Vietnam: Avoid these offenses in 2019 or You will have have your driver licenses revoked

During the process of participating in traffic, due to not understanding the legal regulations, many people have been administratively sanctioned in the field of road traffic in Vietnam. Besides being fined, in some cases, violators may also have their driver licenses revoked for a specified period of time. What are these specific cases?


1. Revocation of driver license from 01 – 3 months

* For motorbike drivers in Vietnam:

- Carrying 03 or more people on the bike.

- Not following the traffic light signals.

- Entering prohibited roads, areas; driving in the wrong direction on one-way streets, driving against the "No U-turn" sign, except for priority vehicles on emergency duty as prescribed.

- Not following the orders, instructions of the traffic police.

- Driving on the expressway, except for vehicles used for management, maintenance of the expressway.

- Not yielding or obstructing emergency vehicles showing priority signals on duty.

- Driving after drinking alcohol, with an alcohol concentration in the blood or breath exceeding 50 milligrams to 80 milligrams/100 milliliters of blood or exceeding 0.25 milligrams to 0.4 milligrams/1 liter of breath.

- Not retracting the kickstand or dragging another object on the road while driving.

- Driving over the speed limit by more than 20 km/h.

- Organizing acts of obstruction or not complying with the inspection, examination, and control requirements of the law enforcer, except for the violations prescribed in Points b, c Clause 9, Clause 10 Article 5; Point b Clause 8, Clause 10 Article 6; Point b Clause 7 Article 7; Point b Clause 6 Article 33 of Decree 46/2016/ND-CP.

- Operating a vehicle with temporary registration beyond the permitted range and duration.

- Crossing railway barriers, shared bridges when the barrier is moving; crossing such locations when the red light is on; not following the orders, instructions of the railway crossing staff.

- Operating vehicles assembled or manufactured unauthorizedly to participate in traffic.

* For automobile drivers in Vietnam:

- Operating cars that tow other vehicles or objects (except for towing one trailer or semi-trailer or a specialized vehicle that can't operate on its own); pushing vehicles or other objects; towing trailers or semi-trailers with additional trailers or vehicles, objects; not securely and safely connecting the towing vehicle and the towed one.

- Carrying people on the towed vehicle, except for the driver.

- Entering prohibited roads, areas; driving in the wrong direction on one-way streets, against the "No U-turn" sign.

- Not traveling on the right side according to the driving direction; not following the designated lane or roadway; crossing hard separators in the middle of the two-way road; driving on sidewalks, except for crossing sidewalks to enter a house.

- Unauthorized installation of priority vehicle signal equipment on non-priority vehicles.

- Not taking safety measures as prescribed when the automobile breaks down at a level crossing with railways.

- Not complying with the regulations when entering or leaving expressways; driving in the emergency stopping lane or the shoulder of the roadway; changing lanes improperly or without signaling on the expressway; U-turning, reversing on the expressway; not keeping a safe distance from the vehicle ahead on the expressway.

- Driving after drinking alcohol, with an alcohol concentration in the blood or breath not exceeding 50 milligrams/100 milliliters of blood or 0.25 milligrams/1 liter of breath.

- Overtaking in prohibited cases; not signaling before overtaking; overtaking on the right when unauthorized, except for road sections with multiple lanes for the same direction, where vehicles in the right lane move faster than those in the left lane.

- Not yielding or obstructing emergency vehicles showing priority signals on duty.

- Driving over the speed limit by more than 20 km/h to 35 km/h.

- Not following the regulations on stopping, parking on expressways; not placing danger warning signs immediately when stopping, parking on the expressway.

2. Revocation of driver license from 02 – 04 months

* For motorbike drivers in Vietnam:

- Not paying attention, over-speeding causing traffic accidents; overtaking or changing lanes improperly causing traffic accidents.

- Causing traffic accidents without stopping, preserving the scene, fleeing without reporting to the competent authorities, or not participating in rescuing the injured.

- Releasing both hands while driving; using feet to control the bike; riding sideways; lying on the seat while driving; changing drivers while moving; turning around to control the bike or driving with eyes closed.

- Zigzag driving or weaving on urban and non-urban roads.

- Riding on one wheel for two-wheeled bikes, two wheels for three-wheeled bikes.

- Racing in groups of 2 or more exceeding the speed limit.

