Work Program of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for 2024 in Vietnam

What are the regulations on Work Program of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for 2024 in Vietnam? – Minh Kien (Can Tho)

Work Program of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for 2024 in Vietnam

Work Program of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for 2024 in Vietnam (Internet image)

On December 25, 2023, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly passed Resolution 941/NQ-UBTVQH15 on the Program of Work of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in 2024.

Work Program of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly for 2024 in Vietnam

The Program of Work of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in 2024 includes the following:

(1) Preparation, summoning, and chairing of National Assembly sessions

Coordinate with the President, the Government, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Supreme People's Court, the Supreme People's Procuracy, and relevant agencies and organizations to prepare the content, develop plans, and organize the 7th and 8th sessions of the National Assembly in the 15th term; organizing extraordinary sessions when necessary to timely consider and decide on important and urgent matters within the National Assembly's jurisdiction.

Direct the strict implementation of the Rules of Procedure of the National Assembly sessions; continuing to study and improve the quality and effectiveness of the National Assembly's activities and sessions; and enhancing democracy, rule of law, modernity, professionalism, scientificity, transparency, effectiveness, and efficiency in the National Assembly's activities.

Organize specialized meetings of National Assembly deputies (scheduled for April and August 2024), as well as other meetings and conferences to gather opinions from National Assembly deputies, administrators, experts, scientists, practitioners, relevant agencies, and organizations on certain draft laws and other important issues when necessary.

(2) Legislative work

Direct the implementation of the Program for the Development of Laws and Statutes in 2024 and 2025, ensuring the quality and progress of preparing draft laws, statutes, and resolutions to be submitted to the National Assembly and the Standing Committee of the National Assembly. This includes focusing on directing and organizing the research, explanation, absorption, and revision of draft laws and resolutions based on the opinions of National Assembly deputies and relevant agencies and organizations for consideration and approval by the National Assembly.

Direct and urge the continued implementation and completion of legislative tasks as required in Plan 81/KH-UBTVQH15 of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in implementing Conclusion 19-KL/TW of the Politburo and the Orientation Program for the Development of Legislation in the term of the 15th National Assembly.

Direct the review, study, and proposal of new legislative tasks that are not included in Plan 81/KH-UBTVQH15 for the timely implementation of resolutions and conclusions of the Central Executive Committee, the Politburo, the Party Secretary, and the resolutions of the National Assembly.

Direct the preparation and submission to the National Assembly for consideration and approval of the Resolution on the Program for the Development of Laws and Statutes in 2025 and adjusting the Program for the Development of Laws and Statutes in 2024 to timely institutionalize the Party's principles and guidelines, further concretize the Constitution, ensure compliance with newly approved international conventions, laws, and resolutions, and meet the requirements of economic-social development, national defense and security, and international integration. Continuously improve the quality of proposals for the Program for the Development of Laws and Statutes, determining the priority order for inclusion in the Program based on the necessity of the issuance of proposed drafts, ensuring the feasibility of the Program, and balancing the workload of the National Assembly and its agencies.

Consider and approve legislative projects, draft resolutions, and legal normative documents of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

Direct the continued review of the content in laws and resolutions of the National Assembly assigned to the Standing Committee of the National Assembly to issue detailed regulations, especially those newly approved by the National Assembly in the 5th and 6th sessions of the 15th National Assembly, in order to develop plans, assign drafting agencies and review agencies, and determine the schedule for issuance, ensuring the effectiveness of the detailed regulations when the laws and resolutions take effect.

Direct the Ethnic Council to closely coordinate with the agencies of the National Assembly to urgently study and prepare proposals for amending and supplementing certain provisions of the Law on Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and the People's Councils to add to the Program for the Development of Laws and Statutes and prepare draft law files for submission to the National Assembly after the draft law is included in the Program.

Consider and decide on other matters within its jurisdiction.

(3) Supervision work

Direct the implementation of the Supervision Program of the National Assembly and the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in 2024, focusing on preparing for effective questioning and answering sessions at regular sessions of the National Assembly and meetings of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly. In particular, organize questioning and answering sessions on the implementation of resolutions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on specialized monitoring and questioning from the beginning of the 15th term of the National Assembly to the present at the August 2024 meeting.

Implement 02 monitoring topics of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly in 2024; review the reports of the 02 monitoring delegations of the National Assembly to report to the National Assembly for supreme supervision at the 7th and 8th sessions of the 15th term of the National Assembly. Directly enhance the supervision of normative legal documents in conjunction with the review of legal documents, contributing to the construction and improvement of the legal system. Direct the organization of explanatory sessions at the Ethnic Council and the Committees of the National Assembly based on close adherence to reality and sensitive responses to emerging issues that concern voters and the people.

