Highlights of the last week's text (from March 21, 2022 - March 26, 2022)

Highlights of the last week's text (from March 21, 2022 - March 26, 2022)
Bảo Ngọc

In the past week (from March 21, 2022 to March 26, 2022), the Law Clerk updated a number of outstanding documents as follows:

Highlights of the last week's text (from March 21, 2022 - March 26, 2022)

Highlights of the last week's text (from March 21, 2022 - March 26, 2022) (Artwork)

1. Continue to exempt and reduce agricultural land use tax until the end of 2025

Continuing exemption and reduction of agricultural land use tax until the end of 2025 is one of the solutions to implement the Financial Strategy to 2030 under  Decision 368/QD-TTg dated March 21, 2022.

Accordingly, in order to perfect the policy of budget collection for land, property and natural resources; Having an appropriate mechanism to exploit resources from land for socio-economic infrastructure development, the Strategy proposes a number of solutions such as:

- Continue to implement agricultural land use tax exemption and reduction until the end of 2025 according to the policy of the Party and State on agricultural, farmer and rural development.

- Researching and perfecting the non-agricultural land use tax policy in the direction of increasing the regulation rate for land and supplementing tax collection for houses in order to encourage effective use of houses and land, contributing to limiting housing speculation. , land, ensuring mobilization of a reasonable and stable source of revenue for the state budget, in line with Vietnam's socio-economic conditions and international practices.

- Research to regulate the value added from land that is not brought by the investment of land users through tax policy, collection of land use levy and land rent.

- Researching and amending the resource tax policy, ensuring that the resource tax policy continues to be an effective tool to contribute to the management and protection of natural resources, and to encourage the economical and efficient use of resources, etc. .

See more at Decision 368/QD-TTg dated  March 21, 2022.

2. Passenger cars are allowed to operate in areas with level 4 epidemics

This is a notable content in Decision 359/QD-BGTVT  providing temporary guidance on organization of transport activities in 03 fields (road, inland waterway, maritime) to ensure safe and flexible adaptation. effectively control the COVID-19 epidemic.

Specifically, transport businesses , bus stations, roadside rest stops; seaport; inland waterway ports and wharves; Other cargo handling hubs in epidemic areas  at level 1, level 2, level 3 and level 4 are allowed to operate  but must fully implement measures to prevent and control the COVID-19 epidemic as required and guided by instructions. of the local Ministry of Health and Health.

In addition, road transport activities (including internal transport activities in epidemic areas at level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4 are allowed to operate but must comply with all necessary measures). COVID-19 prevention and control.

(Previously, according  to Decision 1812/QD-BGTVT  dated October 16, 2021, stopping passenger transport by car for epidemic areas at level 4. Simultaneously, the case of transport vehicles operating Passengers whose journey is required to go through epidemic areas at level 4 are not allowed to stop or park).

Thus, the new regulations have allowed passenger cars to operate in areas with level 4 epidemics.

Decision 359/QD-BGTVT  takes effect from March 22, 2022

3. Students are entitled to study loans up to 4 million VND/month

The Prime Minister has issued  Decision 05/2022/QD-TTg  amending and supplementing  Decision 157/2007/QD-TTg  on credit for students.

Accordingly, amending the loan amount for students as follows:

The maximum loan amount is 4,000,000 VND/month/student.

(Currently, the maximum loan amount is 2,500,000 VND/month/student).

Thus, from May 19, 2022, the maximum loan amount for students will increase by 1.5 million VND/month/student.

In addition,  Decision 05/2022/QD-TTg  also amends regulations  on repayment of loan principal and interest , specifically: From the date on which students and students finish the 12-month course as prescribed, subjects are Borrowers must pay principal and interest for the first time. Borrowers can repay their loans early without paying interest on early repayment.

(Currently stipulates that borrowers must repay the loan principal and interest for the first time as soon as the student has a job and earns income but no later than 12 months from the date the student finishes his/her job. course end).

Decision 05/2022/QD-TTg  takes effect from May 19, 2022.

4. Withdrawal of film import license when the film content violates prohibition regulations

The Government has just issued  Decree 22/2022/ND-CP  dated March 25, 3022 amending and supplementing  Decree 32/2012/ND-CP  on management of export and import of cultural products for non-commercial purposes. business.

Accordingly, the regulations on the competence to grant import permits for cultural products are added as follows:

The film import licensing agency revokes the film import license when detecting that the film's content violates the prohibition provisions in  the Law on Cinema .

In addition, on the procedure for licensing import of cultural products, additional regulations:

For imported cultural products that are films: The organization is responsible for providing the imported film copy and the customs declaration (submit a certified copy or a copy and present the original for comparison in case of submission of documents). documents in person, submit a certified true copy in case the application is submitted by post) within 30 days from the date of issuance of the import permit for inspection.

The import licensing agency shall have a record of assessment and handover of the film based on the dossier and summary of the film's content.

See more at  Decree 22/2022/ND-CP  effective from May 10, 2022.



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