- Not following the orders, signs of traffic signals, road markings, except for violations prescribed in Point a, Point d, Point dd, Point h Clause 2; Point c, Point dd, Point h, Point m Clause 3; Point c, Point d, Point g, Point i Clause 4; Point a, Point b, Point c, Point d, Point e Clause 5; Point b Clause 7; Point a Clause 8; Point d Clause 9 Article 6 of Decree 46/2016/ND-CP and causing traffic accidents.

- Not keeping a safe distance leading to collisions with the vehicle ahead or not maintaining distance as per the “Minimum distance between two vehicles” sign causing traffic accidents.

- Changing direction without yielding to: Pedestrians, wheelchair users on roads with crosswalks; non-motorized vehicles on lanes dedicated to non-motorized vehicles causing traffic accidents.

- Not yielding when changing direction: To oncoming vehicles; to pedestrians, wheelchair users crossing at places without crosswalks causing traffic accidents.

- Reversing three-wheeled motorcycles without looking or signaling, causing traffic accidents.

- Using high beams while meeting oncoming vehicles and causing traffic accidents.

- Carrying passengers using umbrellas causing traffic accidents.

- Not following the regulations on yielding at intersections, except for violations as prescribed at Point d Clause 2, Point b Clause 3 Article 6; causing traffic accidents.

- Driving three abreast or more causing traffic accidents.

- Not using headlights from 19:00 of the previous day to 05:00 of the next day or in foggy, bad weather conditions reducing visibility and causing traffic accidents.

- Not yielding when overtaken with sufficient safety conditions; not yielding to vehicles on priority roads, main roads at intersections causing traffic accidents.

- Not complying with the rules when avoiding vehicles; not yielding to oncoming vehicles on narrow roads, slopes, or places with obstacles causing traffic accidents.

- Making a U-turn in prohibited areas causing traffic accidents.

- Stopping, parking on the driving lane in non-urban areas with shoulders causing traffic accidents.

- Not reducing speed or yielding when driving from small alleys, branches to main roads, causing traffic accidents.

- Parking in urban roadways causing traffic obstruction; gathering 3 or more vehicles in the roadway, in tunnels; parking illegally in urban roadways, sidewalks causing traffic accidents.

- Unauthorized installation of priority vehicle signal equipment causing traffic accidents.

- Stopping, parking on tram tracks, bus stops, intersections, pedestrian crossings; stopping at places with "No Stopping" signs; parking at places with "No Parking" or "No Stopping and Parking" signs; not complying with stop and park regulations at railway crossings; stopping, parking within the safety range of railways, except for violations at Point b Clause 2, Point b Clause 3 Article 48 causing traffic accidents.

- Driving under the minimum speed limit on roads with minimum speed regulations causing traffic accidents.

- Passengers using rearward handle to control the vehicle, except when carrying children in the front causing traffic accidents.

- Drivers using umbrellas, mobile phones, sound devices except for hearing aids causing traffic accidents.

- Changing direction without reducing speed or signaling (except when following a curve in non-intersection roads) causing traffic accidents.

- Carrying 03 or more people on the bike causing traffic accidents.

- Not following the traffic light signals causing traffic accidents.

- Stopping, parking on bridges causing traffic accidents.

- Not driving on the right side according to the direction of travel; improper lane driving or sidewalk driving causing traffic accidents.

- Entering prohibited roads, areas; driving in the wrong direction on one-way streets, against the "No U-turn" sign, except for priority vehicles on emergency duty as prescribed and causing traffic accidents.

- Drivers or passengers clinging to, pulling, pushing other vehicles or objects, leading animals, carrying cumbersome objects; passengers standing on the carrier, luggage holders, or handlebars; overloading vehicles; towing other vehicles or objects causing traffic accidents.

- Not following the orders, instructions of the traffic controller or traffic inspector causing traffic accidents.

- Driving on the expressway, except for vehicles used for management, maintenance of the expressway causing traffic accidents.

- Driving in tunnels without using low beams; overtaking improperly in tunnels; U-turning in tunnels causing traffic accidents.

- Not yielding or obstructing emergency vehicles showing priority signals on duty causing traffic accidents.

- Stopping, parking in tunnels improperly causing traffic accidents.

* For Automobile Drivers:

- Causing a traffic accident without stopping, not preserving the scene, fleeing without reporting to the competent authority, not participating in rescuing the victim.