Direct the preparation and submission to the National Assembly for consideration, approval of the 2025 Supervision Program of the National Assembly, and resolutions establishing the 2025 specialized monitoring delegations of the National Assembly; issue plans for implementation of the 2025 Supervision Program of the National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly; and plan and report outlines of the 2025 monitoring topics of the National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

Ensure thorough organization, timely implementation, and supervision of the implementation of laws and resolutions passed by the National Assembly.

Direct, coordinate, and harmonize the supervision activities of the Ethnic Council and the Committees of the National Assembly.

Review the comprehensive report on the supervision of normative legal documents by the Ethnic Council and the Committees of the National Assembly in 2023. Review the supervision recommendations of the Ethnic Council, the Committees of the National Assembly, the National Assembly Delegations, and the National Assembly Deputies that have not been implemented or have not met the requirements, and report to the National Assembly at the 7th and 8th sessions (if applicable).

Carry out other supervisory activities within the jurisdiction.

(4) Consideration and decision on important issues

Consider and decide within the jurisdiction or submit to the National Assembly for consideration and decision on certain issues related to organizational structure, personnel, and policy regimes upon the proposals of the Government, the Prime Minister, the Chief Justice of the Supreme People's Court, the Procurator General of the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Secretary General of the National Assembly - Chairman of the Office of the National Assembly, the Chairman of the Ethnic Council, the Chairpersons of the Committees of the National Assembly, the Heads of the agencies under the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, and the State Auditor General (if applicable).

Provide opinions on matters to be submitted to the National Assembly for consideration; provide opinions on additional evaluation of the results of implementing the economic-social development plan and the state budget of 2023; the implementation of the economic-social development plan and the state budget of 2024; the decision on the economic-social development plan, the state budget estimate, and the allocation of the central budget for 2025; and the settlement of the state budget for 2022.

Provide opinions on the preparation and submission to the National Assembly for consideration and decision on the investment policy for national target programs, important national projects, and investment projects under the jurisdiction of approving investment policy by the National Assembly.

Review and decide on the allocation and use of increased revenue, savings in expenditure, and remaining funds of the central budget in 2023 (if applicable) and some related contents in the financial and budgetary field within the jurisdiction.

Review and decide on the establishment, dissolution, merger, division, and adjustment of administrative units at district and commune levels, ensuring effective implementation of Conclusion 48-KL/TW dated January 30, 2023 of the Politburo on continuing the implementation of the rearrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels in the period 2023-2030 and Resolution 35/2023/UBTVQH15 dated July 12, 2023 of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly on the rearrangement of administrative units at district and commune levels in the period 2023-2030.

Review and approve the proposal for the appointment of Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

Review, provide opinions, and decide on other important matters within the jurisdiction.

(5) Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Direct the implementation of the Program of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for 2024, continue to strengthen the foreign affairs activities of the National Assembly in conjunction with the Party's foreign affairs activities, state diplomacy, and people-to-people diplomacy, contributing to the effective implementation of the foreign policy direction according to the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; ensure the leadership of the Politburo, the Party Central Committee Secretariat, the National Assembly Standing Committee, and compliance with the regulations and conclusions of the Politburo on the unified management of foreign activities and the affairs of overseas Vietnamese. Focus on implementing the foreign activities of the Chairperson of the National Assembly and the Vice Chairpersons of the National Assembly according to the approved program, ensuring effectiveness, practicality, and relevance to the actual situation. Implement activities to serve the country's general foreign tasks.

Prioritize strengthening foreign affairs activities with parliamentary partners with special relations, neighboring countries, comprehensive strategic partners, strategic partners, comprehensive partners, and other important partners.

Continue to promote and elevate the multilateral foreign affairs of the National Assembly based on closely following Directive 25-CT/TW dated August 8, 2018, by the Party Central Committee Secretariat on promoting and elevating multilateral foreign affairs by 2030, from proactive participation and active participation to gradually contributing to the construction and shaping of transparent, democratic, fair, and sustainable multilateral institutions and international order. Continue to actively participate in and leverage roles in multilateral mechanisms such as AIPA, IPU, APPF, and other multilateral mechanisms, gradually playing a core role in leading and mediating in areas and forums where we have capabilities and interests.

Enhance the quality of research, forecasting, and strategic consultation on foreign affairs with proactive, creative, and quick adaptation to the situation, proposing solutions and strategies to meet the requirements and tasks in the new situation.

Evaluate the results of implementing the Program of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for 2024; consider and approve the Program of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation for 2025.

Direct, coordinate, and harmonize the foreign affairs and international cooperation activities of the Secretary-General of the National Assembly, the Ethnic Council, the Committees of the National Assembly, the Office of the National Assembly, the agencies under the National Assembly Standing Committee, the State Audit, and friendly parliamentary groups.

