Vietnam: 06 sets of hydrometeorological data according to Circular 07/2016/TT-BTNMT

This is a notable content in Circular 07/2016/TT-BTNMT on the data sets, data standards, and the development, management of the national hydrometeorological database in Vietnam, effective on July 01, 2016.

Circular  07/2016/TT-BTNMT,  Regulation  on  06  meteorological  and  hydrological  data  sets

Vietnam: 06 sets of hydrometeorological data according to Circular 07/2016/TT-BTNMT (Illustrative image)

Under Article 3 of Circular 07/2016/TT-BTNMT, the hydrometeorological data set in Vietnam includes all hydrometeorological information and data as prescribed in Article 29 and information and data on climate change observation as prescribed in Clause 2, Article 34 of the Law on hydrometeorology 2015, arranged into the following 06 sets:

1. Dataset on hydrometeorological, oceanographic, air and water environmental monitoring, investigation, and survey in Vietnam includes:

- Meteorological information and data including the following 12 parameters: Radiation, atmospheric pressure, wind, evaporation, temperature (air, soil), humidity (air, soil), clouds, precipitation, visibility, sunshine duration, other meteorological phenomena according to technical monitoring standards;

- Hydrological information and data including the following 4 parameters: Water level, water discharge, suspended sediment discharge, water temperature;

- Oceanographic information and data including the following 10 parameters: Sea surface wind, sea visibility, sea level, sea waves, sea surface state, sea water temperature, sea water salinity, sea brightness, dangerous oceanic meteorological phenomena (swells, tsunamis, etc.), ocean currents.

- Ozone-ultraviolet radiation information and data including Total ozone amount, ultraviolet radiation intensity;

- Air environment information and data including Chemical composition of rainwater, physical parameters, chemical parameters of the air environment;

- Water environment information and data including Physical parameters, cand hemical parameters of river, lake, and seawater environments.

2. Dataset on hydrometeorological forecasting and warning in Vietnam includes:

- Hydrometeorological forecast and warning bulletins;

- Products of forecasting models;

- Charts, maps, images from satellites;

- Hydrometeorological situation notifications;

- Information and data received from international organizations, foreign organizations, and individuals;

- Information and data on hydrometeorological disasters.

3. Dataset on technical station records and hydrometeorological forecasting and warning licenses includes:

- Technical records of hydrometeorological monitoring stations, works, and devices;

- Records on issuance, renewal, suspension, and revocation of hydrometeorological forecasting and warning operation licenses;

- Technical records of climate change observation stations.

4. Dataset on climate change includes:

- National climate standards;

- National climate assessment results;

- Climate change scenarios;

- Information and data on greenhouse gas emissions and socio-economic activities related to greenhouse gas emissions;

- Information and data on the impact of hydrometeorological disasters and climate change on natural resources, the environment, ecosystems, living conditions, and socio-economic activities.

5. Dataset on scientific research, programs, and projects on hydrometeorology in Vietnam includes:

- Results of scientific research projects on hydrometeorology, climate change observation;

- Programs, proposals, projects on hydrometeorology, climate change observation;

- Films and photographs of hydrometeorological research subjects;

- Plans and results of weather modification activities.

6. Dataset on legal documents on hydrometeorology includes:

- Legal documents on meteorology, hydrology, and climate change observation;

- Standards, technical regulations, economic-technical norms on meteorology, hydrology, and climate change observation;

- Technical procedures and technical guidelines on meteorology, hydrology, and climate change observation;

- Information and data on activities to protect the ozone layer and manage ozone-depleting substances.

Details can be viewed in Circular 07/2016/TT-BTNMT effective from July 1, 2016.

Ty Na


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