- Not paying attention to observe, driving over the speed limit causing traffic accidents; improper overtaking causing traffic accidents or not keeping a safe distance between two vehicles as prescribed causing traffic accidents.

- Driving in a zigzag manner, swerving; speeding and chasing on the road; using feet to steer the car while driving on the road.

- Driving over the speed limit by more than 35 km/h.

- Committing one of the following acts causing a traffic accident:

  • Not obeying signals, road markings, except for violations specified in Points a, g, h, i, k, l Clause 2; Points a, d, dd, e, k Clause 3; Points a, b, c, d, dd, h, i Clause 4; Point a Clause 5; Points b, c, dd Clause 6; Points a, c Clause 7; Points a, dd Clause 8 Article 5 Decree 46/2016/ND-CP;
  • Changing direction without yielding the right of way to: Pedestrians, wheelchairs for the disabled crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing; rudimentary vehicles traveling on the part of the road designated for rudimentary vehicles;
  • Changing direction without yielding the way to: Oncoming vehicles; pedestrians, wheelchairs for the disabled crossing the road where there is no pedestrian crossing;- Stopping or parking without signaling to notify other drivers;
  • Parking on part of the road and failing to place the danger warning immediately as prescribed, except for violations specified in Point c Clause 7 Article 5 Decree 46 and cases of parking in designated parking areas;
  • Not attaching signals in front of the towing vehicle, at the back of the towed vehicle; operating a vehicle towing a trailer without prescribed signals;
  • Not keeping a safe distance leading to a collision with the vehicle in front or not maintaining the prescribed distance according to the “Minimum Distance Between Two Vehicles” sign, except for violations specified in Point h Clause 4 Article Decree 46;
  • Not complying with the rules on yielding at intersections, except for violations specified in Points d, dd Clause 2 Article 5 Decree 46;
  • Changing lanes where not permitted or without prior warning, except for violations specified in Point h Clause 4 Article 5 Decree 46;
  • Driving slower than other vehicles going in the same direction without staying to the right side of the road, except in cases where other vehicles going in the same direction are speeding;
  • Not reducing speed and yielding the way when driving out of an alley or side street to the main road;
  • Not yielding the way to overtaking vehicles when it is safe to do so; not yielding the way to vehicles on priority or main roads from any direction at intersections;
  • Stopping or parking on the roadway outside urban areas where there is a wide shoulder; stopping or parking without staying close to the right edge of the road where there is a narrow shoulder or no shoulder; stopping or parking against the direction of traffic; parking on a slope without wheel chocks; opening the door, or keeping the door open, without ensuring safety.
  • Stopping without staying to the right edge or with the nearest wheel more than 0.25 m from the edge; stopping on tram tracks, or reserved bus lanes; stopping on drainage grates, power line manholes, areas reserved for fire trucks to take water; leaving the driving position, or turning off the engine when stopping; stopping or parking at unsanctioned locations where there is provision for stopping; stopping or parking on pedestrian crossings; stopping where there are “No Stopping and Parking” signs, except for violations specified in Point c Clause 7 Article 5 Decree 46;- Making improper U-turns in residential areas;
  • Making U-turns on pedestrian crossings, on bridges, at bridgeheads, under overpasses, on fords, narrow roads, slopes, blind curves, places with "No U-turn" signs;
  • Reversing on one-way streets, places with “No Entry” signs, prohibited areas, on pedestrian crossings, at intersections, at grade crossings with railways, or places with poor visibility; reversing without watching or without prior warning.
  • Honking, revving continuously; using air horns, high-beam lights in urban and crowded areas, except priority vehicles on duty as prescribed;
  • Turning without reducing speed or without signaling the direction (except when driving along the curve of a road where the road does not intersect);
  • Not complying with parking rules at rail crossings; parking within the safety range of railways, except for violations specified in Point b Clause 2, Point b Clause 3 Article 48 Decree 46;
  • Stopping or parking at places: Left side of one-way streets; on curves or near slopes where the view is obscured; on bridges, under overpasses, parallel to another vehicle; at intersections or within 5 meters from the intersection; bus stops; in front of or within 5 meters of the gate of agencies or organizations with car access; where the road is only wide enough for one lane; blocking traffic signs;
  • Parking without staying to the right edge or with the nearest wheel more than 0.25 m from the edge; parking on tram tracks, reserved bus lanes, drainage grates, power line manholes, areas reserved for fire trucks to take water; parking on sidewalks against the law; parking where there are “No Parking” or “No Stopping and Parking” signs, except for violations specified in Point c Clause 7 Article 5 Decree 46;
  • Not using or insufficient use of headlights from 7 pm to 5 am the next day, in foggy or bad weather conditions limiting visibility; using high-beam lights when meeting oncoming vehicles, except for violations specified in Point c Clause 6 Article 5 Decree 46;
  • Driving a car towing another vehicle or object (except in cases towing a semi-trailer or a broken-down vehicle); driving a car pushing another vehicle or object; driving a vehicle towing a semi-trailer or trailer and another vehicle or object; not securely connecting the towing and towed vehicles;
  • Making U-turns at rail crossings;
  • Using hands to operate a mobile phone while driving;
  • Driving in tunnels without using low-beam lights; reversing or making U-turns in tunnels; overtaking improperly in tunnels;
  • Traveling on prohibited roads, areas; driving in the wrong direction on one-way streets, roads with “No Entry” signs, except for violations specified in Point a Clause 8 of this Article and priority vehicles on emergency duties as prescribed;
  • Not driving on the right side of the road; driving in the wrong lane; crossing the median strip; driving on sidewalks, except for driving on sidewalks to enter houses;
  • Non-priority vehicles installing priority signals;
  • Not implementing safety measures when the car is broken at rail crossings;
  • Not complying with regulations when entering or exiting highways; driving in emergency lanes or shoulders of highways; changing lanes improperly or without signaling when driving on highways; making U-turns, reversing on highways; not keeping a safe distance from the vehicle in front when driving on highways;
  • Stopping or parking in tunnels at unallowed places;- Ignoring traffic signals;
  • Ignoring directions from traffic controllers or traffic enforcers;
  • Driving with a blood alcohol concentration not exceeding 50 mg/100 ml or an alcohol concentration in breath not exceeding 0.25 mg/l;
  • Driving over the speed limit by 20 km/h to 35 km/h.

