Vietnam: Handling of contractor failing to supply antiretroviral drugs on schedule

Recently, the Ministry of Health of Vietnam has issued the Circular No. 22/2020/TT-BYT prescribing management of antiretroviral drugs subject to national centralized procurement with funding derived from health insurance fund and copay support for HIV patients who have health insurance cards.

 thuốc kháng HIV, Thông tư 22/2020/TT-BYT

According to Article 6 of the Circular No. 22/2020/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, based on the signed contract, the plan for use of antiretroviral drugs and treatment demands in the quarter, the health facility shall formulate the plan for receipt of health insurance fund-covered antiretroviral drugs by the 20th of the last month of the previous quarter, and send it to the contractor and the provincial HIV/AIDS Control Agency for consolidating and reporting Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control and the contract-signing unit.

Besides, the health facility may formulate the plan for receipt of an additional amount of antiretroviral drugs which does not exceed 20% of the quantity of drugs to be supplied under the signed framework agreement. If the health facility has demands for an additional amount of antiretroviral drugs exceeding 20% of the quantity of drugs to be supplied under the signed framework agreement, it shall comply with the provisions in Clause 1 Article 7 hereof.

Moreover, if the contractor cannot supply adequate quantity of drugs on schedule as specified in the health facility’s plan for drug receipt:

- The health facility shall immediately notify the contractor’s failure to supply drugs to the provincial HIV/AIDS Control Agency for notifying Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control;

- Within 05 working days from the receipt of the notification from the provincial HIV/AIDS Control Agency, Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control shall notify the procuring unit and the contract-signing unit to inspect and expedite the contractor to supply drugs to the health facility;

- If the contractor is incapable of supplying drugs to the health facility, the procuring unit and contract-signing unit shall take actions against the contractor’s violation as prescribed and notify the case to Vietnam Administration of HIV/AIDS Control for reporting the Ministry of Health for consideration.

View more details at the Circular No. 22/2020/TT-BYT of the Ministry of Health of Vietnam, effective from January 20, 2021.

Le Vy


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