New list of documents (from January 15 to January 22, 2022)

The Law Clerk would like to introduce the list of newly issued documents updated from January 15 to January 22, 2022.

New list of documents (from January 15 to January 22, 2022)

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first. (January 20, 2022) Official Dispatch 413/BTNMT-TCQLĐĐ 2022 on reviewing the auction of land use rights under the direction of the Prime Minister issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
first. (January 19, 2022) Decision 11/QD-BCDNNDK 2022 on the operation regulation of the State Steering Committee for key oil and gas projects
2. (January 19, 2022) Decision 12/QD-BCDTKNL in 2022 on Regulations on building, selecting, organizing management, and performing tasks under the National Program on economical and efficient use of energy for the period of 2019-2030 promulgated by the Head of the Steering Committee of the National Program on Economical and Efficient Use of Energy
3. (January 18, 2022) Decision 21/QD-UBND in 2022 approving the natural area in the basin and the forest area eligible for payment for forest environmental services in 2021 in the Gam river basin, issued by Tuyen Quang province
first. (January 19, 2022) Directive 02/CT-BYT on implementation of natural disaster prevention and control and search and rescue in the health sector in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Health
2. (January 18, 2022) Decision 01/2022/QD-TTg on the list of sectors and facilities emitting greenhouse gases that must carry out a greenhouse gas inventory issued by the Prime Minister
3. (January 17, 2022) Decision 79/QD-TTg in 2022 on participating in the implementation of the Regional Project "Strengthening resilience to climate change of poor populations in ASEAN countries, especially review the impact of Covid-19 in Cambodia and Vietnam” using German non-refundable ODA issued by the Prime Minister
Agriculture, countryside
first. (January 20, 2022) Decision 346/QD-BNN-TT in 2022 announcing administrative procedures to be amended and supplemented in the field of crop production under the management functions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
2. (January 19, 2022) Decision 238/QD-BNN-BVTV in 2022 announcing administrative procedures to be amended and supplemented in the field of plant protection under the management function of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development countryside
3. (January 18, 2022) Decision 42/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the List of alternative administrative procedures; amend and supplement; the field of construction quality management has been abolished; Forestry; Irrigation is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tuyen Quang province
4. (January 18, 2022) Circular 01/2022/TT-BNNPTNT amending a number of circulars in the fisheries sector issued by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development
5. (January 17, 2022) Decision 159/QD-BNN-TCTS in 2022 announcing administrative procedures to amend and supplement fees for the fisheries sector under the management function of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development countryside
6. (January 17, 2022) Decision 282/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the list of administrative procedures to be amended and supplemented in the forestry sector under the handling competence of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Thanh Hoa province. Chemistry
7. (January 15, 2022) Decree 11/2022/ND-CP amending Decree 103/2020/ND-CP on certification of aromatic rice varieties exported to the European Union to guide the implementation of the certification of aromatic rice varieties. fragrant rice exported to the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Safety and order of society
first. (January 18, 2022) Official Letter 450/VPCP-QHQT 2022 on immigration settlement for foreigners, overseas Vietnamese and their relatives issued by the Government Office
first. (January 20, 2022) Decision 150/QD-BYT on Action Plan to implement Resolution 01/NQ-CP on main tasks and solutions to implement the Socio-Economic Development Plan and Estimate State budget in 2022 issued by the Minister of Health
2. (January 18, 2022) Decision 02/2022/QD-TTg stipulating the principles, criteria, and norms for allocation of central budget capital and the proportion of reciprocal capital of local budgets to implement the Target Program. National target for sustainable poverty reduction for the period of 2021-2025 promulgated by the Prime Minister
3. (January 17, 2022) Decision 08/2022/QD-UBND implementing Resolution 21/2021/NQ-HDND on regulations on spending content and level of expenditure for the organization of exams in the field of education above Long An province
4. (January 17, 2022) Decision 160/QD-BNN-TC in 2022 publicizing the 2020 budget settlement of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (funding to subsidize production, supply, storage forest varieties)
5. (January 15, 2022) Decree 11/2022/ND-CP amending Decree 103/2020/ND-CP on certification of aromatic rice varieties exported to the European Union to guide the implementation of the certification of aromatic rice varieties. fragrant rice exported to the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
first. (January 18, 2022) Plan 10/KH-UBND in 2022 deploys the roadmap towards universal health insurance in Tuyen Quang province in the period of 2021-2025
2. (December 31, 2021) Decision 1805/QD-BHXH publicizing data on adjusting the allocation of social insurance and unemployment insurance expenditure estimates and social insurance and unemployment insurance management costs , health insurance in 2021 issued by the General Director of Vietnam Social Insurance
first. (January 15, 2022) Official Dispatch 358/VPCP-KGVX 2022 on the implementation of Decision 2289/QD-TTg National Strategy on the Fourth Industrial Revolution to 2030 issued by the Office of the Government
Medical - pharmacy
first. (January 19, 2022) Directive 02/CT-BYT on implementation of natural disaster prevention and control and search and rescue in the health sector in 2022 issued by the Ministry of Health
2. (January 19, 2022) Dispatch 64/CD-TTg on speeding up the completion of vaccination against COVID-19; ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the prevention and control of COVID-19 during the Lunar New Year in 2022, announced by the Prime Minister.