(6) People's Engagement Work

Coordinate with the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front to compile a comprehensive report on the opinions and recommendations of voters and the people to be submitted to the 7th and 8th sessions of the 15th National Assembly. Direct the synthesis and classification of opinions and recommendations of voters to be submitted to the 6th and 7th sessions of the 15th National Assembly for timely transfer to competent authorities for consideration and resolution; build a report on the results of monitoring the resolution of voters' recommendations to be submitted to the 7th session of the 15th National Assembly; and a report on the results of monitoring the resolution of voters' recommendations to be submitted to the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly.

Continue to direct the regular and effective reception of citizens at the reception venues of the National Assembly and at the headquarters of the Central Reception Office in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

Direct the People's Engagement Board to synthesize the situation of opinions and recommendations of voters and the people, the results of receiving citizens, resolving complaints, and denunciations to build a report on people's engagement work to be submitted to the National Assembly Standing Committee for consideration at its monthly regular meetings, and a report on the results of receiving citizens, handling complaints, and denunciations to be submitted to the National Assembly in 2024 for consideration at the 8th session of the 15th National Assembly.

Direct coordination in drafting the Joint Resolution between the National Assembly Standing Committee and the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on detailed regulations for organizing contact with voters by National Assembly deputies; draft the Resolution of the National Assembly Standing Committee on the reception of citizens, handling complaints, denunciations, recommendations, and feedback of citizens and monitoring the reception of citizens, resolution of complaints, denunciations by elected agencies, elected deputies; draft the Resolution on implementing democracy within the internal affairs of the National Assembly agencies, the agencies under the National Assembly Standing Committee, the agencies of the People's Councils at all levels, in accordance with the specific characteristics of the organization and activities of these agencies as stipulated in Clause 2 Article 84 of the Law on the Implementation of Democracy at the grassroots.

Continue to direct the innovation, improvement of quality, and effectiveness of the people's engagement work of the National Assembly

(7) Guidelines for the operations of the National Assembly delegates, the National Assembly Delegation, and ensuring the conditions for the activities of the National Assembly delegates:

Decide on the allocation of operational funds for National Assembly Delegations. Directing the enhancement of the system and policies for National Assembly delegates.

Continue to direct the strengthening of training and updating of knowledge and skills for National Assembly delegates; directing the training and development of specialized officials and positions in the Ethnic Council, Committees of the National Assembly, National Assembly Office, and agencies under the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

Direct the monitoring, understanding the situation, and guiding the activities of the National Assembly delegates and National Assembly Delegations.

Implement other tasks and powers as authorized.

(8) Guidelines for the operations of the People's Council:

Continue to strengthen the guidance of the People's Council's activities.

Organize the national conference to review the work of the People's Council of provinces and centrally-run cities in 2023 and implement the work plan for 2024; directing the organization of the Standing Conference of the People's Council of regions nationwide and other specialized conferences (if any).

Direct the organization of training and skills development for People's Council delegates, with a focus on training knowledge and skills in specific areas.

Strengthen coordination, guidance, and exchange of operational experiences between the National Assembly agencies, agencies under the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, and the People's Council.

Direct coordination in drafting inter-agency resolutions detailing the organization of meetings with constituents by People's Council delegates at all levels.

(9) Other tasks:

Continue to improve and innovate the procedures for the sessions of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, ensuring the strict implementation of the regulations in the Working Rules of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

Continue to direct the efforts to innovate and improve the effectiveness of information and communication activities regarding the activities of the National Assembly, National Assembly agencies, the Secretary-General of the National Assembly, agencies under the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, the National Assembly Delegation, and National Assembly delegates to enable voters and the people to monitor and supervise.

Direct the expansion and strengthening of the application of information technology in the activities of the National Assembly, Standing Committee of the National Assembly, National Assembly agencies, National Assembly Office, agencies under the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, National Assembly Delegation, and National Assembly delegates, ensuring transparency, enhancing connectivity, timely sharing of information and data, and efficiency. Directing research and expediting the development of an e-National Assembly, implementing digital transformation in the activities of the National Assembly, the Standing Committee of the National Assembly, National Assembly agencies, the National Assembly Office, and agencies under the Standing Committee of the National Assembly.

Direct the implementation of the 2024 work program of the Science Council of the Standing Committee of the National Assembly; continuing to research, improve, and enhance the quality and effectiveness of the sessions of the Science Council.

- Direct the research, improvement, innovation, and further enhancement of the quality, effectiveness, professionalism, and modernization in the organization and activities of the advisory machinery, serving the National Assembly. Strengthen the conditions for the operation and attract highly qualified human resources to work in the advisory machinery, serving the National Assembly; and strengthen the participation of experts, researchers, and experienced practitioners to support the National Assembly agencies and National Assembly delegates.

- Implement other tasks as stipulated in the Constitution, the Law on the Organization of the National Assembly, the Law on the Supervisory Activities of the National Assembly and the People's Council, and other related legal documents.


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