What does information about the contractor selection plan and invitation for prequalification applications to be disclosed in Vietnam include?

Recently, the Government of Vietnam has issued Decree 95/2020/ND-CP providing guidelines for the implementation of procurement under the CPTPP.

Nội dung đăng tải kế hoạch lựa chọn nhà thầu và thông báo mời sơ tuyển gồm những gì?, Nghị định 95/2020/NĐ-CP

What does information about the contractor selection plan and invitation for prequalification applications to be disclosed in Vietnam include? (Illustration)

Decree 95/2020/ND-CP stipulates the information about the contractor selection plan, invitation for prequalification applications, Invitation for EOIs to be disclosed in Vietnam. To be specific:

1. Posting the contractor selection plan

- General information about the contractor selection plan includes: Name of the contractor selection plan; Name of the purchasing agency; Name of the project, the procurement estimate; Date of approval, decision number of the contractor selection plan approval; Total investment of the project/procurement estimate.

- Content of the contractor selection plan for each package includes: Name of the package; Package price; Source of funds or method of arranging funds; Form and method of selecting contractors; Time to start organizing the contractor selection; Type of contract; Contract execution time.

2. Posting the pre-qualification invitation notice, the invitation for expression of interest

Content of the pre-qualification invitation notice, the invitation for expression of interest includes:

- Notice about the package being within the scope of the CPTPP;

- Name of the purchasing agency;

- Address of the purchasing agency;

- Name of the package;

- Name of the project, the procurement estimate;

- Field of contractor selection;

- Contract execution time;

- Source of funds or method of arranging funds;

- Form and method of selecting contractors;

- Deadline for bid submission;

- Method of submitting the pre-qualification application, expression of interest (through electronic means or not through electronic means);

- Address for receiving pre-qualification applications, expressions of interest (through electronic means or not through electronic means);

- Time of bid opening;

- Language to be used in the pre-qualification invitation document, invitation for expression of interest.

Details can be found at Decree 95/2020/ND-CP which comes into force in Vietnam from August 24, 2020.

Ty Na


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