What are the regulations on the periodic indicators of land statistics and inventory by land types in Vietnam? - Kieu Tien (Tien Giang, Vietnam)
Periodic indicators of land statistics and inventory by land types in Vietnam (Internet image)
Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:
1. Periodic indicators of land statistics and inventory by land types in Vietnam
According to Article 8 of Circular 27/2018/TT-BTNMT, the indicators of land statistics and inventory in Vietnam according to land use purposes and divided from general to detailed according to the following regulations:
* Agricultural land, including:
- Land for cultivation of annual crops, including paddy land and land for cultivation of other annual crops;
- Land for cultivation of perennial trees;
- Land for production forests;
- Land for protection forests;
- Land for special-use forests;
- Land for aquaculture;
- Land for salt production;
- Other agricultural land, including land used to build greenhouses and other building types for cultivation purpose, including fanning not directly on the land, or to build breeding facilities for cattle, poultry and other animals as permitted by law; land for cultivation, breeding and aquaculture for the purpose of learning, research or experimentation; land for planting and nursing seedlings and breeders, and land for growing flowers and ornamental plants.
* Non-agricultural land, including:
- Residential land, including rural residential land and urban residential land;
- Land for construction of offices;
- Land for national defense or security purpose;
- Land for construction of non-business facilities, including land for construction of offices of non-business organizations; land for construction of cultural, social, health, education and training, physical training and sports, science and technology, and diplomatic facilities and other non-business facilities;
- Land for non-agricultural production and business, including land for industrial parks, industrial clusters, export processing zones; land for trading and service; land of non-agricultural production establishments; land used for mining activities; and land for production of building materials, and pottery;
- Land used for public purposes, including land used for transport (including airports, airfields, inland waterway ports, maritime ports, rail system, road system and other transport facilities); irrigation; land with historical-cultural relics or scenic spots; land for community activities or public entertainment and recreation; land for energy facilities; land for post and telecommunications facilities; land for markets; land for waste dumping and treatment, and land for other public facilities;
- Land used by religious institutions;
- Land used for cemeteries, graveyards, funeral service centers and cremation centers; i/ Land with rivers, streams, canals, springs and special-use water surface;
- Other non-agricultural land, including land for motels, tents and camps for workers in production establishments; land for warehouses and houses to store agricultural products, plant protection drugs, fertilizers, machinery and tools for agricultural use, and land for other buildings of land users which are used for non-commercial purposes and not attached to residential land.
* Unused land, including land of types for which land use purposes have not been determined yet.
* Land with coastal water surface, including coastal water surface land for aquaculture; coastal land with mangroves; coastal land used for other purposes.
* The explanation, guidance on statistics and inventory for each type of land shall comply with the provisions in Appendix 01 attached to Circular 27/2018/TT-BTNMT.
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Appendix 01 |
2. Periodic indicators of land statistics and inventory by general area in Vietnam
Periodic indicators of land statistics and inventory by general area according to Article 10 of Circular 27/2018/TT-BTNMT. are as follows:
- Land in rural residential areas: an inventory of all types of land in the area determined to be used mainly for housing construction, construction of public works in service of people's lives and activities;
Land for gardens and ponds attached to houses and other types of land within the boundaries of rural residential areas within the administrative boundaries of communes, except for new urban areas in the case specified in Clause 5, Article 10 of Circular 27/2018/TT-BTNMT.
The boundary of a rural residential area is determined according to the land use planning or construction planning of rural residential areas already approved by the competent authority; in the absence of approved planning, the boundary of a rural residential area shall be determined according to the boundary of the land plot with the outermost houses of the existing hamlet, village, hamlet, phum, squirrel, and similar residential areas.
For the case where the population lives along canals, ditches, roads, or the population lives separately in places where there is no planning or outside the scope of the approved rural residential area planning, only statistics on the area of land plots with houses and gardens and ponds attached to houses shall be enumerated; in case the boundary of residential land and associated gardens and ponds cannot be determined, only the recognized residential land area shall be enumerated; in case the land plot has not been granted a certificate of land use right, the residential land area shall be temporarily determined equal to the new residential land allocation quota set by the provincial-level People's Committee.
- Land of high-tech zone: To inventory all types of land in hi-tech parks established under the Prime Minister's decision to use for the purposes of production and trading of high-tech products, research and application of high technologies, and hi-tech human resource training.
- Economic zone land: inventory of land types in economic zones and border-gate economic zones established under the Prime Minister's decision and which have been allocated land by competent state agencies to the economic zone management board for the following purposes:
Managing and re-allocating land, leasing land used for the purpose of building non-tariff zones, tax reporting zones, export processing zones, industrial parks, entertainment zones, tourist areas, urban areas, residential areas, administrative areas, and other functional areas suitable to the characteristics of each economic zone.
- Land in hi-tech agricultural zones: an inventory of areas and projects using land for agricultural production to be applied with new and advanced technologies, including: industrialization (mechanization), automation of production processes;
Applying information technology and biotechnology in the breeding, production, preservation, and processing of agricultural products with high economic efficiency per unit area and sustainable development on the basis of organic farming.
- Urban land: To make statistics and an inventory of land types within the administrative boundaries of wards and townships; new urban areas have actually been formed within the scope of the development plans of districts, towns, and provincial cities already approved by competent agencies.
- Land of nature reserve: a land inventory of nature reserves (including national parks, nature reserves, species and habitat conservation areas, and landscape protection areas) has been established under the Prime Minister's decision.
Chairman of the People's Committee of the province.
- Land for biodiversity conservation facilities: To inventory the land of facilities that care for, nurture, rescue, and breed wild species, plants, livestock, endemic and valuable microorganisms, and fungi; and store and preserve genetic resources and genetic specimens for the purpose of biodiversity conservation and development.
Wetlands: inventory of wetlands, peatlands, and other permanent or seasonal wetlands; including sea areas with a depth of not more than 6 meters at the lowest tide being used for agricultural, non-agricultural, and nature conservation purposes.
- Key word:
- land statistics
- in Vietnam