Notable documents of Vietnam in the previous week (from September 9 to September 16, 2024)

Notable documents of Vietnam in the previous week (from September 9 to September 16, 2024)
Quốc Trình

Directives on remedies after Storm No. 3 (Yagi) in education; acceleration of arrangement, innovation, development, and improvement of operational efficiency of agriculture and forestry companies following conclusion of Politburo of Vietnam; etc., are notable contents that will be covered in this bulletin.

1. Vietnam’s directives on remedies after Storm No. 3 (Yagi) in education

On September 10, 2024, the Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam promulgated Official Telegram No. 1200/CD-BGDDT on directives on remedies after Storm No. 3 (Yagi).

Specifically, in Official Telegram No. 1200/CD-BGDDT dated September 10, 2024, the Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam requests Directors of Departments of Education and Training of provinces and centrally affiliated cities to: 

- Urgently remedy the consequences of natural disasters. Cooperate with health agencies in disinfecting and cleaning schools and classrooms, preventing risks of post-storm epidemics. Ensure conditions for school safety and environmental hygiene before welcoming students back to school. 

- Proactively review and inspect works that are potentially unsafe to adopt repair schemes due to prolonged rains, making the soil soft and weak, posing a high risk of landslides. Drastically prevent the operation of works that fail to ensure the quality, posing risks of collapse. Prepare plans and immediately repair school infrastructures, prioritizing items that potentially threaten the safety of teachers and students.  Relocate students, teachers, physical facilities, and teaching equipment out of areas suffering severe damage or are unsafe. 

- Review the system of green trees, walls, fences, and school gates and adopt schemes to prune branches and prevent wall collapse and falling trees. Prioritize inspecting schools and educational institutions near rivers, springs, and areas at risk of flooding and landslides to warn or stop students from going to school in unsafe cases. 

- Ensure the timely supply of necessities and teaching equipment to affected educational institutions. Organize psychological support for teachers and students affected by the storm, especially families suffering damage to humans and property. 

- Intensify cooperation with local authorities in rescuing and remedying the post-storm consequences, especially support for families of teachers and students suffering severe damage. 

- Adopt plans to prepare physical facilities, equipment, utensils, and necessities for students of semi-boarding and boarding schools to ensure safety, thoughtfulness, and convenience for students. 

- Summarize damage and solutions to remedy and handling and send them to competent authorities and submit detailed reports to the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam before September 15, 2024 according to the following address: Educational Facilities, Equipment and Children’s Toy Department, Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam – 35 Dai Co Viet, Hai Ba Trung District, Hanoi (contact person: Mr. Tran Gia Khanh, specialist of the Educational Facilities, Equipment and Children’s Toy Department, phone number 0917710440) for summary and reports to the Government of Vietnam. 

See more details in Official Telegram No. 1200/CD-BGDDT promulgated on September 10, 2024.

2. Vietnam to accelerate the arrangement, innovation, development, and improvement of operational efficiency of agriculture and forestry companies following conclusion of Politburo of Vietnam

On September 10, 2024, the Prime Minister of Vietnam promulgated Directive No. 33/CT-TTg on accelerating the arrangement, innovation, development, and improvement of the operational efficiency of agriculture and forestry companies following the conclusion of the Politburo of Vietnam.

According to Directive No. 33/CT-TTg dated September 10, 2024, the Prime Minister of Vietnam requests People’s Committees of provinces and centrally affiliated cities to: 

- Complete the approval for schemes to arrange and innovate agriculture and forestry companies, which contains the approval for land use schemes of agriculture and forestry companies of provinces and ministries and central authorities in their areas, ensuring the completion time prescribed by regulations.  Regarding People’s Committees of provinces in the Central Highlands, closely cooperate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam in implementing the forest inventory to determine the forest areas according to the management owners (where the large forest areas belong to agriculture and forestry companies), current status of forests, etc., following the directives of Leaders of the Government of Vietnam in Notice No. 226/TB-VPCP dated May 17, 2024.  

- Receive and develop plans for land area use handed over to local authorities by agriculture and forestry companies for management after the arrangement and innovation. Completely settle disputes and infringements concerning land at agriculture and forestry companies to prevent complicated situations due to late handling or avoidance; expropriate land used for improper purposes or violations or subject to inefficient use for management and use according to the law efficiently. 

