Vietnam: Transport of special cargo

This is a notable content specified in Circular No. 22/2018/TT-BGTVT of the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam issued on May 02, 2018. According to this Circular, regulations on transport of special cargo are as follows:

1. Transport of overweight and oversized cargo

* Oversized cargo means:

- cargo whose height measured from the track's surface or width, once loaded onto a goods wagon on a flat road, exceeds the dimensional limits of the locomotive or goods wagon prescribed in the National technical regulations on railway exploitation;

- cargo whose length, once loaded, exceeds the length of the floor of the goods wagon.

* Overweight cargo means:

- cargo whose weight exceeds the permissible technical load of the wagon;

- cargo whose length contacting the floor of the wagon is less than 2 meters and weighs over 16 tonnes.

The transport of oversized and overweight cargo must comply with regulations in Clause 1 in Article 65 of the Law on Railway Transport of Vietnam and other relevant legal documents.

The rail transport of oversized and overweight cargo must be approved by the railway infrastructure trader.

2. Transport of cargo serving special missions and social security

The transport of cargo serving special missions or social security must conform to regulations specified in Article 58 of the Law on Railway Transport of Vietnam and other relevant legal documents.

3. International transport of cargo

The international transport of cargo must conform to regulations specified in Article 57 of the Law on Railway Transport of Vietnam and other relevant legal documents.

4. Transport of cargo from dedicated railways connected to national railways to national railways and vice versa

The transport of cargo from dedicated railways connected to national railways to national railways and vice versa must comply with regulations prescribed in the Law on Railway Transport of Vietnam and other relevant legislative documents.

5. Rail transport freight

The freight must be decided as prescribed in Article 56 of the Law on Railway Transport of Vietnam and laws on prices.

View relevant contents at: Circular No. 22/2018/TT-BGTVT of the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam effective from July 01, 2018.


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