appendix II-16
27 Request for conversion to new Business Registration Certificate for enterprises with old Business Registration Certificate or Business Registration and Tax Registration Certificate Appendix II-17
28 Request for supplement, update of business registration information for enterprises operating under Investment License, Investment Certificate Appendix II-18
29 Request for supplement, update of operating registration information for branch/representative office/business location of enterprises operating under Investment License, Investment Certificate Appendix II-19
30 Request for reissuance of Business Registration Certificate/Branch (Representative Office) Operation Registration Certificate/Business Location Registration Certificate Appendix II-20
31 Notice of temporary business suspension/early resumption of business of enterprise/branch/representative office/business location Appendix II-21
32 Notice of termination of branch/representative office/business location operation Appendix II-22
33 Notice of termination of branch/representative office operation abroad Appendix II-23
34 Notice of enterprise dissolution Appendix II-24
35 Request for publication of business registration information Appendix II-25

You can download all the forms used for business registration from the download file mentioned above, or download individual forms using the corresponding form name.

Le Vy


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