Recently, the Ministry of Labor - War Invalids and Social Affairs issued Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH on the minimum knowledge volume and required competencies for graduates from intermediate (Level 4 of VQF) and college (Level 5 of VQF) levels in business, management, and law sectors in Vietnam.
Vietnam: Basic knowledge and skills required for graduates of Logistics administration, Level 5 of VQF (Illustrative Image)
Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH stipulates the basic knowledge and skills required for graduates of Logistics administration, Level 5 of VQF in Vietnam as follows:
1. Knowledge
- Present fundamental knowledge about politics, culture, society, general and specialized law, national defense and security, physical education as prescribed;
- Present basic knowledge about economics, management, basic marketing, logistics, accounting principles, economic mathematics, drafting procedures, archiving procedures, etc.;
- Identify the position, role, and duties of the Logistics Administration profession;
- Identify the processes and workflow in companies operating in the logistics sector;
- Identify how to establish and maintain relationships with partners and customers;
- Describe and present the functionality and operational methods of media services, modern tools used in the logistics profession, social networks, e-commerce applications, etc.;
- Present the process of creating, archiving, and managing customer and service provider files;
- Present specialized knowledge in international freight forwarding, supply chains, import-export procedures, purchasing procedures, customs operations, international payments, sales, customer care, finance, and banking;
- Present knowledge about customs, clearance processes, order reception, domestic and international freight forwarding;
- Describe and present products and services related to the Logistics Administration sector;
- Present procedures and principles for managing incidents and emergencies in operational management and transactions with partners and customers.
2. Skills
- Proficiently use office equipment: fax machines, scanners, photocopiers, etc.;
- Communicate, exchange, negotiate, persuade customers;
- Time management, planning;
- Apply processes for receiving, processing information, and handling orders;
- Grasp the psychology and needs of customers;
- Update the latest legal regulations related to the profession;
- Manage and update customer files and related service providers;
- Perform coordination, cooperate with related departments;- Monitor, update, and handle arising issues during transactions;
- Supervise and perform payment operations and transactions with service providers and customers;
- Plan, manage, and organize meetings;
- Manage, utilize, and train personnel to organize group and departmental tasks and conduct training to meet job requirements;
- Use basic information technology as prescribed; exploit, process, and apply information technology in some specialized professional tasks;
- Use basic English, achieve Level 2/6 in Vietnam’s Foreign Language Competence Framework, and apply English in some specialized professional tasks.
Details can be found in Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH effective from February 6, 2020.
Ty Na
Address: | 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City |
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