3. (January 19, 2022) Official Dispatch 502/VPCP-KGVX 2022 report of the Ministry of Health on food safety in 2021 issued by the Government Office
4. (January 19, 2022) Decision 146/QD-BYT 2022 on the publication of the list of legal documents that have expired in whole or in part in the field of state management of the Ministry of Health until January 31 12 year 2021
5. (January 18, 2022) Official Dispatch 286/BYT-BMTE in 2022 on rectification of care for pregnant women and newborns in the context of the COVID-19 epidemic, issued by the Ministry of Health
6. (January 18, 2022) Decision 46/QD-BTTTT in 2022 guiding basic technical requirements for QR code reading devices in service of Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control (Version 1.0) issued by the Minister of Information and Communications. News and Media issued
7. (January 18, 2022) Official Dispatch 308/BYT-DP in 2022 on strengthening the prevention and control of harmful effects of alcohol, issued by the Ministry of Health
8. (January 17, 2022) Official Dispatch 269/BYT-TT-KT in 2022 on strengthening health communication during Tet, issued by the Ministry of Health
9. (January 17, 2022) Official Dispatch 271/BYT-TTrB in 2022 on rectification of the application of inappropriate epidemic prevention measures issued by the Ministry of Health
ten. (January 17, 2022) Decision 85/QD-TTg in 2022 approving the school health program in preschool and general education institutions associated with grassroots health for the period 2021-2025 by the Prime Minister. promulgated by government
11. (January 15, 2022) Notice 54/TB-UBND in 2022 on assessment of epidemic levels in the prevention and control of COVID-19 in Hanoi city
twelfth. (January 15, 2022) Official Letter 261/BYT-DP on fireworks and measures to prevent and control the epidemic on the occasion of the Lunar New Year 2022, issued by the Ministry of Health
13. (January 14, 2022) Official Letter 319/QLD-KD on ensuring the supply of drugs for disease prevention and control and the demand for drug use during the Lunar New Year of the Tiger in 2022, issued by the Drug Administration of Vietnam
14. (January 14, 2022) Decision 85/QD-BYT in 2022 on the contents of inspection and assessment of hospital quality and satisfaction survey of patients and medical staff in 2021 issued by the Ministry of Health
15. (January 14, 2022) Decision 98/QD-BYT 2022 on the Supplemental List of some ICD-10 codes related to COVID-19 under the guidance of the World Health Organization issued by the Ministry of Health
16. (January 14, 2022) Official Letter 252/BYT-DP in 2022 on organizing the implementation of the National Strategy on Nutrition for the 2021-2030 period issued by the Ministry of Health
17. (January 14, 2022) Dispatch 255/BYT-DP 2022 on strengthening immunization work issued by the Ministry of Health
18. (January 14, 2022) Guideline 68/HD-TTCP 2022 on thematic inspection of the procurement of medical equipment, supplies, biological products, test kits, vaccines, drugs to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic issued by the Government Inspector
19. (January 13, 2022) Official Letter 375/SYT-NVY 2022 on implementing medical guidelines for COVID-19 prevention and control for foreigners entering Vietnam for short-term work (CV-10943/BYT- MT) issued by the Department of Health of Ho Chi Minh City
first. (January 17, 2022) Official Letter 1826/CTHN-TTHT in 2022 on value-added tax rates issued by Hanoi Tax Department
2. (January 17, 2022) Official Letter 1829/CTHN-TTHT in 2022 on invoicing for construction activities issued by Hanoi Tax Department
3. (January 17, 2022) Official Letter 1830/CTHN-TTHT in 2022 guiding the value-added tax policy issued by the Hanoi Tax Department
4. (January 17, 2022) Official Dispatch 1827/CTHN-TTHT in 2022 on handling electronic invoices with errors issued by Hanoi Tax Department
Bank, currency
first. (January 19, 2022) Draft Decree guiding tax exemption and reduction policies according to Resolution 43/2022/QH15 on fiscal and monetary policies to support the socio-economic recovery and development program
Accounting and auditing
first. (January 17, 2022) Official Letter 1829/CTHN-TTHT in 2022 on invoicing for construction activities issued by Hanoi Tax Department
2. (January 17, 2022) Official Dispatch 1827/CTHN-TTHT in 2022 on handling electronic invoices with errors issued by Hanoi Tax Department
Trade, investment, securities
