Work Program of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee for 2024 in Vietnam

Work Program of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee for 2024 in Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

What are the main contents of the Work Program of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee for 2024 in Vietnam? – Quoc Van (Lam Dong)

Work Program of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee for 2024 in Vietnam

Work Program of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee for 2024 in Vietnam (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On February 16, 2024, the Head of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee issued Decision 18/QD-BCDPTDS on the Work Program for 2024 of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee.

Work Program of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee for 2024 in Vietnam

Work Program of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee for 2024 in Vietnam includes the following:

(I) Directing the construction and completion of the system of documents, plans, and projects

- Building and completing the system of documents

+ Drafting a Decree detailing certain provisions of the Law on Civil Defense.

+ Reviewing legal documents related to civil defense under the current laws (according to Decision 1217/QD-TTg dated October 20, 2023, approved by the Prime Minister's Plan for implementing the Law on Civil Defense).

+ Developing an Action Plan to implement the National Civil Defense Strategy.

+ Summarizing the legal situation of emergencies; preparing a proposal to develop an project on Law on Emergency Circumstances; and drafting an Law on Emergency Circumstances.

+ Amending and supplementing Decree 20/2021/ND-CP on social assistance policies for social protection beneficiaries, including provisions for those affected by natural disasters and epidemics.

- Developing and adjusting disaster response and emergency plans at all levels

+ Reviewing and adjusting the Civil Defense Plan for the period 2021–2025.

+ Reviewing, adjusting, and implementing contingency plans for each locality based on risk levels.

+ Planning and developing sustainable urban areas to cope with natural disasters and climate change.

+ Improving the national environmental radiation monitoring system. Providing guidance on developing and organizing the assessment of provincial-level plans for responding to radiation and nuclear incidents.

- Directing response efforts: direct response efforts, mitigation of consequences, emergencies, and disasters.

(II) Reorganizing the system of civil defense organizations and forces

- Restructuring the National Civil Defense Steering Committee, the National Committee for Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, and the National Committee for Emergency Response, Natural Disasters, and Search and Rescue into the National Civil Defense Steering Committee.

- Reorganizing civil defense command committees at all levels.

- Transferring the Southern Oil Spill Response Center from the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group to the Ministry of National Defense for management and operation (according to Decision No. 1243/QD-TTg dated October 25, 2023, approved by the Prime Minister).

- Improving the organization and staffing of specialized civil defense forces.

(III) Directing training, refresher courses, and exercises on civil defense

- Training

+ Training and certifying personnel to operate inland waterway vehicles for inland waterway disaster response.

+ Training for air search and rescue in response to aviation disasters.

+ Training for sea search and rescue in response to maritime disasters.

- Conducting training courses

+ Training and implementing the Law on Civil Defense (according to Decision 1217/QD-TTg dated October 20, 2023, approved by the Prime Minister's Plan for implementing the Law on Civil Defense).

+ Training and developing expertise in civil defense; responding to and mitigating basic disaster situations.

- Directing exercise activities

+ Conducting civil defense exercises or combined exercises on civil defense, disaster response, search and rescue; forest fire response within the area.

+ Conducting exercises to respond to major fires in high-rise buildings, urban areas, industrial zones, and residential areas.

+ Conducting exercises on mooring and avoiding storms for fishing vessels at storm shelters.

(IV) Directing propaganda, legal education, and the compilation of materials on civil defense

- Developing content, basic programs, and training materials on civil defense for various target groups.

- Promoting the Law on Civil Defense and the Decree detailing certain provisions of the Law on Civil Defense and related documents on civil defense through mass media channels (according to Decision 1217/QD-TTg dated October 20, 2023, approved by the Prime Minister's Plan for implementing the Law on Civil Defense).

- Disseminating and promoting laws to enhance awareness and responsibility for civil defense and various disasters within the community.


For more details, please refer to the Work Program for 2024 of the National Civil Defense Steering Committee issued with Decision 18/QD-BCDPTDS, taking effect on February 16, 2024.


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