3. Suspension of driver licenses from 03 to 05 months

For Motorcycle Drivers:

- Repeatedly or multiple violations of the following:

  • Letting go of both hands while driving; using feet to drive; driving while seated sideways; laying on the seat while driving; changing drivers while the vehicle is moving; turning the head back to drive or blindfolded driving;
  • Driving in a zigzag manner or swerving on urban and nonurban roads;
  • Driving on one wheel for two-wheeled vehicles, on two wheels for three-wheeled vehicles;
  • Driving in groups of more than two vehicles over the speed limit.

- Not complying with drug tests, alcohol tests requested by law enforcement.

- Driving after consuming alcohol with a blood alcohol concentration exceeding 80 mg/100 ml or a breath alcohol concentration exceeding 0.4 mg/l.

- Violating the following and causing traffic accidents or not complying with the stop order of law enforcement:

  • Letting go of both hands while driving; using feet to drive; driving while seated sideways; laying on the seat while driving; changing drivers while the vehicle is moving; turning the head back to drive or blindfolded driving;
  • Driving in a zigzag manner or swerving on urban and nonurban roads;
  • Driving on one wheel for two-wheeled vehicles, on two wheels for three-wheeled vehicles;
  • Driving in groups of more than two (2) vehicles over the speed limit.

- Illegal racing.

For Car Drivers:

- Driving with blood or breath alcohol concentration exceeding 50 mg to 80 mg/100 ml blood or 0.25 mg to 0.4 mg/l breath.

4. Suspension of car driver licenses from 04 to 06 months

- Driving in the opposite direction on highways, except emergency priority vehicles as prescribed.

- Driving with blood or breath alcohol concentration exceeding 80 mg/100 ml blood or 0.4 mg/l breath.

- Not complying with alcohol test requests from law enforcement.

- Not complying with drug test requests from law enforcement.

5. Suspension of car driver licenses from 22 to 24 months

For Motorcycle Drivers:

- Driving with drugs in the body (if holding a valid driver license).

For Car Drivers:

- Driving with drugs in the body.

Legal basis: Decree 46/2016/ND-CP effective on August 1, 2016.

- Nguyen Trinh -


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  • Address: 19 Nguyen Gia Thieu, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
    Phone: (028) 7302 2286
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