Vietnam: Criteria for investigators appointed to perform the criminal investigation task

On November 26, 2015, the National Assembly of Vietnam issued the Law on organization of criminal investigation bodies. This Law consists of 10 Chapters, 73 Articles on regulations on criminal investigation.

Tiêu chuẩn bổ nhiệm Điều tra viên để làm nhiệm vụ Điều tra hình sự, Luật tổ chức cơ quan điều tra hình sự 2015

According to the Law on organization of criminal investigation bodies 2015 of Vietnam, criteria for investigators appointed to perform the criminal investigation task is as follows:

General criteria of an investigator

- Being a Vietnamese citizen and loyal to the Fatherland and the Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, possessing good ethical quality, being righteous and honest, having a firm political stuff and spirit of resolutely defending the socialist legislation.

- Possessing a security university, police university, law bachelor or higher degree.

- Having worked in a law-related field in accordance with this Law.

- Having been professionally trained in investigation.

- Being physically fit for the performance of assigned tasks.

Criteria for appointment of primary investigators

A person who satisfies the general criteria of an investigator, is an active-service officer of the People’s Public Security or People’s Army or a people’s procuracy and fully meets the following conditions can be appointed as a primary investigator:

- Having worked in a law-related field for 4 years or more;

- Being capable of investigating cases involving less serious or serious crimes;

- Having passed recruitment examinations for the grade of primary investigators.

Criteria for appointment of intermediate investigators

A person who fully satisfies the general criteria of an investigator and the following conditions can be appointed as an intermediate investigator:

- Having worked as a primary investigator for at least 5 years;

- Being capable of investigating cases involving very serious or particularly serious crimes;

- Being able to guide investigating activities of primary investigators;

- Having passed the examination for the grade of intermediate investigators.

To meet the personnel demand of investigating bodies, persons who fully meet the general criteria, being capable of investigating cases involving very serious or particularly serious crimes, being able to guide investigating activities of primary investigators, having passed the examination for the grade of intermediate investigators, and have worked in law-related fields for at least 9 years may be appointed as intermediate investigators.

Criteria for appointment of senior investigators

A person who fully satisfies the general criteria of an investigator and fully meet the following conditions can be appointed as a senior investigator:

- Having worked as an intermediate investigator for at least 5 years;

- Being capable of investigating cases involving very serious, particularly serious or complicated crimes;

- Being capable of studying, synthesizing and proposing measures to prevent and control crimes;

- Being able to guide investigating activities of primary investigators and intermediate investigators;

- Having passed the examination for the grade of senior investigators.

To meet the personnel demand of investigating bodies, persons who fully satisfy the general criteria, being capable of investigating cases involving very serious, particularly serious or complicated crimes, being capable of studying, synthesizing and proposing measures to prevent and control crimes, being able to guide investigating activities of primary investigators and intermediate investigators, having passed the examination for the grade of senior investigators, and have worked in law-related fields for at least 14 years may be appointed as senior investigators.

View more details at the Law on organization of criminal investigation bodies 2015 of Vietnam, effective on July 01, 2016.

Ty Na


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