What Are the Requirements for Police Rank Promotion in Vietnam?

Promotion in police rank, also known as the conferment or advancement of rank for officers, non-commissioned officers, or soldiers in the People's Public Security, is stipulated in the Law on People's Public Security 2014 and Decree 129/2015/ND-CP as follows:

Subjects Eligible for Rank Promotion:

Students receiving allowances at institutions of the People's Public Security Forces (Vietnam People's Public Security) upon graduation will be promoted to ranks as follows:

- Intermediate level: Sergeant;

- College level: Senior Sergeant;

- University level: Second Lieutenant.

For students graduating with honors, they will be promoted one rank higher.

Officials, graduates from academies, universities, colleges, professional secondary schools, vocational training schools recruited into Vietnam People's Public Security will be promoted to corresponding ranks based on their education, work process, assigned duties, and salary grade.

Conscripts will be promoted to the initial rank of Private Second Class.

Conditions for Rank Advancement Consideration:

- Completing the assigned tasks, meeting standards on politics, ethics, professional, and health;- When the current rank is lower than the highest rank prescribed for the position or title being held;- Meeting the required period for rank advancement as specified below.

Period for Rank Advancement Consideration:

No Subjects for Rank Advancement Consideration Period
I Non-commissioned officers and professional officers
1 Private First Class → Corporal 1 year
2 Corporal → Sergeant 1 year
3 Sergeant → Second Lieutenant 2 years
4 Second Lieutenant → First Lieutenant 2 years
5 First Lieutenant → Senior Lieutenant 3 years
6 Senior Lieutenant → Captain 3 years
7 Captain → Major 4 years
8 Major → Lieutenant Colonel 4 years
9 Lieutenant Colonel → Colonel 4 years
10 Colonel → Senior Colonel 4 years
11 Senior Colonel → Brigadier General 4 years
The minimum period for advancement in each general rank is 4 years. Officers promoted from colonel to brigadier general must be under 57 years old (may be older if required by the President's decision).
II Non-commissioned officers, conscripts of Vietnam People's Public Security (citizens fulfilling military obligations participating in Vietnam People's Public Security)
1 Private Second Class → Private First Class 06 months
2 Private First Class → Corporal 06 months
3 Corporal → Sergeant 01 year
4 Sergeant → Senior Sergeant 01 year
The study period of officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers in school is counted towards the rank advancement period. For officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers demoted in rank, one year from the demotion date, if progress is made, they will be considered for rank advancement.

Early and Exceptional Rank Promotion:

According to Law on People's Public Security Forces 2014, officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers of Vietnam People's Public Security may be promoted early or exceptionally if they achieve outstanding merits. Specifically:

- Officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers with outstanding merits in safeguarding national security, social order, and safety, fighting crime, scientific research, and studying, and the current rank is lower than the highest rank for the position or title held, may be considered for early rank promotion;

- Officers, non-commissioned officers, and soldiers with outstanding merits in safeguarding national security, social order, and safety, fighting crime, and the current rank is at least two grades lower than the highest rank prescribed for the position or title held, may be considered for exceptional rank promotion, but not exceeding the highest rank for the position held.

In this regard:

- The President decides on early and exceptional rank promotion for general ranks;

- The Minister of Public Security decides on early and exceptional rank promotion from Colonel and below.

Refer to Law on People's Public Security Forces 2014 (effective from July 1, 2015) and Decree 129/2015/ND-CP (effective from February 1, 2016)


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