first. (January 21, 2022) Official Dispatch 326/BCT-TTTN in 2022 on petrol and oil business management issued by the Ministry of Industry and Trade
2. (January 19, 2022) Draft Decree guiding tax exemption and reduction policies according to Resolution 43/2022/QH15 on fiscal and monetary policies to support the socio-economic recovery and development program
3. (January 18, 2022) Circular 01/2022/TT-BCT amending Circular 47/2014/TT-BCT regulating the management of e-commerce websites and Circular 59/2015/TT-BCT providing for the management of e-commerce websites. management of e-commerce activities via mobile applications issued by the Minister of Industry and Trade
4. (January 17, 2022) Decision 79/QD-TTg in 2022 on participating in the implementation of the Regional Project "Strengthening resilience to climate change of poor populations in ASEAN countries, especially review the impact of Covid-19 in Cambodia and Vietnam” using German non-refundable ODA issued by the Prime Minister
first. (January 19, 2022) Official Letter 468/VPCP-CN 2022 on housing development policy for workers in industrial zones issued by the Government Office
Social policies
first. (January 18, 2022) Decision 02/2022/QD-TTg stipulating the principles, criteria, and norms for allocation of central budget capital and the proportion of reciprocal capital of local budgets to implement the Target Program. National target for sustainable poverty reduction for the period of 2021-2025 promulgated by the Prime Minister
2. (January 18, 2022) Decision 90/QD-TTg in 2022 approving the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction in the 2021-2025 period issued by the Prime Minister
first. (January 18, 2022) Announcement 18/TB-VPCP in 2022 on the conclusions of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh at the Government Standing meeting on considering reopening schools issued by the Government Office
2. (January 17, 2022) Decision 85/QD-TTg in 2022 approving the school health program in preschool and general education institutions associated with grassroots health for the period 2021-2025 by the Prime Minister. promulgated by government
3. (January 17, 2022) Decision 08/2022/QD-UBND implementing Resolution 21/2021/NQ-HDND on regulations on spending content and level of expenditure for the organization of exams in the field of education above Long An province
first. (January 18, 2022) Official Letter 524/BGTVT-VT in 2022 on restoring regular international flights to Europe issued by the Ministry of Transport
Construction of houses and urban areas
first. (January 19, 2022) Official Letter 468/VPCP-CN 2022 on housing development policy for workers in industrial zones issued by the Government Office
2. (January 17, 2022) Official Letter 1829/CTHN-TTHT in 2022 on invoicing for construction activities issued by Hanoi Tax Department
3. (January 17, 2022) Decision 14/QD-BXD in 2022 on assigning construction judicial assessment tasks to units under the Ministry of Construction
Post and Telecommunication
first. (January 18, 2022) Decision 47/QD-BTTTT in 2022 on the Action Plan to implement Decision 06/QD-TTg approving the project to develop the application of population data, identification and authentication Death to serve national digital transformation for the period of 2022-2025 with a vision to 2030 issued by the Minister of Information and Communications
2. (January 18, 2022) Decision 46/QD-BTTTT in 2022 guiding basic technical requirements for QR code reading devices in service of Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control (Version 1.0) issued by the Minister of Information and Communications. News and Media issued
3. (January 18, 2022) Circular 01/2022/TT-BCT amending Circular 47/2014/TT-BCT regulating the management of e-commerce websites and Circular 59/2015/TT-BCT providing for the management of e-commerce websites. management of e-commerce activities via mobile applications issued by the Minister of Industry and Trade
4. (January 18, 2022) Plan 156/KH-UBND in 2022 deploys content to prepare for connection and sharing between the national population database and national data and databases. major in Ho Chi Minh City
5. (January 15, 2022) Decision 11/QD-VPCP 2022 on the implementation plan of Decision 06/QD-TTg approving the project to develop the application of population data, identification and electronic authentication for service delivery. case of national digital transformation for the period 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030 issued by the Government Office
