Warehouse for Storing Generators Must Be a Type with Enclosing Walls and a Roof

This is one of the requirements for storage warehouses for reserve generators as stipulated in Circular 94/2017/TT-BTC issued by the Ministry of Finance on September 21, 2017, regarding the national technical standards for reserve generators.

Circular 94 stipulates that generators contained within warehouses for materials, equipment, rescue, and relief must meet the following basic requirements:

- The warehouse must have enclosing walls, a roof to protect against sun, rain, wind, and storms, and a ceiling to insulate against heat;- The warehouse floor must be flat, solid, and capable of bearing a load of no less than 5.0 tons/m2;- The warehouse must be adequately equipped with ventilation fans to ensure it remains dry and cool; it must also have instruments to measure temperature and humidity;- There must be systems in place to prevent birds, rodents, termites, and other pests, as well as a lighting system to facilitate preservation and protection activities;- The warehouse must be located away from chemical sources, easily flammable and explosive areas, high-voltage power lines, and it must minimize dust and thermal radiation as much as possible;- There must be rules, means, and plans in place for fire prevention and control, as well as flood and storm prevention.

See details Circular 94/2017/TT-BTC effective from November 10, 2017.

-Thao Uyen-


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