A Compilation of 42 form of Accounting Books in Vietnam Applicable for Enterprises

Currently, the forms of accounting book used in enterprises are uniformly according to the forms issued by the Ministry of Finance (Hanoi, Vietnam). Below is a compilation of 42 form of Accounting Books in Vietnam Applicable for Enterprises.

Accounting Book Samples

A Compilation of 42 form of Accounting Books in Vietnam Applicable for Enterprises (Illustration)

A Compilation of 42 forms of Accounting Books

To be specific: In Appendix 4 issued together with Circular 200/2014/TT-BTC guiding corporate accounting policies, the current forms of accounting book are prescribed as follows:

No. Book Name Symbol Accounting Form
      General Journal Journal-Ledger Voucher Journal Journal-Voucher
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
01 Journal - Ledger S01-DN - x - -
02 Voucher Journal S02a-DN - - x -
03 Voucher Journal Registration Book S02b-DN - - x -
04 Ledger (for Voucher Journal form)
- - x

05 General Journal S03a-DN x - - -
06 Cash Receipt Journal S03a1-DN x - - -
07 Cash Payment Journal S03a2-DN x - - -
08 Purchase Journal S03a3-DN x - - -
09 Sales Journal S03a4-DN x - - -
10 Ledger (for General Journal form) S03b-DN x - - -
11 Journal-Voucher, various Journal-Voucher, Summary Table
Including: - Journal-Voucher from 1 to 10 and
- Summary Table from 1 to 11
- - - - x
12 Ledger (for Journal-Voucher form) S05-DN - - - x
13 Trial Balance S06-DN x - x -
14 Cash Book S07-DN x x x -
15 Cash Detail Account Book S07a-DN x x x -
16 Bank Deposit Book S08-DN x x x x
17 Detailed Materials, Tools, Products and Goods Book S10-DN x x x x
18 Summary of Detailed Materials, Tools, Products and Goods Book S11-DN x x x x
19 Inventory Card (Inventory Book) S12-DN x x x x
20 Fixed Assets Book S21-DN x x x x
21 Fixed Assets and Tools Monitoring Book at Place of Use S22-DN x x x x
22 Fixed Assets Card S23-DN x x x x
23 Detailed Payment to Buyer (Seller) Book S31-DN x x x x
24 Detailed Payment to Buyer (Seller) in Foreign Currency Book S32-DN x x x x
25 Foreign Currency Payment Monitoring Book S33-DN x x x x
26 Loan Detailed Account Book S34-DN x x x x
27 Sales Detailed Account Book S35-DN x x x x
28 Production and Business Cost Book S36-DN x x x x
29 Costing Product and Service Card S37-DN x x x x
30 Detailed Accounts Book S38-DN x x x x
31 Detailed Accounting Monitoring Book of Investment in Joint Ventures S41a-DN x x x x
32 Detailed Accounting Monitoring Book of Investment in Associates S41b-DN x x x x
33 Monitoring Book of Allocation of Difference Arising from Purchasing Investment in Joint Ventures S42a-DN x x x x
34 Monitoring Book of Allocation of Difference Arising from Purchasing Investment in Associates S42b-DN x x x x
35 Detailed Share Issuance Account Book S43-DN x x x x
36 Treasury Shares Detailed Account Book S44-DN x x x x
37 Investment Securities Detailed Account Book S45-DN x x x x
38 Detailed Capital Source Monitoring Book S51-DN x x x x
39 Construction Investment Costs Book S52-DN x x x x
40 VAT Monitoring Book S61-DN x x x x
41 Detailed Refundable VAT Book S62-DN x x x x
42 Detailed Exempt and Reduced VAT Book S63-DN x x x x
  Other detailed books as required by enterprise management          

Customers and Members can download all accounting document templates via the "Download" button at the top of the article or download each template at the corresponding template name.

>> Dear Customers and Members, please also see the article: Download 37 Latest Accounting Document Templates.

Le Vy


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