Which skills do college students majoring in Drainage and Wastewater Treatment Technology need to acquire?

Recently, the Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs has issued Circular 56/2018/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating the minimum amount of knowledge and competency requirements that learners must achieve upon graduation at intermediate and college levels in the fields of transportation services, environment, and security.

Students of College Level in Technical Drainage and Wastewater Treatment, Circular 56/2018/TT-BLDTBXH

What skills must students of College Level in Technical Drainage and Wastewater Treatment achieve? (Illustration)

Circular 56/2018/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates that students of the college major in Technical Drainage and Wastewater Treatment, upon graduation, must achieve the following skills:

- Apply safety measures during the operation, maintenance, and repair of drainage networks and wastewater treatment plants;- Read existing system drawings, technical diagrams, and technical documents of drainage systems;- Cut, join, and deform metallic and plastic materials used in drainage and wastewater treatment systems;- Perform sludge measurement methods, cleaning measures, dredging sludge in pipelines, manholes, and collection channels;- Carry out procedures to check and evaluate the tightness of joints, conditions of pipelines, manholes, pressure resistance of manhole covers, and discharge connection points;- Apply energy and material-saving measures in maintaining and operating the drainage networks and wastewater treatment plants;- Identify and handle hazards that may occur during the operation, maintenance, and repair of drainage networks, pumping stations, and wastewater treatment plants;- Operate, control, and adjust devices and structures within the drainage system, at pumping stations, and wastewater treatment plants;- Evaluate the extent of regular damage, causes, consequences, and suggest remedial measures for damages occurring in pipelines and structures within the drainage network;- Conduct maintenance procedures for the drainage systems, pumping stations, and wastewater treatment plants;- Detect incidents at structures, devices within the plants and pumping stations, and handle incidents within the assigned scope;- Operate electrical equipment, automatic control systems, and backup generators within the wastewater treatment plants;- Record operation logs, process records, working results, and prepare related reports while ensuring data protection;- Collect, manage, and handle various types of solid waste arising from operations;- Apply national technical standards applicable to drainage and wastewater treatment specialties, environmental protection, and safety standards;- Assess the quality of wastewater and sludge, and determine the physical, chemical, and microbiological criteria of wastewater and sludge according to technical standards;- Choose and properly use equipment, tools, materials, and chemicals in the field, within plants, and in laboratories;- Collect, transport, store, and preserve wastewater and sludge samples correctly;- Supervise the operation of plants and indirect discharge points ensuring compliance with discharge regulations.- Use basic information technology as prescribed; exploit, handle, and apply information technology in the specialized work of the industry;- Utilize basic foreign language skills, achieving level 2/6 in the Vietnamese Language Competency Framework, and apply foreign languages to specialized work in the sector.

Details can be viewed at Circular 56/2018/TT-BLDTBXH, effective from February 10, 2019.

Ty Na


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