Online procedures for issuance of judicial record cards in Hanoi, Vietnam

Is there any online procedure for the issuance of judicial record cards in Hanoi, Vietnam? – Nhu Thao (Hanoi)

Online procedures for issuance of judicial record cards in Hanoi, Vietnam

Online procedures for issuance of judicial record cards in Hanoi, Vietnam (Internet image)

Hanoi, Vietnam Department of Justice issued Notice 3698/TB-STP dated December 30, 2022, to issue judicial record cards via online public service and return results via postal service.

1. Time to implement online issuance of judicial record cards in Hanoi, Vietnam

The issuance of judicial record cards is carried out on the National Public Service Portal or the Hanoi, Vietnam Public Service Portal and results are returned via postal service in Hanoi, Vietnam as of January 1, 2023.

2. Online procedures for issuance of judicial record cards in Hanoi, Vietnam

Step 1:

- Citizens shall access the National Public Service Portal or the City Public Service Portal http://dichvucong.Hanoi, (referred to as the Public Service Portal) and register/log in to their account, verify their electronic identity to identify the right person who requires registration for the issuance of the LLTP ticket, and select the procedure for issuing the LLTP ticket:

+ Issuance of judicial record cards for Vietnamese citizens (with permanent residence in Hanoi, Vietnam city)

+ Issuance of judicial record cards to foreigners residing in Hanoi, Vietnam.

+ Issue judicial record cards to state agencies, political organizations, socio-political organizations; and litigation agencies.

Step 2: Citizens declare information on the electronic declaration on the public service portal system.

Note: Citizens must download the attached documents in case of authorization, minors.

+ ID card / CCCD / passport.

+ Power of attorney, Birth certificate, Marriage registration.

Step 3: Citizens pay the fee for issuing a criminal record card via online payment on the National Public Service Portal, the City Public Service Portal according to specific instructions on the Public Service Portal or when receiving the message "The application is complete and valid. Please transfer the fee for issuing the ticket to complete the procedure to request a Criminal Record Certificate" displayed on the Public Service Portal. Citizens shall transfer the fee for the issuance of judicial record cards to the account of the Department of Justice according to the following specific information:

- Receiving unit: Hanoi, Vietnam Department of Justice.

- Account number: 3511.2.105879500000 at Hanoi, Vietnam State Treasury.

- Transfer content: [Full name] [Online code] [CAP PHIEU LLTP]

- Fee: 200,000 VND/time/person.


- For students, people with meritorious services to the revolution, relatives of martyrs (including: biological fathers, natural mothers, wives (or husbands), children (natural children, adopted children), and people who have contributed to raising martyrs): 100,000 VND.

- Free for the following cases:

Children according to the provisions of the Law on protection, care and education of children.

+ The elderly, according to the provisions of the Law on the Elderly.

+ People with disabilities as prescribed in the Law on People with Disabilities.

+ People from poor households, according to regulations.

+ People residing in extremely difficult communes, ethnic minorities in communes with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions, border communes, and safe zone communes as prescribed by law.

Step 4: Citizens choose to return results via postal service on the Public Service Portal system and contact the Hanoi, Vietnam Post Office's phone number: 024.393.88888 for instructions on receiving results and paying postal service fees.

- Listed price list of Hanoi, Vietnam Post Office (enclosed).

* Note on the time limit for the issuance of judicial record cards:

The time limit for issuance of a judicial record card is not more than 10 days from the date of receipt of a valid request.

In the event that the person requested for the issuance of a judicial record card must verify the conditions for automatic criminal record remission, the time limit shall not exceed 15 days.

Step 5: Citizens present the original identification papers for the Postal Service to check and compare information before returning the Criminal Record Card. The return of the signed criminal record card is in accordance with the law.

* Note on attached documents:

- In case of authorization requesting the issuance of Criminal Record Certificate No. 01, the authorized person must attach the written authorization as prescribed and valid identification papers. In the event that there is an electronic certified copy of the original for the above documents, it can be re-attached to the Public Service Portal.

In case there is no certified electronic copy, the citizen must go to the Department of Justice to receive the result and present the original for the officer of the One-Stop Department to check before returning the results.

- For a minor, his or her father, mother, or guardian must attach documents proving the relationship and identification papers of the father, mother, or guardian.

If there is an electronic certified copy of the original for the above documents, it can be attached to the Public Service Portal.

In case there is no certified electronic copy, the citizen must go to the Department of Justice to receive the result and present the original for the officer of the One-Stop Department to check before returning the results.

- If the requester for the issuance of a judicial record card is eligible for fee exemption or reduction, he/she must attach documents to prove it.

- If there is an electronic certified copy of the original for the above documents, it can be attached to the Public Service Portal.

In case there is no certified electronic copy, the citizen must go to the Department of Justice to receive the result and present the original for the officer of the One-Stop Department to check before returning the results.

- For foreigners who have a temporary residence card issued by the Hanoi, Vietnam Police Department that is still valid until the date of application submission, they are not required to present a certificate of temporary residence issued by the police of the commune, ward or town where they temporarily reside in Hanoi, Vietnam.

In case a temporary residence card is issued by the Immigration Department - the Ministry of Public Security, a certificate of temporary residence issued by the police station of the commune, ward, or township where he is temporarily residing in the area of Hanoi, Vietnam city must be presented.

- In cases where criminal convictions are automatically expunged according to the provisions of the Penal Code, citizens shall cooperate in providing the following documents to ensure the time required to receive the results as prescribed.

- Judgment has legal effect.

- Papers proving that the main penalty has been completed (a certificate of completion of the prison sentence in case the main penalty is imprisonment; a certificate of completion of the imprisonment sentence for a suspended sentence in case the main penalty is a suspended sentence; a receipt or Certificate of judgment enforcement results in case the main penalty is money).

- A written certification of judgment enforcement results or a receipt for collection of court fees or related decisions of the judgment.

Diem My


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