Press information, publishing
first. (January 17, 2022) Decision 40/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the list of administrative procedures to be amended and supplemented in the field of Publishing, Printing and Distribution under the handling competence of the Department of Information and Communications. Tuyen Quang province
first. (January 19, 2022) Dispatch 513/CD-VPCP in 2022 on building a safe, scientific and effective opening schedule to welcome international tourists issued by the Government Office
2. (January 17, 2022) Official Letter 378/VPCP-KGVX in 2022 on recommendations for solutions to support the tourism industry to recover from negative impacts from the pandemic issued by the Government Office
3. (January 17, 2022) Decision 125/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the List of administrative procedures under the handling competence of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city
4. (January 15, 2022) Decision 164/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the List of standardized administrative procedures, amended and supplemented administrative procedures in the field of tourism under the management functions of the Department of Tourism. Tourism in Binh Dinh province
Legal aid
first. (January 17, 2022) Decision 14/QD-BXD in 2022 on assigning construction judicial assessment tasks to units under the Ministry of Construction
2. (January 13, 2022) Decision 02/2022/QD-UBND stipulating the criteria for reviewing and approving dossiers of application for the establishment of a notary public office, change of the head office of the notary office in Cao Bang province
Judicial Administration
first. (January 18, 2022) Plan 156/KH-UBND in 2022 deploys content to prepare for connection and sharing between the national population database and national data and databases. major in Ho Chi Minh City
2. (January 17, 2022) Decision 170/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the list of administrative procedures at district and commune levels to reduce 50% of fees and charges settled through online public services at level 3, level 3. The field of "civil status" is under the management of the Department of Justice of Quang Nam province
first. (January 18, 2022) Decision 05/QD-VKSTC in 2022 stipulating the process of supervising the consideration of reduction of the prison sentence serving term and the supervision of the conditional early release of prison as approved by the Procurator General of the Procuracy. promulgated by the Supreme People's Assassin
Execution of judgment
first. (January 18, 2022) Decision 05/QD-VKSTC in 2022 stipulating the process of supervising the consideration of reduction of the prison sentence serving term and the supervision of the conditional early release of prison as approved by the Procurator General of the Procuracy. promulgated by the Supreme People's Assassin
Law making and law enforcement
first. (January 21, 2022) Guideline 17/HD-VKSTC on the orientation of the inspection work program in 2022 issued by the Supreme People's Procuracy
2. (January 20, 2022) Decision 150/QD-BYT on Action Plan to implement Resolution 01/NQ-CP on main tasks and solutions to implement the Socio-Economic Development Plan and Estimate State budget in 2022 issued by the Minister of Health
3. (January 20, 2022) Decision 346/QD-BNN-TT in 2022 announcing administrative procedures to be amended and supplemented in the field of crop production under the management functions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
4. (January 19, 2022) Decision 65/QD-BCT in 2022 announcing the list of legal documents that have expired in whole and in part in the field of State management of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2021
5. (January 19, 2022) Decision 238/QD-BNN-BVTV in 2022 announcing administrative procedures to be amended and supplemented in the field of plant protection under the management function of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development countryside
6. (January 19, 2022) Decision 115/QD-BVHTTDL on the plan to monitor the law enforcement situation of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2022
7. (January 19, 2022) Decision 146/QD-BYT 2022 on the publication of the list of legal documents that have expired in whole or in part in the field of state management of the Ministry of Health until January 31 12 year 2021
