Vietnam: Compensation paid to each passenger in air passenger transport

Recently, the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam has issued the Circular No. 14/2015/TT-BGTVT on non-refundable fixed compensation in air passenger transport.

Quy định về mức bồi thường cho mỗi hành khách di chuyển bằng đường hàng không, Thông tư 14/2015/TT-BGTVT

According to Circular No. 14/2015/TT-BGTVT of the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam, compensation levels for a domestic flight paid to each passenger and compensation for an international flight paid to each passenger are specified as follows:

1. Compensation levels for a domestic flight paid to each passenger:

- A flight of less than 1,500 km in distance: VND 200,000;

- A flight of greater than 500 km but less than 1,000 km in distance: VND 300,000;

- A flight of greater than 1,000 km in distance: VND 400,000;

2. Compensation for an international flight paid to each passenger:

- A flight of less than 1,000 km in distance: 25 USD;

- A flight of greater than 1,000 km but less than 2,500 km in distance: 50 USD;

- A flight of greater than 2,500 km but less than 5,000 km in distance: 80 USD;

- A flight of greater than 5,000 km: 150 USD;

Note: The carrier may regulate its compensation levels provided that they are not lower than compensation levels prescribed above.

Besides, according to Article 9 of this Circular, the carrier may provide passengers with compensation payments by following methods:

1. In cash;

2. By bank transfer or other appropriate payment intermediary services at the requests of passengers. With regard to aforesaid method, the carrier is obligated to make compensation payments within 14 working days from the date on which the request of the passenger is received;

3. By free tickets, reimbursement vouchers for further use of the carrier’s service or other free services in case of approval of the passenger.

View more details at the Circular No. 14/2015/TT-BGTVT of the Ministry of Transport of Vietnam, effective from July 01, 2015.

Ty Na


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