Vietnam: Guidelines for the 05 ethical standards of revolution for officials and party members in the new period

Vietnam: Guidelines for the 05 ethical standards of revolution for officials and party members in the new period
Trần Thanh Rin

The Central Propaganda Department issued Guidelines 159-HD/BTGTW to implement the contents of 05 ethical standards of revolution for officials and party members in the new period.

Guideline  on  05  standards  of  revolutionary  ethics  for  cadres  and  party  members  in  the  new  period

Guidelines for the 05 ethical standards of revolution for officials and party members in the new period (Image from Internet)

On July 3, 2024, the Central Propaganda Department issued Guideline 159-HD/BTGTW regarding the implementation of regulations on the standards of revolutionary ethics for cadres and party members in the new period.

Guideline on 05 standards of revolutionary ethics for officials and party members in the new period

The content of the guideline on 05 standards of revolutionary ethics for cadres and party members in the new period is stated in Regulation 144-QD/TW 2024 as follows:

(1) Patriotism, respecting the People, absolute loyalty to the Communist Party, to the Nation

Evaluation criteria:

- Regarding patriotism: Lifelong striving for the objectives and revolutionary ideals of the Communist Party; promoting the spirit of patriotism, national pride, absolute loyalty to the Nation, and to the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party; serving the Nation and the People with all one's heart and mind.

- Regarding respecting the People: Respecting, trusting, being close to, and closely connected with the People. Caring for the material and spiritual life of the People; protecting the legitimate and legal rights and interests of the People; facilitating the People’s exercise of their right to mastery, relying on the People to build a clean and strong Communist Party and political system. What benefits the people must be done with utmost effort, what harms the people must be avoided at all costs.

- Regarding absolute loyalty to the Communist Party, to the Nation: Placing national interests and the common interests of the Communist Party, the State, and the People above all else; resolutely and persistently fighting against any acts harmful to national interests, the interests of the Communist Party, the State, and the People.

(2) Bravery, innovation, creativity, integration

Evaluation criteria:

- Regarding bravery: Firmly holding and creatively applying and developing Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh's ideology; firmly pursuing the goals of national independence and socialism; adhering to the renovation line of the Communist Party and the principles of party-building. Resolutely and persistently defending the ideological foundation of the Communist Party, countering wrong and hostile viewpoints. Strictly implementing the Political Platform, the Party Charter, the lines, guidelines of the Party, and the policies and laws of the State.

- Regarding innovation: Promoting the spirit of independence, autonomy, self-reliance, self-strengthening, striving for and contributing to the cause of national construction and defense, contributing to local and national development.

- Regarding creativity: Building strong political bravery in the face of all difficulties and challenges. Daring to think, daring to speak, daring to act, daring to take responsibility, daring to innovate, daring to confront difficulties and challenges, acting for the common interest, for the country, and for the people.

- Regarding integration: Actively improving knowledge and skills; developing work capacity in an international environment. Actively participating in comprehensive, deep international integration in accordance with the Communist Party’s foreign policy appropriate to international law, contributing to building and defending the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, building a community for peace, stability, progress, and development.

(3) Diligence, thrift, integrity, righteousness, impartiality

Evaluation criteria:

- Regarding diligence: Wholehearted, responsible, and committed to fulfilling the assigned tasks in the best possible manner, with determination to successfully implement the renovation process led by the Communist Party, contributing to building a prosperous, civilized, and happy nation.

- Regarding thrift: Managing and using public assets purposefully and in compliance; saving and efficiently utilizing resources; avoiding luxury, waste of time, money, effort, and other material resources of the collective and individuals.

- Regarding integrity: Being clean, not embezzling, being corrupt, or engaging in negative practices, not causing trouble or harassment. Proactively preventing, combating corruption, negative phenomena, degradation in ideology, politics, ethics, lifestyle, individualism, group interests, expressions of "self-evolution," "self-transformation" within the ranks.

- Regarding righteousness: Being honest, straightforward, objective, fair, actively engaging in self-criticism and criticism, not concealing defects, not misrepresenting the truth; defending what is right, combating what is wrong.

- Regarding impartiality: Upholding self-respect, honor, avoiding political opportunism, power ambition, maintaining the dignity of cadres and party members, resisting negative influences, avoiding being manipulated by appeals or temptations. Not allowing family, relatives, and others to exploit one's position for personal gain; protecting personal and organizational honor and reputation. Practicing resignation culture when lacking capacity or prestige.

(4) Solidarity, discipline, compassion, responsibility

Evaluation criteria:

- Regarding solidarity: Always maintaining unity and cohesion within the Communist Party, agencies, organizations, and among the people, starting with the grassroots party cells, agencies, work units, and residential areas; resolutely fighting against manifestations of division, factionalism, localism, group interests; building a truly clean and strong Communist Party and political system.

- Regarding discipline: Upholding the awareness of organizational discipline and compliance, particularly in speech. Speaking and acting according to the Communist Party’s lines and policies, and the laws of the State; adhering to agency, unit regulations; obeying assignments from the Party and organization.

- Regarding compassion: Living with meaning, sincerity, love, treating and helping comrades, colleagues, and everyone according to the right principles, in line with national ethics, advancing together.

- Regarding responsibility: Upholding responsibility in work and life; readiness to undertake and fulfill assigned tasks excellently. Resolutely fighting and criticizing behaviors that shirk, push away, or hold an average mindset, working perfunctorily, fearing responsibility, and hesitating to act. Fulfilling responsibilities, duties, and obligations to family, community, and society.

(5) Exemplary conduct, modesty, lifelong learning and self-improvement

Evaluation criteria:

- Regarding exemplary conduct: Being exemplary at work and in life, actively learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style. The higher the position, the more exemplary the public employee must be, leaders must be exemplary before subordinates, grassroots officials before party members, and party members before the masses. Actively encouraging and persuading family and relatives to adhere to the Communist Party’s lines and policies, and the laws of the State.

- Regarding modesty: Being open-minded, simple.

- Regarding lifelong learning and self-improvement: Continuously learning, cultivating, training to enhance qualities, ethics, and professional capacities. Matching words with actions, combining actions with words, and being resolute in implementing stated actions.

More details can be found in Guideline 159-HD/BTGTW dated July 3, 2024.


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