8. (January 19, 2022) Decision 88/QD-BHXH 2022 on the Regulation on control of administrative procedures of Vietnam Social Insurance
9. (January 18, 2022) Decision 02/2022/QD-UBND on the Regulation on coordination in the inspection, handling, review and systematization of legal documents in Vinh Long province
ten. (January 18, 2022) Decision 42/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the List of alternative administrative procedures; amend and supplement; the field of construction quality management has been abolished; Forestry; Irrigation is under the jurisdiction of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Tuyen Quang province
11. (January 18, 2022) Directive 02/CT-UBND in 2022 on promoting and improving the efficiency of administrative reform in Tuyen Quang province
twelfth. (January 18, 2022) Directive 02/CT-UBND in 2022 on continuing to strengthen and renew the mass mobilization work of state administrative agencies at all levels in Hanoi city in the new situation
13. (January 17, 2022) Decision 159/QD-BNN-TCTS in 2022 announcing administrative procedures to amend and supplement fees for the fisheries sector under the management function of the Ministry of Agriculture and Development countryside
14. (January 17, 2022) Decision 170/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the list of administrative procedures at district and commune levels to reduce 50% of fees and charges settled through online public services at level 3, level 3. The field of "civil status" is under the management of the Department of Justice of Quang Nam province
15. (January 17, 2022) Decision 282/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the list of administrative procedures to be amended and supplemented in the forestry sector under the handling competence of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of Thanh Hoa province. Chemistry
16. (January 17, 2022) Decision 125/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the List of administrative procedures under the handling competence of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Can Tho city
17. (January 17, 2022) Decision 40/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the list of administrative procedures to be amended and supplemented in the field of Publishing, Printing and Distribution under the handling competence of the Department of Information and Communications. Tuyen Quang province
18. (January 15, 2022) Decision 164/QD-UBND in 2022 announcing the List of standardized administrative procedures, amended and supplemented administrative procedures in the field of tourism under the management functions of the Department of Tourism. Tourism in Binh Dinh province
Population, children, family, gender equality
first. (January 19, 2022) Decision 96/QD-TTg in 2022 approving the program on ethics and lifestyle education in the family until 2030 issued by the Prime Minister
2. (January 18, 2022) Decision 47/QD-BTTTT in 2022 on the Action Plan to implement Decision 06/QD-TTg approving the project to develop the application of population data, identification and authentication Death to serve national digital transformation for the period of 2022-2025 with a vision to 2030 issued by the Minister of Information and Communications
3. (January 17, 2022) Official Dispatch 129/LDTBXH-BGG in 2022 implementing the communication program on gender equality to 2030 issued by the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs
4. (January 15, 2022) Decision 11/QD-VPCP 2022 on the implementation plan of Decision 06/QD-TTg approving the project to develop the application of population data, identification and electronic authentication for service delivery. case of national digital transformation for the period 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030 issued by the Government Office
Officials and civil servants
first. (January 20, 2022) Plan 18/KH-UBND on training and fostering cadres, civil servants and public employees in 2022 issued by Tuyen Quang province
State apparatus organization
first. (January 19, 2022) Decision 11/QD-BCDNNDK 2022 on the operation regulation of the State Steering Committee for key oil and gas projects
Social and political organizations
first. (January 16, 2022) Circular 1/2022/TT-BNV amending Circular 03/2013/TT-BNV guiding Decree 45/2010/ND-CP on organization, operation and management of associations and Decree 33/2012/ND-CP amending Decree 45/2010/ND-CP issued by the Minister of Home Affairs


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