Recently, the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam issued Circular 11/2014/TT-BGTVT providing guidelines for the design, construction, and acceptance of pedestrian suspension bridges.
Vietnam: Regulations on load and impact for designing the structure of pedestrian suspension bridges (Illustrative image)
Circular 11/2014/TT-BGTVT specifically regulates the load and impacts for designing the structure of pedestrian suspension bridges in Vietnam as follows:
1. Classification of design load and static load regulations shall follow Industry Standard 22TCN 272:2005.
2. Live load of rudimentary vehicles and people
- For pedestrian suspension bridges, consider the load of pedestrians evenly distributed on the bridge surface unit area as 3 kN/m2 (300 kg/m2), with verification for one concentrated load representing a motorcycle (without dynamic effect) as 5 kN (500 kg).
- The load factor of vehicles and people is 1.75; the dynamic impact of pedestrian load and rudimentary vehicles is not considered.- Wind load: the static effect of wind is an evenly distributed load and depends on the design wind speed of the bridge area. The design wind speed is regulated by the National Technical Regulation QCVN 02:2009/BXD corresponding to the construction area of the bridge.
- The dynamic effect of wind on pedestrian suspension bridges must be considered as a separate aerodynamic problem for cable bridges.
- Earth pressure: active and passive earth pressures comply with Industry Standard 22TCN 272:2005.
- The load on the handrails includes the static load of the handrails themselves plus the evenly distributed force along the bridge: 0.5 kN/m in the vertical direction and 1 kN/m in the horizontal direction.
- The temperature effect complies with Industry Standard 22TCN 272:2005.
3. Load combination
The calculation for pedestrian suspension bridges follows the load combinations as specified in Table 3.4.1-1 of Industry Standard 22TCN 272:2005, but only verifies Limit states I, II, III, and Serviceability Limit State.
Details can be found at Circular 11/2014/TT-BGTVT effective from June 15, 2014.
Ty Na
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