Vietnam: Regulations on the time limit for transfer of archival documents of Decree 01

Recently, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree No. 01/2013/ND-CP providing in details a number of articles of the Law on Archives.

thời hạn nộp lưu tài liệu lưu trữ, Nghị định 01/2013/NĐ-CP

According to Decree No. 01/2013/ND-CP of Vietnam’s Government, the time limit for transfer of archival documents of the public security, defense, foreign affairs and other sectors is specified as follows:

Time limit for transfer of archival documents of the public security, defense and foreign affairs

- Documents of permanent preservation value of the public security, defense and foreign affairs must be transferred to historical archival units within 30 years after the affairs are completed, except archival documents which have not been declassified or are necessary for daily professional operations.

- The Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall provide the time limit for preserving documents of their sectors after reaching consensus with the Ministry of Home Affairs; and reach consensus on the focal agency to organize the selection of archival documents of permanent preservation value due for transfer and transfer them to competent historical archival units in accordance with the Law on Archives.

Time limit of sending professional archival documents for storage of other sectors

- Professional documents of permanent preservation value of other sectors and domains must be sent to historical archival units for storage within 30 years after the affairs are completed, except archival documents that are necessary for daily professional operations of agencies and organizations.

- Agencies managing sectors and domains shall provide for the time limit of preserving professional documents after reaching consensus with the Ministry of Home Affairs; and select documents of permanent preservation value due for sending for storage and sending them to competent historical archival units in accordance with the Law on Archives.

View more details at Decree No. 01/2013/ND-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from March 01, 2013.

Ty Na


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