Vietnam: Group II investment projects are those that pose a risk of adverse environmental impacts

Recently, the National Assembly of Vietnam has approved the Law on Environmental Protection 2020, which replaces the Law on Environmental Protection 2014.

Dự án đầu tư nhóm II là dự án có nguy cơ tác động xấu đến môi trường, Luật Bảo vệ môi trường 2020

According to Article 28 of the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 of Vietnam, environmental criteria for investment project classification into group I, II, III, IV, including:

- Scale, capacity and type of production, business and service;

- Area of land, land with water surface, and sea used; scale of extraction of natural resources;

- Environmentally sensitive factors including high density residential areas; water source used for supply of domestic water; wildlife sanctuaries prescribed by the law on biodiversity and fisheries; types of forests prescribed by the law on forestry; other tangible cultural heritage and natural heritage sites; land meant for growing wet rice during 02 or more cropping seasons; important wetlands; migration and relocation requirements and other environmental sensitive factors.

Group II investment projects are those that pose a risk of adverse environmental impacts, including:

- Medium-scale and capacity projects involved in types of production, business and services that are likely to cause environmental pollution;

- Small-scale and capacity projects involved in types of production, business and services with environmentally sensitive factors that are likely to cause environmental pollution; medium-scale and capacity projects not involved in types of production, business and services with environmentally sensitive factors that are likely to cause environmental pollution;

- Large- or medium-scale projects using land, land with water surface and marine area with environmentally sensitive factors;

- Small-scale and capacity projects on extraction of minerals and water resources with environmentally sensitive factors;

- Small-scale projects requiring repurposing of land with environmentally sensitive factors;

- Medium-scale projects requiring migration and relocation.

View more details at the Law on Environmental Protection 2020 of Vietnam, effective from January 01, 2022.

Ty Na


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