Vietnam: Competence conditions of constructional judicial experts and ad hoc constructional judicial persons

Recently, the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam has issued Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BXD guiding some contents on judicial expertise in constructional investment.

Điều kiện năng lực giám định viên, người giám định tư pháp XD theo vụ việc, Thông tư 04/2014/TT-BXD

According to Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam, the constructional judicial experts and ad hoc constructional judicial persons are Vietnamese citizens residing in Vietnam being physically fit and having good moral qualities, possessing a university or higher degree and having been engaged in practical professional activities in his/her trained area for at least 5 years and meeting the following conditions:

1. For judicial expertise on the compliance with regulations of law in constructional investment:

- Having practical experience from 05 years or more performing one of the following tasks: management of constructional investment, supervision of constructional performance and inspection or state management of construction in accordance with the contents registered for constructional judicial expertise;

- Having certificate of project management professional training or certificate of constructional performance supervision or certificate of professional training or certificate of practice: bidding, inspection, cost estimating engineer as prescribed by law on construction in accordance with the contents registered for constructional judicial expertise;

2. For judicial expertise on construction quality:

In case of expertise of quality of constructional survey or works construction design:

- Having practical experience from 05 years or more performing one of the following tasks: constructional design and inspection in accordance with the contents registered for constructional judicial expertise;

- Having the prescribed certificate of constructional survey practice or constructional design.

In case of expertise of quality of materials, constructional products and works equipment:

- Having practical experience from 05 years or more performing one of the following tasks: constructional design and constructional performance supervision and constructional inspection in accordance with the contents registered for constructional judicial expertise;

- Being provided with the prescribed training of the construction inspection profession.

In case of expertise of quality of constructional works parts and constructional works and expertise of incidents of constructional works.

- Having practical experience from 05 years or more performing one of the following tasks: constructional design and constructional performance supervision and constructional inspection in accordance with the contents registered for constructional judicial expertise;

- Having the prescribed certificate of constructional design or performance supervision.

- Being provided with the prescribed training of the construction inspection profession.

3. For judicial expertise on expenses of works construction, works value and other relevant expenses:

- Having practical experience from 05 years or more performing one of the following tasks: constructional design and constructional performance supervision or management of expenses of works construction in accordance with the contents registered for constructional judicial expertise;

- Having a certificate of cost estimating engineer.

View details at Circular No. 04/2014/TT-BXD of the Ministry of Construction of Vietnam, effective from June 15, 2014.

Ty Na


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