Vietnam: How long is the period for issuing C/O to registered traders?

On March 21, 2011, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam issued Circular No. 06/2011/TT-BCT providing for procedures of issuing certificate of referential goods.

Thời hạn cấp C/O, Thông tư 06/2011/TT-BCT

According to Article 13 of Circular No. 06/2011/TT-BCT of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, the time of issuing C/O is stipulated as follows:

1. Except for cases as provided in sections 2 and 3, C/O is issued for a period as follows:

- Not more than four hours from the time that the C/O applicants apply complete and regular dossier in case of exporting by air traffic;

- Not more than eight hours from the time that the C/O applicants apply complete and regular dossier in case of exporting by other means;

- For the cases traders filed dossier by post, time to issue C/O is one working day from the date of receipt written on the envelope.

2. In case traders commit violations of the origin of goods in the period of 6 months since the date of handling violations, the Organization of issuing C/O lists publicly these traders at the issuance place. Time for issuing C/O for these traders is 3 working days since the date of applying complete and regular dossier. After 6 months from the date of handling violations, if the trader has no act of violations of origin, the Organization of issuing C/O will review and delete traders’ names from the list of violations. Traders who are deleted from the list of violations will be applied at the time of issuing C/O specified in section 1.

3. The Organization of issuing C/O can conduct an examination at the manufacturer in case there are clear grounds that the examination based on dossier is not sufficient for issuing C/O or detecting signs of law violations for the C/O previously issued. When setting up the inspection team at the manufacturer, The Organization of issuing C/O must send a written request to the trader requesting for examination and send a copy to the Ministry of Trade and Industry (Import and Export Department).


Inspectors of the Organization of issuing C/O will make a minute on the results of the examination and require the applicant and/or the exporters to co-sign in the minute.

In case the applicant and/or the exporters refuse to sign, the inspectors must state clearly such refusal reason and sign in the minute.

Time limit for the issuance of C/O in this case not exceeding 5 working days since the date the applicant submits a complete and regular dossier.


- During the review process for C/O issuance, if detecting that goods do not meet the origin or the dossier is invalid, the Organization of issuing C/O notifies the applicant according to clause 2 and 3 Article 11 of this Circular.

- Verification time limit must not obstruct the delivery to or payment by the exporter, except for the fault of the exporter.

View more details at Circular No. 06/2011/TT-BCT of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam, effective from May 04, 2011.

Thuy Tram


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