Working principles of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (Latest)

Working principles of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (Latest)
Quốc Tuấn

Working principles of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (Latest)

Working principles of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam

Working principles of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (Latest) (Internet image) 

On May 31, 2024, the Ministry of Labor - Invalids, and Social Affairs of Vietnam issued Decision 726/QD-BLDTBXH, amending some provisions of the Working Regulations of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids, and Social Affairs accompanying Decision 486/QD-LDTBXH in 2017.

Working principles of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam (Latest)

The working principles of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids, and Social Affairs of Vietnam are revised as follows:

- The Ministry implements the working principles  under the leadership regime, follows the principles of democratic centralism, emphasizes individual responsibility, and sets an example for the leaders. All activities of the Ministry must comply with the provisions of the Constitution, laws, and the Working Regulations of the Ministry. Officials, public employees, and employees under the Ministry must handle and resolve their work within their assigned responsibilities and authorities.

- One unit or individual can carry out multiple tasks, and only one task is assigned to one unit or individual to lead and take primary responsibility. The head of the agency or unit assigned will be primarily responsible for the results, quality, and progress of the assigned work.

- Compliance with the procedures, formalities, and deadlines for handling work according to the provisions of the law, programs, plans, work schedules, and the Working Regulations of the Ministry, except in cases of emergency or other requirements of the competent authority.

- Promote the capacity and expertise of officials, public employees, and employees; emphasize responsibility in coordinating work and exchanging information when performing tasks; and implement activities according to the functions, tasks, and authorities stipulated by law.

- Strictly implement discipline, administrative ethics, public service ethics, and workplace culture, ensure obedience to leadership; and strictly adhere to the decisions of superiors.

- Publicize, be transparent, and innovate the activities of the unit; implement a unified, transparent, continuous, democratic, modern, honest, and effective administrative system.

- Ensure speech activities, confidentiality, internal political security, and protection of state secrets as prescribed.

- In addition to implementing the provisions of these Regulations, units and individuals mentioned in Clause 2 of Article 1 of these Regulations shall comply with the specialized regulations and provisions of the Ministry in each work area and the working regulations of the unit.

Previously, according to Article 2 of the Regulations issued accompanying Decision 486/QD-LDTBXH in 2017, the working principles of the Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs were as follows:

- The Ministry operates under the leadership regime, implements the principles of democratic centralism, and emphasizes the responsibility of the leaders. All activities of the Ministry must comply with the provisions of the law and the Working Regulations of the Ministry. Public employees, officers, and employees under the Ministry must handle and resolve their work within their assigned responsibilities and authorities.

- Each task is assigned to one agency, unit, or person in charge and bears primary responsibility. The head of the agency or unit assigned must be primarily responsible for the results, quality, and progress of the assigned work.

- Ensure compliance with the procedures, formalities, and deadlines for handling work according to the provisions of the law, programs, plans, work schedules, and the Working Regulations of the Ministry, except in cases of emergency or other requirements of the competent authority.

- Ensure the promotion of the capacity and expertise of officials, public employees, and employees; emphasize responsibility in coordinating work, exchanging information when performing tasks, and implementing activities according to the functions, tasks, and authorities stipulated by law.

- Ensure democracy, transparency, clarity, and openness, and promote administrative reform, quality, and efficiency in all activities.

- In addition to implementing the provisions of these Regulations, units and individuals mentioned in Clause 2 of Article 1 of these Regulations shall comply with the specialized regulations and provisions of the Ministry in each work area.

More details can be found in Decision 726/QD-BLDTBXH, which comes into force from May 31, 2024.


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