- Develop or revise arrangement schemes for submission to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam for appraisal and presentation to the Prime Minister of Vietnam for approval. The time limit for submission to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is before September 20, 2024 (for provinces that have yet to approve comprehensive schemes) or before October 31, 2024 (for provinces with enterprises that have implemented and are implementing the arrangement and innovation according to approved schemes requiring revision for conformity with Decree No. 04/2024/ND-CP or changes to approved schemes).

- Direct Presidents, Directors, and state capital representatives at state-owned enterprises that are agriculture and forestry companies affiliated with local authorities to urgently and strictly implement tasks and directives assigned in Directive No. 33/CT-TTg; assume responsibility for supervising, urging, and inspecting the implementation as per regulation. 

See more details in Directive No. 33/CT-TTg promulgated on September 10, 2024. 

3. Vietnam to direct intensification of operation and regulation of hydropower reservoirs in Northern provinces 

On September 12, 2024, the Prime Minister of Vietnam promulgated Official Telegram No. 94/CD-TTg on intensification of the operation and regulation of hydropower reservoirs in the Northern provinces to ensure the safety of systems and minimize damage caused by flooding in the downstream areas. 

According to Official Telegram No. 94/CD-TTg dated September 12, 2024, the Prime Minister of Vietnam requests: 

- Ministers of Industry and Trade and Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam to take charge and cooperate with Presidents of People’s Committees of the mentioned provinces in directing owners and units managing and operating hydropower reservoirs to: 

+ Monitor to grasp the situations and developments of rains and floods in the basin; focus on operating reservoirs (especially the system of hydropower reservoirs on the Black River, which contains Lai Chau, Son La, and Hoa Binh hydropower reservoirs) in a proactive, scientific, and flexible manner to reduce and slow down the floods downstream (including the flood on Hoang Long River in Ninh Binh) while ensuring the safety of works and compliance with the inter-reservoir operation procedures; 

+ During the operation, strictly comply with reporting regulations and promptly provide information to local competent agencies, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam for timely directives in emergencies; 

+ Closely cooperate with local authorities in the dam downstream and competent agencies in strictly providing notices and warnings for the downstream residents regarding the developments of floods and the operation and regulation of floods to adopt preventive measures proactively, ensuring safety. 

- Assign Prime Minister of Vietnam Tran Hong Ha to directly instruct relevant ministries and central and local authorities to strictly implement Official Telegram No. 94/CD-TTg dated September 12, 2024. 

- The Office of the Government of Vietnam shall, based on the assigned functions and tasks, monitor and urge the implementation of Official Telegram No. 94/CD-TTg and promptly submit reports to the Prime Minister of Vietnam and Deputy Prime Ministers of Vietnam in charge of irregular and arising issues. 

See more details in Official Telegram No. 94/CD-TTg promulgated on September 12, 2024.

4. Vietnam's plan to restructure crops and livestock on paddy land 

On September 11, 2024, the Government of Vietnam promulgated Decree No. 112/2024/ND-CP on elaboration on paddy land.

According to Article 7 of Decree No. 112/2024/ND-CP, plans to restructure crops and livestock on paddy land are as follows:

- Provincial People’s Committees shall, based on the provincial planning/plans for land use approved by competent authorities under the law, proposals of People's Committees of districts, and suggestions of provincial specialized agricultural agencies, promulgate plans to restructure crops and livestock on paddy land on a province-wide scope following Appendix I enclosed with Decree No. 112/2024/ND-CP; the promulgation time shall be before November 30 of the year preceding the planning year. 

- People’s Committees of districts shall, based on the plans for land use approved by provincial People’s Committees, proposals of People's Committees of communes, and suggestions of district-level specialized agricultural agencies, promulgate plans to restructure crops and livestock on paddy land on a district-wide scope following Appendix II enclosed with Decree No. 112/2024/ND-CP; the promulgation time shall be before December 15 of the year preceding the planning year. 

- People’s Committees of communes shall, based on the plans to restructure crops and livestock approved by People’s Committees of districts and restructuring demands of paddy land users, promulgate restructuring plans on a commune-wide scope following Appendix III enclosed with Decree No. 112/2024/ND-CP; the promulgation time shall be before December 30 of the year preceding the planning year. 

See more details in Decree No. 112/2024/ND-CP, effective as of September 11, 2024. 



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