Vietnam: Contents of the exam scheme to organize the officials rank promotion exam according to Decree No. 138/2020/NĐ-CP

This is the main content of the Decree No. 138/2020/NĐ-CP of the Government of Vietnam on recruitment, employment and management of officials, issued on November 27, 2020.

Nội dung của Đề án thi nâng ngạch công chức , Nghị định 138/2020/NĐ-CP


Specifically, according to Article 33 of the Decree No. 138/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, when organizing the officials rank promotion exam, the head of the agency competent to organize the officials rank promotion exam specified in Article 32 of this Decree shall perform the following tasks:

- Formulate a scheme to organize the officials rank promotion exam;

- Determine the criteria for raising officials ranks in accordance with the employment position and officials structure of each agency and organization under and under its control;

- Establish the Examination Council for the promotion of officials rank;

- Decide on the list of officials who fully meet the criteria and conditions for taking the rank promotion exam;

- Decide to organize the officials promotion exam;

- Recognize of the results of the officials promotion exam;

- Inspect and supervise the organization of the rank-raising exam of the Examination Council for the promotion of officials rank.

In addition, the agency competent to organize the officials rank promotion exam must develop a scheme on the officials rank promotion exam and send it to the Ministry of Home Affairs of Vietnam (for state agencies) or the Central Organization Board (for agencies of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations) for opinions before organizing according to their competence. Content of the scheme includes:

- Identify the job positions in need to arrange officials corresponding to the ranks of officials participating in the promotion exam;

- The number and structure of the existing specialized officials ranks according to the exam ranks corresponding to the job positions approved by the competent authorities of the agencies and organizations under their management; the number of officials corresponding to the rank of rank-raising examination is lacking according to the requirements of the job position and the proposed quota of rank-raising (according to Form No. 02 issued together with this Decree);

- List of officials who meet the criteria and conditions to be nominated to take the rank-raising exam corresponding to the job position that needs to be assigned an official in a higher rank than the one currently held (according to Form No. 03 promulgated together with this Decree);

- Expected members to participate in the Examination Council for promotion;

- Standards, conditions, contents and forms of the promotion exam;

- Expected time, place and other contents to hold the promotion exam.

View more details at the Decree No. 138/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from December 01, 2020.

Le Vy


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